Location: Santa Monica, California
Surnames/tags: Herling Peterson
This letter was found in Betty Inglima's treasures. It was mailed from Ingrid "Inez" Amanda (Helgren) Herling in Santa Monica to her daughter Annie Herling Peterson in Clearbrook, MN. Inez was age 59 and had recently moved from Minnesota to CA. where her daughter Lily already lived. Annie was 36 at the time and Betty was age 8 and Vernon age 13. The Peterson's were wanting to get to California too.
- My dear Annie, dear Annie, This is 11 pm Sunday night hardly the right time to begin a letter and I shall go to the questions right away. If you should go to Bemidji (MN) yes I would like you to to go over to Bill Dagermans and strap a big box and my trunk which you will recognize. It says Inez Helgren at the bottom of one end. They must be strapped well as the trunk is old. You have to buy "clothaSlimes"(?) (new ones). There is also a set of encyclopedia 10 books and a small set of books (Masterpieces) in the same package. If you could sell it allright, if not give it away. I used Lilys and Ruths money to buy it (60 dollars) but it now being so old would not be worth shipping. The box and trunk would have to be taken down to the depot by dray and I will try to send you some money soon to pay expenses. Then send it by freighter C.O.D. to 1524 A 7th St. Santa Monica and they will have to notify us when it comes Could you get somebody with a truck from Clearbrook (MN) then take it to the depot yourselfs but mabey the boards would not hold in the things on the journey. If Albert would investigate. Then you would have to take it back to your place and other arrangements would have to be made. This was the last question you wrote and now that is done away with.
- Yes, you can get an acre of ground planted with oranges or nuts or something else for $490 and less but with a house on you pay from 1600 to 3 or $4000 some of them with chicken equipments. I am sending you some clipping located between 30 or 40 miles from Santa Monica and you can see for yourself. The fine part of it is that busses come and take children to school at quite a distance.
- How long is our rainy season? From Oct until April but need not think it rains all the time. We have many beautiful days in between times. Dad planted sweet peas the other day which we expect to pick by Christmas. Who told you it rained for six months? Then how do you think I could ever get my clothes dry when I wash. I guess must have heard from Oregon. What do you mean stock up on rain water (send?) for them? You can get all you want here .
- What money we had along when we came west? Well, cannot now recall, must have been about 4 or $500. We used up one or $150 coming over as we did not have so much repair or maybe a little more and we stopped nights at camps. They will charge you $1.50 for two beds if you bring your own bedding for one night.
- Why Dad could not get his pension? Because he had a pension of $1,000 which they wanted him to sign over to the government. He wouldn't do it. And sending for it before 20 years were up we had to take loss got only $668 which we put down as a first payment on a home where I now sit and write The place is 50 x 150 and has four houses on it. The front one rents for $25 the second we live in, third for $14 and the fourth for $22.50 per month. Our payments are $60 per month including $10 interest. This place costs $3.400 More about it later
- Did we sell our house in Nymore (MN)? Yes and for two payments Costs too much to investigate tis (dis?) honorable people. If we ever come up maybe we can do something.
- If you have any pictures you think we would care about take them and lay them flat and sell or throw away the frames. Yes that old organ Wouldn't I like to have it here. We have a piano. A friend stored it with us and we an use it. You would have to take the organ down to Clearbrook (MN) and have it crated and that cost money such a long way.
- Now all the questions are answered (I kept your letter) Flossie and Thalen from Mpls(Minneapolis) here been here visiting for two weeks, went home Thursday as to be there for school (and how they did enjoy themselves. Couldn't give them many rides as we were both busy working. We will have hard sailing for three years, then it will be a little easier. Lily has been with us for two weeks. Their house is being papered and painted inside and out and Lily does not like the smell of paint. Ole brought down figs, peaches and grapes from their place so I make fig jam and grape jelly tomorrow. Ruth has been in Pasadena since friday night, where the Nazarenes have camp meeting. It is located about 30 or 40 miles off and a family will take her home. Expect her now almost any minute as it is after 12 o'clock and I think I better go to bed. Must say goodnight. Hope you will be able to sell and come out of that cold Minnesota. Greetings Lovingly Mother
Transcribed by G. Inglima, 2019.
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