New Zealand Essays
Journals Index
J.H. Watmuff Profile
1 1856-05-01 (Bendigo, Dunolly, Sandy Creek (Tarnagulla), Loddon , (Mt. Hope Hoax), Ararat, Chinamans Flat, Moonlight Flat, Mt William (trek with Aboriginal guide), Pleasant Creek (Stawell), Melbourne).
2 Bendigo Melbourne 1862 Otago N.Z. (1859-07-17)
3 Otago (1862-09-11)
4 Otago (1863-07-26) to Melbourne 1865
5 Melbourne 1865-11-12
6 Melbourne 1866-03-04
7 Melbourne 1869-03-28
8 Melbourne 1870-06-12 to April 1876
9 Melbourne 1876-06 to 1880-09-07
10 Dribs & Drabs 1881-02-16 to 1882-06
11 Sydney & Misc. 1884
12 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-27
13 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-30
14 Lusitania Voyage 1887-06-26
15 Lusitania Voyage 1887-07-01
16 and 17 England, letters and Journal 1887-07-14
18 Garonne return Voyage 1887-09-27
19 Resignations 1888-05-28 to 1892 Nov.
See Bert Watmuff's letters about the family
20 (Journal 19) Mildura 1893-05-06
21 Genealogies from 1738 to 1889
22 New Zealand Essays
J.H. & Bessie Watmuff's Photos
Olive Watmuff's Photos
[New Zealand Essays - Cover Note]
The essays referred to here have not been located
I compiled the following Essays[1] while living on the Gold Fields of New Zealand (Wetherstones) when a member a of sort of a Debating Society that was established by a few friends for the purpose of sec[uring] improvements & interchange of ideas – I may al[so] state that at that time there was nothing in the sha[pe] of a library in the district, in fact for a period of s[ome] months I only got hold of one Book, & th[at] at a St[ore] with & a few Newspapers comprised my reading for [the] whole of the time, which must plead my exc[use in] the disjointed rambling crude & jumbled ma[nner] that I have jotted down in the following pages, each mem[ber] of our society was supposed to deliver an essay in [turn] the following was mine & met with the approval of the [members] but some portions gave rise to many serious debates [???] the Society did a deal of good, the main feature being that every thing said & written was original, more than ca[n be] said of secular institutions held in towns & cities, whe[re] assistance & quotations can be obtained easily whe[n pre-] senting on any subject. John Henry Watmuff
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New Zealand Essays Cover Note |
- ↑ [Subjects he spoke on were: In July 1862, Which did the most good for Society the "Minister or the Schoolmaster" [Manuherikia Mutual Improvement Society. Commencing April 1863, "Which is the greatest source of Evil, Riches, poverty or Intemperance"]
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