
1912 Summer Olympics- Team Sweden

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Stockholm, Swedenmap
This page has been accessed 139 times.
Preceded by
1908 Summer Olympics
Team Sweden
Olympics Project

Succeeded by
1920 Summer Olympics
Team Sweden

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Olympics-Team Sweden
1912 Summer Olympics



Artistic Gymnastics

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenPer BertilssonNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenCarl Ehrenfried CarlbergNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenNils GranfeltNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenCurt HartzellNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenOswald HolmbergNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenAnders HylanderNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenAxel JanseNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenBoo KullbergNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenSven LandbergNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenPer NilssonNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenBenkt NoreliusNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenAxel NorlingNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenDaniel NorlingNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenSven RosénNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenNils SilfverskiöldNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenCarl SilfverstrandNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenJohn SörensonNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenYngve StiernspetzNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenKarl-Erik SvenssonNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenKarl-Johan SvenssonNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenKnut TorellNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenEdward WennerholmNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenClaës-Axel WersällNoN/CGOLD
Team All-Around, Swedish System, MenDavid WimanNoN/CGOLD


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
100 metres, MenKnut LindbergNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*4 x 100 metres Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres, MenIvan MöllerNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*4 x 100 metres Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres, MenKarl August LutherNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*4 x 100 metres Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres, MenRolf SmedmarkNoN/C
*Standing High Jump, Men
100 metres, MenTure PersonNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*4 x 100 metres Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres, MenRagnar EkbergNoN/C
*Standing Long Jump, Men13th
100 metres, MenSkotte JacobssonNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*Triple Jump, Men17th
200 metres, MenKnut StenborgNoN/C
*400 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
200 metres, MenGösta MöllerNoN/C
*400 metres, Men
200 metres, MenKarl LindblomNoN/C
200 metres, MenEmil GrandellNoN/C
400 metres, MenEric LindholmNoN/C
*800 metres, Men
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
400 metres, MenPaul ZerlingNoN/C
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
400 metres, MenJohan DahlinNoN/C
*4 x 400 metres Relay, Men
800 metres, MenEvert BjörnNoN/C
*1,500 metres, Men
800 metres, MenErik FrisellNoN/C
800 metres, MenKarl HaglundNoN/C
1,500 metres, MenErnst WideNoN/C5th
*3,000 metres, Team, MenSILVER
1,500 metres, MenJohn ZanderNoN/C7th
*3,000 metres, Team, MenSILVER
1,500 metres, MenNils FrykbergNoN/C
*3,000 metres, Team, MenSILVER
5,000 metres, MenMauritz CarlssonNoN/C7th
*10,000 metres, Men
5,000 metres, MenHenrik NordströmNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Individual, Men
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
5,000 metres, MenThorild OlssonNoN/C
*3,000 metres, Team, MenSILVER
5,000 metres, MenBror ModighNoN/C
5,000 metres, MenKlas LundströmNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Individual, Men13th
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
5,000 metres, MenMartin PerssonNoN/C
*10,000 metres, Men
10,000 metres, MenJohn EkeNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Individual, MenBRONZE
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
10,000 metres, MenAlbert ÖbergNoN/C
10,000 metres, MenBrynolf LarssonNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Individual, Men9th
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
10,000 metres, MenBror FockNoN/C
*3,000 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Cross-Country, Individual, Men17th
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Marathon, MenSigfrid JacobssonNoN/C6th
Marathon, MenJacob WestbergNoN/C
Marathon, MenCarl AnderssonNoN/C
Marathon, MenHjalmar DahlbergNoN/C
Marathon, MenIvar LundbergNoN/C
Marathon, MenCarl NilssonNoN/C
Marathon, MenAlexis AhlgrenNoN/C
Marathon, MenThure BergvallNoN/C
Marathon, MenWilliam GrünerNoN/C
Marathon, MenDavid GuttmanNoN/C
Marathon, MenIvan LönnbergNoN/C
Marathon, MenGustaf TörnrosNoN/C
Cross Country, Individual, MenHjalmar AnderssonNoN/CSILVER
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenJosef TernströmNoN/C5th
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenJohan SundkvistNoN/C10th
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenGustaf CarlénNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenEdvin HellgrenNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenJohn KlintbergNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
Cross Country, Individual, MenAxel LindahlNoN/C
*Cross-Country, Team, MenGOLD
High Jump, MenKarl-Axel KullerstrandNoN/C8th
High Jump, MenGösta HallbergNoN/C
High Jump, MenRichard SjöbergNoN/C
*Pole Vault, Men
High Jump, MenRagnar MattsonNoN/C
High Jump, MenPaulus af UhrNoN/C
High Jump, MenGösta HolmérNoN/C
*Pentathlon, Men8th
*Decathlon, MenBRONZE
Standing High Jump, MenEdvard MöllerNoN/C4th
*Standing Long Jump, Men5th
Standing High Jump, MenKarl BerghNoN/C
*Standing Long Jump, Men18th
Standing High Jump, MenLeif EkmanNoN/C
Standing High Jump, MenHelmer MåhlNoN/C
Pole Vault, MenBertil UgglaNoN/CBRONZE
Pole Vault, MenCarl HårlemanNoN/C
Pole Vault, MenClas GilleNoN/C
Pole Vault, MenMagnus NilssonNoN/C
Pole Vault, MenHugo SvenssonNoN/C
Pole Vault, MenSander SantessonNoN/C
Long Jump, MenGeorg ÅbergNoN/CBRONZE
*Triple Jump, MenSILVER
Long Jump, MenCharles LombergNoN/C17th
*Pentathlon, Men16th
*Decathlon, MenSILVER
Long Jump, MenPatrik OhlssonNoN/C20th
*Triple Jump, Men15th
Long Jump, MenGustav BetzénNoN/C
Standing Long Jump, MenGustaf MalmstenNoN/C4th
Standing Long Jump, MenGustav LjunggrenNoN/C11th
Standing Long Jump, MenDouglas MelinNoN/C14th
Triple Jump, MenTopsy LindblomNoN/CGOLD
Triple Jump, MenErik AlmlöfNoN/CBRONZE
Triple Jump, MenHjalmar OhlssonNoN/C7th
Triple Jump, MenGustaf NordénNoN/C10th
Triple Jump, MenInge LindholmNoN/C12th
*Pentathlon, Men9th
Shot Put, MenEinar NilssonNoN/C7th
*Shot Put, Both Hands, Men5th
*Discus Throw, Men10th
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men4th
*Pentathlon, Men14th
Discus Throw, MenEmil MagnussonNoN/C8th
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, MenBRONZE
Discus Throw, MenGunnar NilssonNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men10th
Discus Throw, MenGunnar BolanderNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenCarl Johan LindNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men8th
*Hammer Throw, Men5th
Discus Throw, MenFolke FleetwoodNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Both Hands, Men7th
Discus Throw, MenHenning MöllerNoN/C
Discus Throw, Both Hands, MenEric LemmingYesConnected11th
*Javelin Throw, MenGOLD
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men4th
Discus Throw, Both Hands, MenNils LindeNoN/C9th
*Hammer Throw, Men7th
Hammer Throw, MenCarl JahnzonNoN/C8th
Hammer Throw, MenArvid ÅbergNoN/C10th
Hammer Throw, MenGunnar JohnsonNoN/C11th
Hammer Throw, MenViktor HackbergNoN/C13th
*Decathlon, Men
Javelin Throw, MenRichard ÅbrinkNoN/C6th
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men6th
Javelin Throw, MenHilding SonneNoN/C11th
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men14th
Javelin Throw, MenSvante OlssonNoN/C13th
Javelin Throw, MenWilliam KrigsmanNoN/C14th
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men13th
Javelin Throw, MenJanne DahlNoN/C15th
Javelin Throw, MenArvid OhrlingNoN/C16th
*Javelin Throw, Both Hands, Men10th
Javelin Throw, MenAlgot LarssonNoN/C
Javelin Throw, MenEskil FalkNoN/C
Javelin Throw, Both Hands, MenSten HaganderNoN/C11th
Pentathlon, MenNils FjästadNoN/C11th
Pentathlon, MenErik KugelbergNoN/C15th
*Decathlon, Men8th
Pentathlon, MenHugo EricsonNoN/C18th
Pentathlon, MenOscar LemmingYesConnected10th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Road Race, Individual, MenErik FriborgNoN/C7th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenRagnar MalmNoN/C8th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenAxel Wilhelm PerssonNoN/C9th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenAlgot LönnNoN/C10th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenAlex EkströmNoN/C12th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenHenrik MorénNoN/C15th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenWerner KarlssonNoN/C19th
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenGunnar BjörkNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenCarl LundquistNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenArvid PetterssonNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenHjalmar LevinNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD
Road Race, Individual, MenJosef LandsbergNoN/C
*Road Race, Team, MenGOLD


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Springboard, MenJohan JanssonNoN/C7th
*Platform, Men
*Plain High, MenBRONZE
Springboard, MenErnst EklundNoN/C
*Platform, Men
Springboard, MenErnst BrandstenNoN/C
*Platform, Men
*Plain High, Men7th
Springboard, MenTore NylundNoN/C
Springboard, MenErnfrid AppelqvistNoN/C
Springboard, MenEskil BroddNoN/C
Springboard, MenAxel RunströmNoN/C
*Plain High, Men6th
Springboard, MenErik TjäderNoN/C
Platform, MenErik AdlerzNoN/CGOLD
*Plain High, MenGOLD
Platform, MenGustaf BlomgrenNoN/CBRONZE
Platform, MenHjalmar JohanssonNoN/C4th
*Plain High, MenSILVER
Platform, MenHarald ArbinNoN/C6th
Platform, MenAlvin CarlssonNoN/C7th
Platform, MenGösta SjöbergNoN/C
Platform, MenRobert AnderssonNoN/C
Platform, MenJens StefensonNoN/C
*Plain High, Men
Plain High, MenViktor CrondahlNoN/C4th
Plain High, MenTorsten ErikssonNoN/C
Plain High, MenAlfred JohanssonNoN/C
Plain High, MenGunnar EkstrandNoN/C
Plain High, MenElis HolmerNoN/C
Plain High, MenSven MontanNoN/C
Plain High, WomenGreta JohanssonNoN/CGOLD
Plain High, WomenLisa RegnellNoN/CSILVER
Plain High, WomenElsa RegnellNoN/C4th
Plain High, WomenElla EklundNoN/C5th
Plain High, WomenElsa AnderssonNoN/C6th
Plain High, WomenSelma AnderssonNoN/C7th
Plain High, WomenTora LarssonNoN/C8th
Plain High, WomenGerda JohanssonNoN/C
Plain High, WomenDagmar NilssonNoN/C
Plain High, WomenEster EdströmNoN/C
Plain High, WomenWilly ThulinNoN/C
Plain High, WomenMärta AdlerzNoN/C

Equestrian Dressage

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Individual, MenCarl, Greve BondeNoN/CGOLD
Individual, MenGustaf Adolf Boltenstern, Sr.NoN/CSILVER
Individual, MenHans, Baron von Blixen-Finecke, Sr.NoN/CBRONZE
Individual, MenCarl RosenbladNoN/C5th
Individual, MenOscar af StrömNoN/C6th
Individual, MenCarl KruckenbergNoN/C8th

Equestrian Eventing

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Individual, MenAxel NordlanderNoN/CGOLD
*Team, MenGOLD
Individual, MenNils AdlercreutzNoN/C4th
*Team, MenGOLD
Individual, MenErnst CasparssonNoN/C5th
*Team, MenGOLD
Individual, MenHenric Horn af ÅminneNoN/C10th
*Team, MenGOLD

Equestrian Jumping

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Individual, MenErnst CasparssonNoN/C6th
Individual, MenNils AdlercreutzNoN/C6th
Individual, MenCharles LewenhauptNoN/C9th
Individual, MenGustaf LewenhauptNoN/C9th
*Team, MenGOLD
Individual, MenCarl-Axel TorénNoN/C13th
Individual, MenÅke HökNoN/C
Team, MenGustaf KilmanNoN/CGOLD
Team, MenHans von RosenNoN/CGOLD
Team, MenFredrik RosencrantzNoN/CGOLD


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Foil, Individual, MenKarl HjorthNoN/C
Foil, Individual, MenAxel JöhnckeNoN/C
*Sabre, Team, Men9th
Foil, Individual, MenRagnar GrönvallNoN/C
Foil, Individual, MenGustaf ArmgarthNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
Foil, Individual, MenGunnar BöösNoN/C
Foil, Individual, MenBirger PersonneNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
*Sabre, Team, Men9th
Épée, Individual, MenEinar SörensenNoN/C5th
*Épée, Team, Men4th
Épée, Individual, MenGustaf LindblomNoN/C
*Épée, Team, Men4th
Épée, Individual, MenGeorg BrantingNoN/C
*Épée, Team, Men4th
Épée, Individual, MenLouis, Greve SparreNoN/C
*Épée, Team, Men4th
Épée, Individual, MenKnut EnellNoN/C
Épée, Individual, MenÅke GrönhagenNoN/C
Sabre, Individual, MenMartin NordenströmNoN/C
Sabre, Individual, MenGunnar LindholmNoN/C
Sabre, Individual, MenCarl-Gustaf KlerckNoN/C
*Sabre, Team, Men9th
Sabre, Individual, MenHelge WernerNoN/C
*Sabre, Team, Men9th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Men'sKarl AnsénNoN/C9th
Men'sHelge EkrothNoN/C9th
Men'sErik BörjessonNoN/C9th
Men'sIvar SvenssonNoN/C9th
Men'sHerman MyhrbergNoN/C9th
Men'sKarl GustafssonNoN/C9th
Men'sGustaf SandbergNoN/C9th
Men'sRagnar WicksellNoN/C9th
Men'sJacob LevinNoN/C9th
Men'sErik BergströmNoN/C9th
Men'sJosef BörjessonNoN/C9th
Men'sErik DahlströmNoN/C9th
Men'sGötrik FrykmanNoN/C9th
Men'sKonrad TörnqvistNoN/C9th

Modern Pentathlon

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Men'sGösta LilliehöökNoN/CGOLD
Men'sGösta ÅsbrinkNoN/CSILVER
Men'sGeorg de LavalNoN/CBRONZE
Men'sÅke GrönhagenNoN/C4th
Men'sSidney StranneNoN/C6th
Men'sKarl MannströmNoN/C7th
Men'sGustaf WersällNoN/C9th
Men'sNils HæggströmNoN/C12th
Men'sPatrik de LavalNoN/C14th
Men'sGustaf LewenhauptNoN/C17th
Men'sEric CarlbergNoN/C
Men'sErik de LavalNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Coxed Fours, Outriggers, MenJohn LagerNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Outriggers, MenAxel ErikssonNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Outriggers, MenErnst WetterstrandNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Outriggers, MenGunnar LagerNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Outriggers, MenKarl SundholmNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenTure RosvallNoN/CSILVER
*Eights, Men
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenWilliam Bruhn-MöllerNoN/CSILVER
*Eights, Men
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenConrad BrunkmanNoN/CSILVER
*Eights, Men
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenHerman DahlbäckNoN/CSILVER
*Eights, Men
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenLeo WilkensNoN/CSILVER
*Eights, Men
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenTage JohnsonNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenAxel JohanssonNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenAxel GabrielssonNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenCharles GabrielssonNoN/C
Coxed Fours, Inriggers, MenWilhelm BrandesNoN/C
Eights, MenGustaf BrunkmanNoN/C
Eights, MenPer MattsonNoN/C
Eights, MenSebastian TammNoN/C
Eights, MenTed WachtmeisterNoN/C
Eights, MenBirger AmundinNoN/C
Eights, MenRagnar BergstedtNoN/C
Eights, MenGustaf BrobergNoN/C
Eights, MenSimeon EricssonNoN/C
Eights, MenIvar RybergNoN/C
Eights, MenAnders AlmqvistNoN/C
Eights, MenArvid SvendelNoN/C
Eights, MenLeif SörvikNoN/C
Eights, MenGillis AhlbergNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
6 metres, OpenHarald SandbergNoN/CBRONZE
6 metres, OpenEric SandbergNoN/CBRONZE
6 metres, OpenOtto AustNoN/CBRONZE
6 metres, OpenOlof MarkNoN/C4th
6 metres, OpenEdvin HagbergNoN/C4th
6 metres, OpenJonas JonssonNoN/C4th
8 metres, OpenBengt HeymanNoN/CSILVER
8 metres, OpenEmil HenriquesNoN/CSILVER
8 metres, OpenHerbert WestermarkNoN/CSILVER
8 metres, OpenNils WestermarkNoN/CSILVER
8 metres, OpenAlvar ThielNoN/CSILVER
8 metres, OpenFritz SjöqvistNoN/C5th
8 metres, OpenArvid SjöqvistNoN/C5th
8 metres, OpenRagnar GripeNoN/C5th
8 metres, OpenTorsten GrönforsNoN/C5th
8 metres, OpenGustaf MånssonNoN/C5th
8 metres, OpenEmil HagströmNoN/C5th
10 metres, OpenCarl HellströmNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenErik WalleriusNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenHarald WallinNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenHumbert LundénNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenHerman NybergNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenHarry RosenswärdNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenPaul IsbergNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenFilip EricsonNoN/CGOLD
10 metres, OpenWilhelm ForsbergNoN/C4th
10 metres, OpenBjörn BothénNoN/C4th
10 metres, OpenBertil BothénNoN/C4th
10 metres, OpenErik LindénNoN/C4th
10 metres, OpenErik WallerNoN/C4th
10 metres, OpenArvid PerslowNoN/C4th
12 metres, OpenHugo ClasonNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenNils PerssonNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenHugo SällströmNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenIwan LambyNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenKurt BergströmNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenDick BergströmNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenErik LindqvistNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenPer BergmanNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenSigurd KanderNoN/CSILVER
12 metres, OpenFolke JohnsonNoN/CSILVER


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenGeorg de LavalNoN/C4th
*Free Pistol, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men7th
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenErik BoströmNoN/C5th
*Free Pistol, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men17th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men8th
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenIvan TörnmarckNoN/C11th
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men5th
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenEric CarlbergNoN/C12th
*Free Pistol, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men6th
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres,Team, MenGOLD
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men17th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men20th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Team, MenGOLD
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenVilhelm CarlbergNoN/C16th
*Free Pistol, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men15th
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres,Team, MenGOLD
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men
*Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, MenGOLD
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Team, MenGOLD
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenFredrik NyströmNoN/C
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men15th
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenRobert LöfmanNoN/C
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men10th
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenPaul PalénNoN/C
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, MenSILVER
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres,Team, MenGOLD
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenGideon EricssonNoN/C
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, MenBRONZE
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenGustaf BoivieNoN/C
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men11th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men15th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Team, MenGOLD
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenGustaf StiernspetzNoN/C
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenHugo CederschiöldNoN/C
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men
Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, MenHübner von HolstNoN/CBRONZE
*Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men9th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, MenSILVER
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Team, MenGOLD
Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, MenPatrik de LavalNoN/C13th
Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, MenFrans-Albert SchartauNoN/C18th
Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, MenAxel GyllenkrokNoN/C18th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men6th
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenHugo JohanssonNoN/C4th
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenBernhard LarssonNoN/C6th
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenTönnes BjörkmanNoN/C8th
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men14th
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenErik BlomqvistNoN/C10th
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenGustaf Adolf JonssonNoN/C11th
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men16th
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenMauritz ErikssonNoN/C14th
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenWerner JernströmNoN/C20th
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men6th
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenCarl BjörkmanNoN/C
*Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Team, MenGOLD
*Military Rifle, 200, 400, 500 and 600 metres, Team, MenBRONZE
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenRobert JonssonNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenAugust WikströmNoN/C
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenNils SkogNoN/C
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenPer-Olof ArvidssonNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, Men18th
*Running Target, Single Shot, Men
*Running Target, Single Shot, Team, MenGOLD
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men5th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenNils RomanderNoN/C5th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenCarl FlodströmNoN/C8th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenErik JonssonNoN/C19th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenPer August StridfeldtNoN/C20th
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenErik OhlssonNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenTorsten NyströmNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenArvid HoflundNoN/C
Military Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenKarl WallenborgNoN/C
*Military Rifle, Any Position, 600 metres, Men11th
Military Rifle, Any Position, 300 metres, MenEmil GustafssonNoN/C15th
Military Rifle, Any Position, 300 metres, MenCarl-Johan SundNoN/C
Military Rifle, Any Position, 300 metres, MenLeon LagerlöfNoN/C
Military Rifle, Any Position, 300 metres, MenRuben ÖrtegrenNoN/C
*Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, Men19th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, MenAxel WahlstedtNoN/C11th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men
Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, MenArthur NordenswanNoN/C16th
*Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, Team, MenSILVER
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men
Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, MenErnst JohanssonNoN/C20th
Small-Bore Rifle, Any Position, 50 metres, MenErik OdelbergNoN/C
*Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target, 25 metres, Men11th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenÅke LundebergNoN/CSILVER
*Running Target, Single Shot, Team, MenGOLD
*Running Target, Double Shot, MenGOLD
*Trap, Men20th
*Trap, Team, Men4th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenKarl LarssonNoN/C4th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenOscar SwahnNoN/C5th
*Running Target, Single Shot, Team, MenGOLD
*Running Target, Double Shot, MenBRONZE
*Trap, Men
Running Target, Single Shot, MenKarl LarssonNoN/C6th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenAnders LindskogNoN/C5th
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men6th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenAdolph CederströmNoN/C8th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenJohan EkmanNoN/C11th
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men13th
*Trap, Men
*Trap, Team, Men4th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenErik Sökjer-PetersénNoN/C12th
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men7th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenGustaf LymanNoN/C15th
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men9th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenEmil LindewaldNoN/C
*Running Target, Double Shot, Men8th
Running Target, Single Shot, MenEdward BenedicksNoN/C
*Running Target, Double Shot, MenSILVER
*Trap, Men
Running Target, Double Shot, MenHjalmar FrisellNoN/C12th
*Trap, Men
*Trap, Team, Men4th
Running Target, Double Shot, MenWilhelm DybäckNoN/C14th
Trap, MenVictor WallenbergNoN/C
*Trap, Team, Men
Trap, MenHerman ErikssonNoN/C
Trap, MenHerman NybergNoN/C
Trap, MenOtto BökmanNoN/C
Trap, MenCarl WollertNoN/C
*Trap, Team, Men
Trap, MenNils KleinNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
Connected to the tree
Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
100 metres Freestyle, MenRobert AnderssonNoN/C
100 metres Freestyle, MenErik BergqvistNoN/C
100 metres Freestyle, MenHarald JulinNoN/C
*200 metres Breaststroke, Men
100 metres Freestyle, MenErik AnderssonNoN/C
400 metres Freestyle, MenEskil WedholmNoN/C
*1,500 metres Freestyle, Men
400 metres Freestyle, MenNils-Erik HaglundNoN/C
400 metres Freestyle, MenDavid TheanderNoN/C
1,500 metres Freestyle, MenWille AnderssonNoN/C
1,500 metres Freestyle, MenGustav CollinNoN/C
100 metres Backstroke, MenGunnar SundmanNoN/C
100 metres Backstroke, MenÅke BergmanNoN/C
100 metres Backstroke, MenHugo LundevallNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenThor HenningNoN/C
*400 metres Breaststroke, MenSILVER
200 metres Breaststroke, MenPontus HansonNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenNils AnderssonNoN/C
*400 metres Breaststroke, Men
200 metres Breaststroke, MenFredrik LöwenadlerNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenSven HansonNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenOscar HamrénNoN/C
100 metres Freestyle, WomenVera ThulinNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Freestyle Relay, Women4th
100 metres Freestyle, WomenKarin LundgrenNoN/C
100 metres Freestyle, WomenGreta CarlssonNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Freestyle Relay, Women4th
100 metres Freestyle, WomenSonja JohnssonNoN/C
*4 x 100 metres Freestyle Relay, Women4th
100 metres Freestyle, WomenElsa BjörklundNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Singles, MenCharles WennergrenNoN/C9th
*Doubles, Men5th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men9th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Men7th
Singles, MenFrans MöllerNoN/C17th
*Doubles, Men15th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men16th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Mixed7th
Singles, MenWollmar BoströmNoN/C17th
*Doubles, Men5th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men16th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Men5th
Singles, MenGunnar SetterwallNoN/C17th
*Doubles, MixedSILVER
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men5th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, MenSILVER
Singles, MenTorsten GrönforsNoN/C17th
*Doubles, Men15th
*Doubles, Mixed4th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men9th
Singles, MenHakon LefflerNoN/C
*Singles, Covered Courts, Men16th
Singles, MenCurt BenckertNoN/C
*Doubles, Men5th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Men5th
Doubles, MenCarl-Olof NylénNoN/C5th
*Doubles, Mixed5th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Men7th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Mixed7th
Singles, Covered Courts, MenLennart SilfverstolpeNoN/C16th
Singles, WomenEdith ArnheimNoN/C4th
*Doubles, Mixed5th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Women5th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Mixed7th
Singles, WomenAnnie HolmströmNoN/C5th
*Doubles, Mixed4th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Women5th
Singles, WomenMargareta CederschiöldNoN/C5th
*Singles, Covered Courts, Women8th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, Mixed4th
Singles, WomenSigrid FickNoN/C7th
*Doubles, MixedSILVER
*Singles, Covered Courts, Women4th
*Doubles, Covered Courts, MixedBRONZE
Singles, WomenEllen BrusewitzNoN/C7th
Doubles, Covered Courts, MixedEbba HayNoN/C7th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
Connected to the tree
Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Men'sAdolf BergmanNoN/CGOLD
Men'sArvid AnderssonNoN/CGOLD
Men'sJohan EdmanNoN/CGOLD
Men'sErik FredrikssonNoN/CGOLD
Men'sCarl JonssonNoN/CGOLD
Men'sErik LarssonNoN/CGOLD
Men'sAugust GustafssonNoN/CGOLD
Men'sHerbert LindströmNoN/CGOLD

Water Polo

Event Name Wikitree Profile
Connected to the tree
Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Men'sTorsten KumfeldtNoN/CSILVER
Men'sHarald JulinNoN/CSILVER
Men'sPontus HansonNoN/CSILVER
Men'sRobert AnderssonNoN/CSILVER
Men'sMax GumpelNoN/CSILVER
Men'sWille AnderssonNoN/CSILVER
Men'sErik BergqvistNoN/CSILVER


Event Name Wikitree Profile
Connected to the tree
Connected or N/C
Medal / Rank
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenErik ÖbergNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenHugo JohanssonNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenHarry LarssonNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenCarl-Georg AnderssonNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenArvid BeckmanNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenKarl KarlssonNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenEwald PerssonNoN/C
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenBruno ÅkessonNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenGustaf MalmströmNoN/CSILVER
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenEdvin MathiassonNoN/CBRONZE
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenCarl Erik LundNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenJohan NilssonNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenGottfrid SvenssonNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenHugo BjörklundNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenBror FlygareNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenCarl JohnsonNoN/C
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenRudolf RydströmNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenClaes JohansonNoN/CGOLD
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenEdvin FältströmNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenMauritz AnderssonNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenFritz JohanssonNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenAxel FrankNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenTheodor BergqvistNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenTheodor DahlbergNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenSven OhlssonNoN/C
Middleweight A, Greco-Roman, MenViktor MelinNoN/C
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenAnders AhlgrenNoN/CSILVER
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenJohan AnderssonNoN/C
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenErnst NilssonNoN/C
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenKarl EkmanNoN/C
Middleweight B, Greco-Roman, MenRagnar FogelmarkNoN/C
Heavyweight B, Greco-Roman, MenGustaf LindstrandNoN/C
Heavyweight B, Greco-Roman, MenDavid KarlssonNoN/C
Heavyweight B, Greco-Roman, MenAlrik SandbergNoN/C

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