
1912 Summer Olympics- Team Hungary

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Stockholm, Swedenmap
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1908 Summer Olympics
Team Hungary
Olympics Project

Succeeded by
1924 Summer Olympics
Team Hungary

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Olympics-Team Hungary
1912 Summer Olympics



Artistic Gymnastics

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Individual All-Around, MenElemér PásztiNoN/C13th
*Team All-Around, MenSILVER
Individual All-Around, MenJózsef SzalaiNoN/C15th
Individual All-Around, MenImre GellértNoN/C17th
Individual All-Around, MenJános KrizmanichNoN/C19th
*Team All-Around, MenSILVER
Team All-Around, MenJózsef BerkesNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenImre ErdődyNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenSamu FótiNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenGyőző HalmosNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenOttó HellmichNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenIstván HerczegNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenJózsef KeresztessyNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenLajos AradiNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenÁrpád PéderyNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenJenő RétiNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenFerenc SzűtsNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenÖdön TéryNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, MenGéza TuliNoN/CSILVER


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
100 metres, MenPál SzalayNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Relay, Men
*Long Jump, Men
100 metres, MenVilmos RáczNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Relay, Men
100 metres, MenIstván JankovichNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Relay, Men
100 metres, MenFerenc SzobotaNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Relay, Men
100 metres, MenErvin SzerelemhegyiNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*400 metres, Men
*800 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
200 metres, MenFrigyes Wiesner-MezeiNoN/C
*400 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
200 metres, MenIstván DévánNoN/C
*400 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
400 metres, MenÖdön BodorNoN/C
*800 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
800 metres, MenFerenc ForgácsNoN/C
*1,500 metres, Men
800 metres, MenKároly RadóczyNoN/C
1,500 metres, MenTeofil Savniky-MarschalkóNoN/C
Marathon, MenÖdön KárpátiNoN/C
Marathon, MenHenrik Ripszám, Jr.NoN/C
*10 kilometres Race Walk, Men
110 metres Hurdles, MenKároly SolymárNoN/C
10 kilometres Race Walk, MenIstván DrubinaNoN/C
High Jump, MenIván, Báró WardenerNoN/C9th
Long Jump, MenNándor KovácsNoN/C
Standing Long Jump, MenAndrás BaronyiNoN/C
Shot Put, MenImre MudinNoN/C6th
Discus Throw, MenRezső UjlakiNoN/C9th
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men14th
Discus Throw, MenKároly KobulszkyNoN/C19th
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men18th
Discus Throw, MenGyörgy LuntzerNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men
Discus Throw, MenSamu FótiNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenMór KóczánNoN/C
*Javelin Throw, MenBRONZE
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men12th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Road Race, Individual, MenIstván MüllerNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, Men12th
Road Race, Individual, MenJános HenzselNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, Men12th
Road Race, Individual, MenGyula MazurNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, Men12th
Road Race, Individual, MenIgnác TeiszenbergerNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, Men12th
Road Race, Individual, MenKároly TeppertNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, Men12th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Foil, Individual, MenLászló BertiNoN/C4th
*Sabre, Individual, Men
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Foil, Individual, MenBéla BékessyNoN/C7th
*Épée, Individual, Men
*Sabre, Individual, MenSILVER
Foil, Individual, MenPéter TóthNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men6th
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Foil, Individual, MenPál PajzsNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
Foil, Individual, MenZoltán SchenkerNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men4th
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Foil, Individual, MenBéla ZulawszkyNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
Foil, Individual, MenDezső FöldesNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Foil, Individual, MenBertalan DunayNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
Épée, Individual, MenPál De RostyNoN/C
Sabre, Individual, MenJenő FuchsNoN/CGOLD
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenErvin MészárosNoN/CBRONZE
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenLajos WerknerNoN/C7th
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Team, MenOszkár GerdeNoN/CGOLD


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Men'sGáspár BorbásNoN/C5th
Men'sImre SchlosserNoN/C5th
Men'sMihály PatakiNoN/C5th
Men'sSándor BodnárNoN/C5th
Men'sBéla SebestyénNoN/C5th
Men'sAntal VágóNoN/C5th
Men'sJenő KárolyNoN/C5th
Men'sGyula BíróNoN/C5th
Men'sImre PayerNoN/C5th
Men'sGyula RumboldNoN/C5th
Men'sLászló DomonkosNoN/C5th
Men'sKálmán SzuryNoN/C5th
Men'sZoltán BlumNoN/C5th
Men'sMiklós FeketeNoN/C5th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Single Sculls, MenJózsef MészárosNoN/C
Single Sculls, MenKároly LevitzkyNoN/C
Eights, MenIstván SzebenyNoN/C
Eights, MenArtúr BajánNoN/C
Eights, MenMiltiades MannoNoN/C
Eights, MenIstván JeneyNoN/C
Eights, MenLajos GráfNoN/C
Eights, MenMiklós SzebenyNoN/C
Eights, MenAntal SzebenyNoN/C
Eights, MenGyörgy SzebenyNoN/C
Eights, MenKálmán VaskóNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenSándor, Gróf Török de SzendrőNoN/C
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men9th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenZoltán Jelenffy-TóthNoN/C
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenElemér, Sir Bömches von BoorNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenRezső VelezNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men7th
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenLászló HaulerNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men7th
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
*Small Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenAladár FarkasNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenIstván PrihodaNoN/C
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenGéza MészölyNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, Men10th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenSándor ProkoppNoN/CGOLD
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenBéla DarányiNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
100 metres Freestyle, MenLászló BeleznaiNoN/C
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men
100 metres Freestyle, MenLászló SzentgróthyNoN/C
*100 Metres Backstroke, Men
100 metres Freestyle, MenAlajos KenyéryNoN/C
*400 Metres Freestyle, Men
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men
400 metres Freestyle, MenBéla Las-TorresNoN/C5th
1,500 metres Freestyle, Men
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men
100 metres Backstroke, MenAndrás BaronyiNoN/C4th
100 metres Backstroke, MenJános WenkNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenOszkár DemjánNoN/C
*400 Metres Breaststroke, Men


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Singles, MenBéla KehrlingNoN/C9th
*Doubles, Men9th
Singles, MenJenő ZsigmondyNoN/C17th
*Doubles, Men9th
Singles, MenAurél KelemenNoN/C17th
*Doubles, Men15th
Singles, MenLeó BaráthNoN/C
*Doubles, Men15th

Water Polo

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Men'sSándor ÁdámNoN/C5th
Men'sLászló BeleznaiNoN/C5th
Men'sTibor FazekasNoN/C5th
Men'sJenő Hégner-TóthNoN/C5th
Men'sKároly RémiNoN/C5th
Men'sJános WenkNoN/C5th
Men'sImre ZachárNoN/C5th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenJózsef PongráczNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenAndrás SzoszkyNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenÖdön RadványNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenDezső OroszNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenErnő MárkusNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenJózsef SándorNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenÁrpád SzántóNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenÁrpád MiskeyNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenRezső SomogyiNoN/C
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenBéla VargaNoN/CBRONZE

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