
1928 Summer Olympics - Team Italy

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlandsmap
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Preceded by
1924 Summer Olympics
Team Italy
Olympics Project

Succeeded by
1932 Summer Olympics
Team Italy

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Olympics-Team Italy
1928 Summer Olympics


Art Competitions

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Medal / Rank
Architecture, Further Entries, OpenOttorino AloisioNoN/C
. Duilio TorresNoN/C
. Oscar PratiNoN/C
. Paolo Vietti VioliNoN/C
. Fernando BiscacciantiNoN/C
Literature, Dramatic Works, OpenAdolfo Lauro De BosisYesN/CSILVER
Literature, Lyric Works, OpenBruno FattoriNoN/C
Painting, Paintings, OpenFerruccio PasquiNoN/C
Sculpturing, Medals And Reliefs, OpenGiuseppe CassioliNoN/C
Sculpturing, Statues, OpenCarlo FontanaNoN/C

Artistic Gymnastics

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Medal / Rank
Individual All-Around, Men /Team All-Around, Men /Horse Vault, Men /Parallel Bars, Men /Horizontal Bar, Men /Rings, Men /Pommelled Horse, MenRomeo NeriNoN/C
. Mario LertoraNoN/C
. Vittorio LucchettiNoN/C
.Ferdinando MandriniNoN/C
. Giuseppe LupiNoN/C
. Mario TambiniNoN/C
. Giuseppe ParisNoN/C
. Ezio RoselliNoN/C
Horizontal Bar, MenRomeo NeriNoN/CSILVER
Team All-Around, WomenBianca AmbrosettiNoN/CSILVER
. Lavinia Gianani NoN/C
. Luigina Perversi NoN/C
.Diana Pissavini NoN/C
. Luigina Giavotti NoN/C
.Anna Luisa Tanzini NoN/C
.Carolina Tronconi NoN/C
.Ines Vercesi NoN/C
.Rita Vittadini NoN/C
.Virginia Giorgi NoN/C
.Germana Malabarba NoN/C
.Carla MarangoniNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
100 metres, Men /200 metres, Men /4 × 100 metres Relay, MenEdgardo ToettiNoN/C
100 metres, Men /4 × 100 metres Relay, Men Franco ReiserNoN/C
200 metres, Men /4 × 100 metres Relay, MenGiuseppe CastelliNoN/C
800 metres, Men /4 × 400 metres Relay, MenGuido CominottoNoN/C
800 metres, Men /4 × 400 metres Relay, MenEttore TavernariNoN/C
1,500 metres, MenLuigi BeccaliNoN/C
Marathon, MenGiuseppe FerreraNoN/C
Marathon, MenRomeo BertiniNoN/C
Marathon, MenAttilio ContonNoN/C
Marathon, MenStefano NataleNoN/C
110 metres Hurdles, Men /4 × 400 metres Relay, MenGiacomo CarliniNoN/C
400 metres Hurdles, Men /4 × 400 metres Relay, MenLuigi FacelliNoN/C
3,000 metres Steeplechase, MenNello BartoliniNoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, Men /Long Jump, MenEnrico Torre NoN/C
Long Jump, MenVirgilio TommasiNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenAlbino PighiNoN/C
Discus Throw, Men /Hammer Throw, MenCamillo ZemiNoN/C
Hammer Throw, MenArmando PoggioliYesN/C
100 metres, Women /4 × 100 metres Relay, WomenDerna PolazzoNoN/C
100 metres, Women /4 × 100 metres Relay, WomenLuigia BonfantiNoN/C
100 metres, WomenMatilde MoraschiNoN/C
800 metres, Women /4 × 100 metres Relay, WomenGiannina MarchiniNoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, WomenVittorina Vivenza NoN/C
Discus Throw, WomenPierina BorsaniNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Flyweight, MenCarlo CavagnoliNoN/CBRONZE
Bantamweight, MenVittorio TamagniniYesN/CGOLD
Featherweight, MenFausto MontefioriNoN/C
Lightweight, MenCarlo OrlandiNoN/CGOLD
Welterweight, MenRomano CanevaNoN/C
Middleweight, MenPiero ToscaniNoN/CGOLD
Light-Heavyweight, MenDomenico CeccarelliNoN/C

Cycling Road

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Medal / Rank
Road Race, Individual, Men /Road Race, Team, MenAllegro GrandiNoN/C
. Michele OrecchiaNoN/C
.Ambrogio BerettaNoN/C
.Marcello NeriNoN/C

Cycling Track

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Medal / Rank
Sprint, MenEdoardo SevergniniNoN/C
1,000 metres Time Trial, MenAngelo CattaneoNoN/C
Tandem Sprint, 2,000 metres, MenFrancesco MalatestaNoN/C
Tandem Sprint, 2,000 metres, MenAdolfo CorsiNoN/C
Team Pursuit, 4,000 metres, MenLuigi Tasselli NoN/CGOLD
.Giacomo GaioniYesN/CGOLD
. Cesare Facciani NoN/CGOLD
.Mario LusianiNoN/CGOLD


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Medal / Rank
Springboard, MenLuciano CozziNoN/C
Platform, MenEzio SelvaNoN/C
. Luigi CangiulloNoN/C

Equestrian Eventing

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Medal / Rank
Individual, Men /Team, MenGiuseppe ValenzanoNoN/C
. Eugenio CerboneschiNoN/C
. Tommaso Lequio di AssabaNoN/C

Equestrian Jumping

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Medal / Rank
Individual, Men /Team, MenFrancesco ForquetNoN/C
. Alessandro, Conte Bettoni CazzagoYesN/C
.Tommaso Lequio di AssabaNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Foil, Individual, MenGiulio GaudiniYesN/CBRONZE
Foil, Individual, MenOreste PulitiNoN/C
Foil, Individual, MenUgo PignottiNoN/C
Foil, Team, MenUgo Pignotti NoN/CGOLD
Foil, Team, Men Giulio Gaudini YesN/CGOLD
Foil, Team, MenGiorgio Pessina NoN/CGOLD
Foil, Team, Men Gioacchino Guaragna NoN/CGOLD
Foil, Team, MenOreste Puliti NoN/CGOLD
Foil, Team, MenGiorgio ChiavacciNoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenGiulio Basletta NoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenMarcello BertinettiNoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenGiancarlo Cornaggia-Medici NoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenCarlo Agostoni NoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenRenzo Minoli NoN/CGOLD
Épée, Team, MenFranco RiccardiNoN/CGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenBino BiniNoN/CBRONZE
Sabre, Individual, MenGustavo MarziNoN/C
Sabre, Individual, MenArturo De VecchiNoN/C
Sabre, Team, Men Bino Bini NoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenOreste Puliti NoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenGiulio Sarrocchi NoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenRenato Anselmi NoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenEmilio Salafia NoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenGustavo MarziNoN/CSILVER


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Medal / Rank
Football, Men Gianpiero CombiNoN/CBRONZE
.Delfo Bellini NoN/C
.Umberto Caligaris NoN/C
.Alfredo Pitto NoN/C
.Fulvio Bernardini YesN/C
.Pietro Genovesi NoN/C
.Adolfo Baloncieri NoN/C
.Elvio Banchero NoN/C
.Angelo SchiavioNoN/C
.Mario Magnozzi NoN/C
. Virgilio Levratto NoN/C
.Giovanni De Prà NoN/C
.Virginio Rosetta YesN/C
.Silvio Pietroboni NoN/C
. Antonio Janni NoN/C
.Enrico Rivolta NoN/C
.Gino RossettiNoN/C

Modern Pentathlon

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Individual, MenEugenio PagniniNoN/C
. Luigi PetrilloNoN/C
. Carlo SimonettiNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Single Sculls, MenMichelangelo BernasconiNoN/C
Double Sculls, MenAdriano Tuzi YesN/C
Mario MelchiorriNoN/C
Coxless Pairs, MenRomeo SistiNoN/C
. Nino BolzoniNoN/C
Coxed Pairs, MenPier Luigi Vestrini NoN/C
. Renzo Vestrini NoN/C
.Cesare MilaniNoN/C
Coxless Fours, MenCesare Rossi NoN/CBRONZE
. Pietro Freschi NoN/CBRONZE
. Umberto Bonadè NoN/CBRONZE
.Paolo GennariNoN/CBRONZE
Coxed Fours, Men Valerio Perentin NoN/CGOLD
.Giliante D'Este NoN/CGOLD
.Nicolò Vittori NoN/CGOLD
.Giovanni DeliseNoN/CGOLD
. Renato PetronioNoN/CGOLD
Eights, MenMedardo LambertiNoN/C
.Arturo Moroni NoN/C
.Vittore Stocchi NoN/C
.Guglielmo Carubbi NoN/C
.Amilcare Canevari NoN/C
. Medardo Galli NoN/C
.Giulio Lamberti NoN/C
.Benedetto Borella NoN/C
.Angelo PolledriNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
One Person Dinghy, OpenTito NordioNoN/C
6 metres, OpenFrancesco Cameli NoN/C
.Giacomo, Conte TarsisNoN/C
.Giovanni Leone Reggio NoN/C
. Giuliano Oberti NoN/C
.Massimo ObertiNoN/C
8 metres, OpenCarlo Alberto D'Albertis NoN/C
. Edoardo Moscatelli NoN/C
.Francesco Giovanelli NoN/C
.Guido GiovanelliNoN/C
. Marcantonio De Beaumont-Bonelli NoN/C
. Mario BruzzoneNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
100 metres Freestyle, Men /4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men Antonio ConelliNoN/C
100 metres Freestyle, Men /4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men Emilio PolliNoN/C
400 metres Freestyle, Men /4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men Paolo CostoliNoN/C
1,500 metres Freestyle, Men /4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenGiuseppe PerentinNoN/C
1,500 metres Freestyle, MenGiovanni GambiNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Featherweight, MenPierino GabettiNoN/CSILVER
Featherweight, MenGiuseppe ConcaNoN/C
Lightweight, MenGastone PieriniNoN/C
Middleweight, MenCarlo GalimbertiNoN/CSILVER
Heavyweight, Men Giuseppe TonaniNoN/C
Heavyweight, Men Francesco MercoliNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Bantamweight, Greco-Roman, MenGiovanni GozziNoN/CBRONZE
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenGerolamo QuagliaNoN/CBRONZE
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenPiero PostiniNoN/C
Middleweight, Greco-Roman, MenEnrico BonassinNoN/C
Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenAleardo DonatiNoN/C

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