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1960 Sioux City Soos

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Profile manager: Ben Schroeder private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 83 times.

Sioux City Soos Main Page

PositionNameWikitree LinkConnected
Ala, Joe (1930-)no
Aylmer, Bob (1935-)no
Bass, Norm (1939-2024)*Norm Bassno
Bennett, Charlie (1938-)no
Bernhardt, Virgil (1938-)no
Bristol, Jack (1936-)no
Bucher, Jay (1941-)no
Debus, Ron (1937-)no
Dembia, Thomas (1940-)no
Egan, Cornelius (1938-)no
Haroldson, Bruce (1937-)no
Hayes, Tim (1939-)no
Hogg, Ronald (1938-)no
SSHowser, Dick (1936-1987)*Dick Howserno
Lippold, Eugene (1934-)no
MacKenzie, Gordon (1937-)*no
McCutcheon, Ron (1936-)no
Mercer, Jerry (1939-)no
Nevers, Gordon (1935-)no
O'Donoghue, John (1939-)*no
Overcash, Ronald (1940-)no
Reedy, Buddy (1929-)no
Risinger, Phil (1938-)no
Scercy, Leroy (1936-)no
Segui, Diego (1937-)*no
Smithdeal, Sidney (1935-)no
Spiers, William (1936-)no
Tanner, James (1938-)no
Thies, Dave (1937-)*no
Willis, Dale (1938-)*no
Wright, Melvin (1935-)no
Wyatt, John (1935-)*no
OwnerPratt, Adam (1902-1980) Adam Prattyes

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