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1951 Canadian Pacific Air Lines DC-4 disappearance

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 21 Jul 1951
Location: Alaska Territory, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 115 times.

Composition of passengers

  • 2 stewardesses from Vancouver
  • 2 Canadian sailors from the Royal Canadian Navy
  • 5 Canadian crew members
  • 29 US Army/Air Force personnel.

Bios can be found here


Name Designation Location
Borge, Pfc. DanielAir ForceProvidence, RI
Clark, S/Sgt. Leroy SAir ForceSan Diego, CA
Clauson, Glen RCivilianSeattle, WA
Cobb, Cpl. James LAir ForceMaidens, VA
Dann, S/Sgt. Thomas J.Air ForceBeowawe, NV
Davis, S/Sgt. Robert B.Air ForceSeattle, WA
Dressel, Cpl. Edward WestonAir ForceBelpre, OH
Gayle, Capt. John StuartArmyRehoboth Beach, DE
Gillinger, M/Sgt. James C.Air ForceMcChord AFB, WA
Glasser, Capt. Martin M.Air ForceSan Francisco, CA
Hersey, Vernon E.CivilianMitchell, SD
Hite, Lt. Col. Eugene GolidayArmy Rising Sun, MD
Hubbard, Pfc. Gordon M.Air ForceNinevah, NY
Jackson, 1Lt. James A.Air ForceKenmore, NY
Kellar, M/Sgt. Daryl HomerAir ForceTacoma, WA
Kendall, Capt. Wayne E.Air ForceParkland, WA
Livingstone, Lt. Edward BlairAir ForceDallas, TX
Ollis, Ofc, Roy J.Air ForceHolladay, UT
Oscar, M/Sgt. Elliott T.Air ForceMcChord AFB, WA
Russ, Sgt. John W.Air ForceMiddletown, PA
Sacks, Lt. Col. Jerome G.ArmyWashington, D.C.
Somerville, S/Sgt. John T.Air ForceSanta Monica, CA
Stephan, Audley Hobson F.CivilianTrenton, NJ
Stephens, Sgt. William E.Air ForceNovato, CA
Swarms, S.Sgt. Everett WayneAir ForceSt. James, IL
Swicarz, T/Sgt. Joseph J.Air ForceSouth Tacoma, WA
Taylor, Pfc. Ralph WalterAir ForceEllwood City, PA
Thomas, Capt. Carson O. "Cot"Air ForceOlympia, WA
Wenrich, S/Sgt. Homer E. Jr.Air ForceSunbury, PA


Name Designation Location
Boon, Arthurflight engineerVancouver, BC
Fox, Capt. VictorpilotWest Vancouver, BC
Krausher, E. L.second officerVancouver, BC
Laker, AB Frank R. seaman (HMCS Sioux)Winnipeg
Lee, Eva M.StewardessVancouver, BC
Moore, AB Robert J.seaman (HMCS Sioux)Westphal, NS
Moran, KathleenStewardessBurnaby, BC
Thomson, Bruce S.first officerNorth Vancouver, BC
Tupper, Fred R.radio operatorVancouver, BC

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