
1973 Church Directory

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Date: 1973 [unknown]
Location: Whitsett, Guilford, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Allan Capps private message [send private message]
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First Baptist Church, Whitsett, NC
1973 Church Directory

Pastor: Rev. Gilmer Bernard Dodson

Pastor's Message:

The Whitsett Baptist Church is one of the highlights of my life. It has been my pleasure to serve as its Pastor since it was organized in 1956. I am convinced that in this church you will find some of the best people in the world. God, through them , has supplied the needs of my family, making it possisible for me to leave public work in 1965 and devote my full time to the ministry. In 1963 the Church presented us with a new car which now has over 100,000 miles on it and is still going.
Through a combined effort, the church has prospered spiritually. The Church is founded on the Rock, Christ Jesus, and is sound in the Faith. The preaching at Whitsett is hard and close, and does not attract large numbers, but the Church has steadily progressed, and for this we are eternally thankful. Our members have a close and wonderful fellowship and a very minimum of problems.
A special recognition is in order for Brother Troy Doby who is also a minister. Brother Troy left our church and pastored Johnson Captist Church for more than four years, but has returnd to Whitsett and has been a great help and inspriration to me over the many years. I am ever grateful to Brother Troy for his fellowship and Faith.
A heart-felt thank you also, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roddy and Le-Mann & Associates for making this first Church Directory of Whitsett Baptist Church pssible.
The Whitsett Baptist Church is not run by one or two men, but is a combined effort of the Pastor and all the members, working together in the Vinyard of the Lord.
I thank God for what has been accompolished here, and trust Him for greater things in the future.

Deacons, Trustees, and Ushers::

Gaynor Whitesell
Clete Doby
Ronnie Whitesell
Ed Webster
Troy Doby Sr.
6 others

Sunday Officers and Teachers:

Pam Carter
Troy Lee Doby Jr.
Louise (Doby) Capps
Bessie (Lynch) Doby
Evelyn (Towe) Doby
Troy Lee Doby Sr.
Gilmer Dodson
Archie Capps
Gaynor Maurice Whitesell
Rev. Gilmer Bernard Dodson
12 others


Archie Capps
Bessie (Lynch) Doby
Troy Lee Doby Sr.
Troy Lee Doby Jr..
Gilmer Dodson
13 others


Delma and Geraldine ANDREWS
Henry and Carolyn BRADSHER
Mrs. Geraldine BROWN
Miss Kelly BUSICK
Archie and Louise(Doby) CAPPS, Amy, Allan
Columbus and Zelma (Thomas) CARTER
Richard and Carolyn (Solomon) CARTER, Patricia, Mary
Ronald and Pam (O'Neal) CARTER, Cherie, Shannon
Armp and Nell (Langley) CAVINESS
Clarence and Deann CAVINESS
Clifton and Norma Lee CAVINESS, Timmy
Benny and Carolyn CLAPP, Dennis
Miss Demel, Miss Sandra, Miss Donna COLLIER
John and Alvertine (Barham) CRADDOCK
David and Janette (Heath) CRANFILL, David Jr., Allan
Clarence and Thelma CRENSHAW
Mrs. Nina Lee May DAVIS
Mrs. Ada (Lynch) DOBY
Clete and Evelyn (Towe) DOBY
Mrs. Maude (Fulk) DOBY
Paul and Joy (May) DOBY, Shannon, Sherry
Troy Jr. and Linda (Patrum) DOBY, Brian, Mark
Rev. Troy Sr. and Bessie (Lynch)DOBY
Rev. G.B. and Mamie (Saferight) DODSON
Gilmer and Vickie (Wiggins) DODSON, Jeff
Johnny and Janet ELY, John Jr.
Mrs. Elsie FLYTHE
Mrs. Linda FOSTER
Mrs. Alice GERRINGER, Robert, Don, James, Leonard, Phillip
Burton and Ruth (Brown) GREESON
Harold and Arlene (Waller) GREESON, Pat, Kenneth, Keith
Odell and Martha (Caviness) GREESON, Sandra, Sharon, Kimberley, Steven
Miss Rachel GREESON
Raymond and Betty Lou (Caviness) GREESON, Michael
Mrs. Charlotte HANDY
Elmer and Ola HEMPHILL, William, Brenda
Hal and Dorothy (Caviness) HINTON
Mrs. Florence HUDGINS
Mrs. Shirley JAMES, Lora, John
Bobby and Dalphine (Webster) JOHNSON, Kim, Karen, Susan
James (J.W.) and Faye JONES
Mrs. Linnie JONES
Miss LulaJONES
Harvey and Martha KEY
Herman and Lucy MAY, Lisa
Jimmy and Vera MOORE
Johnny and Grace NORRIS, Regina, Renette
Mrs. Olean (Greeson) REDDEN, Rhonda
Mrs. Annie B REVELS
Mrs. Elsie REVELS
Bynum and Mollie RICH
Randy RICH
Miss Wanda RICH
Wayne and Hope RICH, Molly Holland
Clyde and Betty Lou (Waller) SHEPHERD, Ellen, Kathy
Mrs. Pam Towe SNOW
Jerry and Carol THOMAS, Richard
Fred and JoyceTROUTMAN
Phillip and Gayle THORNTON, Joe, Monica
Ed and Violet (Kivett) WEBSTER
Gaynor and Viola (Doby) WHITESELL, Ronnie, Kendall
Collie and Bell (Odell) WHITT
J.B. Jr. and Janice WYRICK
Wayne and Vickie YODER, Jodie



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