Location: Michigan, United States

Surnames/tags: Luce Michigan Gray
This page has been accessed 128 times.
Here are the profiles Heather Kushion is currently working on. Can you help?
- Target
- Cyrus Gray Luce L2KY-HDT finish fleshing out bio and add children, siblings, and second wife.
- Wife
- Julia Ann (Dickinson) Luce L4W6-XB7 add children, parents, and siblings.
- Parents
- Walter Josiah Luce LH3M-535 flesh out biography and add first wife, mother, siblings, and children.
- Mary M. (Gray) Luce LH3M-59R add children and siblings
- Aunts & Uncles
- Leverett Luce LHNX-DG2 add sources, biography, wife, children, mother, and siblings
- Abraham Gray GQ77-5FH birth day, birth place, death place, and names of additional three children (two boys and a girl younger than known daughter) unknown. Needs more research.
- Sarah (Crawford) Gray GQ77-6GP birth, place of death, parents, and siblings unknown. Needs more research.
- Grandparents
- Joshua Luce LHNM-9X7 add sources, biography, wife, children, mother, and siblings.
- Mary Magdalene (Bougher) Gray LDMJ-99M clean sources, flesh out biography, and add children, parents, and siblings.
- Cyrus Gray Sr. LDMJ-99M finish fleshing out biography and add children, parents, and siblings.
- 1st Cousins
- Leverett Hunn Luce LH51-L1L add sources, biography, wives, children, mother, and siblings.
- Mary Gray GQ77-XZ6 death place unknown.
- Great Grandparents
- Jonathan Luce 2Q1C-W2G add sources, biography, wife, children, mother, and siblings.
- 1st Cousin 1x Removed
- Herbert Leverett Luce KJ4Q-F9B add sources, biography, wives, children, sister and mother.
- 2x-Great Grandparents
- Joshua Luce &nbps; LHW3-X2M add sources, biography, wife, children, and siblings
- 1st Cousin 2x Removed
- Gerald Richard Luce KVG6-8J5 add sources, biography, wife, children, siblings, and mother.
- 3x-Great-Grandparents
- Josiah Luce LZZF-3BB clean up sources, and add biography, children, and brother Samuel.
- Sarah (Allen) Luce LZZF-3RV clean up sources, and add biography and children
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