
1936 Summer Olympics - Team Sweden

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Berlin, Germanymap
Profile manager: Maureen Ahern private message [send private message]
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Preceded by
1932 Summer Olympics
Team Sweden
Olympics Project

Succeeded by
1948 Summer Olympics
Team Sweden

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1936 Summer Olympics


Art Competitions

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Medal / Rank
Painting, Drawings And Water Colors, Open /Painting, Paintings, OpenGeorg LagerstedtNoN/C
Painting, Paintings, OpenEngelbert Bertel-NordströmNoN/C
.Gustaf FjæstadNoN/C
. Olle NordbergNoN/C
.Folke PerssonNoN/C
. Gunnar TorhamnNoN/C
.Helge ZandénNoN/C
Painting, Unknown Event, OpenLouise BianchiniNoN/C
.Ossian ElgströmNoN/C
.Carl GunneNoN/C
.Gerhard GyllenhammarNoN/C
. Stig Munthe-SandbergNoN/C
.John SjösvärdNoN/C
.Bengt TandbergNoN/C
Sculpturing, Medals, OpenSimon GateNoN/C
. Edward HaldNoN/C
. Vicke LindstrandNoN/C
Sculpturing, Statues, OpenStig BlombergNoN/CBRONZE
. Ansgar AlmquistNoN/C
. Carl FagerbergNoN/C
.Arvid KällströmNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
100 metres, Men Lennart StrandbergNoN/C
100 metres, MenLennart LindgrenNoN/C
400 metres, MenBertil von WachenfeldtNoN/C
400 metres, MenOlle DanielssonNoN/C
400 metres, MenSven StrömbergNoN/C
1,500 metres, MenEric NyNoN/C
5,000 metres, MenHenry JonssonNoN/CBRONZE
5,000 metres, MenBror HellströmNoN/C
5,000 metres, MenÅke JanssonNoN/C
10,000 metres, MenHenning SundessonNoN/C
Marathon, MenThore EnochssonNoN/C
Marathon, MenHenry PalméNoN/C
110 metres Hurdles, MenHåkan LidmanNoN/C
400 metres Hurdles, MenKell AreskougNoN/C
3,000 metres Steeplechase, MenLars LarssonNoN/C
3,000 metres Steeplechase, MenHarry HolmqvistNoN/C
3,000 metres Steeplechase, MenHarry EkmanNoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, MenLennart Lindgren NoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, MenIrvin TernströmNoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, MenÖsten Sandström NoN/C
4 × 100 metres Relay, Men /Long Jump, MenÅke Stenqvist NoN/C
4 × 400 metres Relay, MenSven Strömberg NoN/C
4 × 400 metres Relay, Men Per-Olof EdfeldtNoN/C
4 × 400 metres Relay, MenOlle Danielsson NoN/C
4 × 400 metres Relay, MenBertil von Wachenfeldt NoN/C
50 kilometres Race Walk, MenEvald SegerströmNoN/C
50 kilometres Race Walk, MenDick LöfNoN/C
50 kilometres Race Walk, MenGösta GrandinNoN/C
High Jump, MenÅke ÖdmarkNoN/C
Pole Vault, Men /Triple Jump, MenBo LjungbergNoN/C
Triple Jump, MenLennart AnderssonNoN/C
Shot Put, MenGunnar BerghNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenGunnar BerghNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenÅke HedvallNoN/C
Discus Throw, MenHarald AnderssonNoN/C
Hammer Throw, MenFred WarngårdNoN/CBRONZE
Hammer Throw, MenGunnar JanssonNoN/C
Hammer Throw, MenEvert LinnéNoN/C
Javelin Throw, MenLennart AtterwallNoN/C
Decathlon, MenOlle BexellNoN/C
Decathlon, MenLeif DahlgrenNoN/C
Discus Throw, WomenBirgit LundströmNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Flyweight, MenSture HållbergNoN/C
Bantamweight, MenStig CederbergNoN/C
Lightweight, MenErik ÅgrenNoN/CBRONZE
Heavyweight, Men Olle TandbergNoN/C

Canoe Marathon

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Medal / Rank
Kayak Singles, 10,000 metres, MenNils WallinNoN/C
Kayak Doubles, 10,000 metres, MenTage Fahlborg NoN/CBRONZE
Kayak Doubles, 10,000 metres, MenHelge LarssonNoN/CBRONZE
Folding Kayak Singles, 10,000 metres, MenLennart DozziNoN/C
Folding Kayak Doubles, 10,000 metres, Men Sven Johansson NoN/CGOLD
Folding Kayak Doubles, 10,000 metres, MenErik BladströmNoN/CGOLD

Canoe Sprint

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Medal / Rank
Kayak Singles, 1,000 metres, MenJoel RamqvistNoN/C
Kayak Doubles, 1,000 metres, MenSixten JanssonNoN/C
. Gunnar LundqvistNoN/C

Cycling Road

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Medal / Rank
Road Race, Individual, Men /Road Race, Team, MenArne Berg NoN/C
. Berndt CarlssonNoN/C
.Ingvar EricssonNoN/C
. Sven JohanssonNoN/C
. .NoN/C

Cycling Track

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Medal / Rank
1,000 metres Time Trial, MenJonas PerssonNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Platform, MenGösta ÖlanderNoN/C
Platform, WomenIngeborg SjöqvistNoN/C
. Ann-Margret NirlingNoN/C

Equestrian Dressage

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Medal / Rank
Team, MenGregor AdlercreutzNoN/CBRONZE
. Sven CollianderNoN/CBRONZE
.Folke SandströmNoN/CBRONZE

Equestrian Eventing

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Individual, Men /Team, MenCarl-Adam StjernswärdNoN/C
.Henri Saint CyrNoN/C
. Gustaf NyblaeusNoN/C

Equestrian Jumping

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Medal / Rank
Individual, Men /Team, MenArne FranckeNoN/C
. Rolf ÖrnNoN/C
. Prins Gustaf AdolfNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Foil, Individual, Men /Sabre, Individual, Men /Sabre, Team, MenBengt LjungquistNoN/C
Foil, Individual, Men /Sabre, Individual, Men /Sabre, Team, MenIvar TingdahlNoN/C
Foil, Individual, Men /Sabre, Individual, Men /Sabre, Team, MenHubert de BèscheNoN/C
Épée, Individual, MenHans DrakenbergNoN/C
Épée, Individual, MenHans GranfeltNoN/C
Épée, Individual, MenGustaf DyrssenNoN/C
Épée, Team, MenHans Granfelt NoN/CSILVER
Épée, Team, MenSven Thofelt NoN/CSILVER
Épée, Team, MenGösta AlmgrenNoN/CSILVER
Épée, Team, Men Gustaf Dyrssen NoN/CSILVER
Épée, Team, MenHans Drakenberg NoN/CSILVER
Épée, Team, MenBirger CederinNoN/CSILVER
Sabre, Team, MenKnut Nordholm NoN/C
Sabre, Team, Men Carl Johan Wachtmeister NoN/C
Foil, Individual, WomenBerit GranquistNoN/C
Foil, Individual, WomenEbba GripenstedtNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Football, MenÅke HallmanNoN/C
.Arvid Emanuelsson NoN/C
.Erik Källström NoN/C
.Erik PerssonNoN/C
.Otto Andersson NoN/C
. Gustaf Josefsson NoN/C
.Karl-Erik Grahn NoN/C
.Sven Bergquist NoN/C
.Sven JonassonNoN/C
.Viktor CarlundNoN/C
.Torsten Johansson NoN/C

Modern Pentathlon

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Individual, MenSven ThofeltNoN/C
.Georg von BoismanNoN/C
. Ebbe GyllenstiernaNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Coxed Fours, MenErik JohanssonNoN/C
. Carl SjöblomNoN/C
.Lars Larsson NoN/C
.Harry Sköld NoN/C
.Sven Tisell NoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
One Person Dinghy, OpenCharles ErikssonNoN/C
.Anton StrömNoN/C
Two Person Keelboat, OpenArvid LaurinNoN/CSILVER
.Uno WallentinNoN/CSILVER
6 metres, OpenDagmar SalénNoN/CBRONZE
.Lennart EkdahlNoN/CBRONZE
.Martin Hindorff NoN/CBRONZE
.Sven Salén NoN/CBRONZE
.Torsten LordNoN/CBRONZE
8 metres, OpenBo Westerberg NoN/C
. Detlow von BraunNoN/C
. Marcus Wallenberg NoN/C
. Per Gedda NoN/C
.Tore HolmNoN/C
.Wilhelm MobergNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Rapid-Fire Pistol, 25 metres, MenTorsten UllmanNoN/CBRONZE
Rapid-Fire Pistol, 25 metres, Men /Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenHelge MeullerNoN/C
Rapid-Fire Pistol, 25 metres, MenHenrik LönnbergNoN/C
Free Pistol, 50 metres, MenTorsten UllmanNoN/CGOLD
Free Pistol, 50 metres, Men Gustaf BergströmNoN/C
Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, MenBertil RönnmarkNoN/C
Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, MenErland KochNoN/C
Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres, MenKarl August LarssonNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men /100 metres Backstroke, MenBjörn BorgNoN/C
4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSten-Olof Bolldén NoN/C
4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSven PetterssonNoN/C
4 × 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenGunnar Werner NoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, WomenKerstin IsbergNoN/C

Water Polo

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Water Polo, MenÅke Nauman NoN/C
. Bertil Berg NoN/C
.Tore Ljungqvist NoN/C
.Gösta PerssonNoN/C
.Erik HolmNoN/C
. Georg SvenssonNoN/C
.Göte Andersson NoN/C
.Tore LindzénNoN/C
. Runor Sandström NoN/C
. Sven Pettersson NoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Lightweight, MenJens BjörklundNoN/C
Middleweight, MenStefan LindebergNoN/C


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Medal / Rank
Bantamweight, Greco-Roman, MenEgon SvenssonNoN/CSILVER
Featherweight, Greco-Roman, MenEinar KarlssonNoN/CBRONZE
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenHerbert OlofssonNoN/C
Welterweight, Greco-Roman, MenRudolf SvedbergNoN/CGOLD
Middleweight, Greco-Roman, MenIvar JohanssonNoN/CGOLD
Light-Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenAxel CadierNoN/CGOLD
Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenJohn NymanNoN/CSILVER
Bantamweight, Freestyle, MenHerman TuvessonNoN/C
Featherweight, Freestyle, MenGösta JönssonNoN/CBRONZE
Lightweight, Freestyle, MenGöte MelinNoN/C
Welterweight, Freestyle, MenThure AnderssonNoN/CSILVER
Middleweight, Freestyle, MenLudvig LindblomNoN/C
Light-Heavyweight, Freestyle, MenKnut FridellNoN/CGOLD
Heavyweight, Freestyle, MenNils ÅkerlindhNoN/C

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