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2 Aug 1861 Civil War Letters from Pvt James Carl Gregg to his wife Martha Meddaugh

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Date: 2 Aug 1861 [unknown]
Location: Camp Warrenmap
Surname/tag: Gregg
Profile manager: Ron Gragg private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 27 times.

Aug the 2nd [1861] Camp Warren

My Dear Wife I hardly know how to comence(sic) my letter. I am well but not in a very good humor for I received yours of the 29th stating that you have left home and gone to your mothers. I want you to stay at home and take care of the garden and not let her drive you off for you can hold it. I want you go to Wringer ask her whether she can take it from you or not and tell her just how it is and if she cannot you stay and home and take care of things and do the best you can until I can get some money to send you. I want you to go Mr. Perry (?) and tell him that we have all sent him our certificates certifying that we all belonged Company C of the fifth Regiment of Iowa and tell him that he must let you have what you need as we can get no pay from the state or(?) government at present but as soon as I get any pay I will send it home. The fifth has just now got orders to march in five minutes and the boys are flying about making so mutch(sic) fuss that I hardly know what I am writing. We will leave here this evening for I know not where but I think for Keokuk. Will Emery is well and in good hart(sic). He says he is kitchen bitch today and he is as wild as ever he is in our Regiment but in another company. He sends his best respects to his folks and all inquiring friends.

Dan is busy gathering up his things he says tell Mother to not be uneasy for he is all right on the ? and tell pap to do as he pleases for he has to do as he can but I think it will be all wright(sic) yet be in good chere(sic) and keep cool for there is more at stake now ? something to eat.

Old Jeff is busy. We must stop him.

Martha, do the best you can and keep the garden if you can for I do not think I can come home soon. I think we will have something to do soon. Give my best respects to all inquiring friends. No more at present, Martha, but remaining your most affectionate husband.

James C. Gregg, Pst

Martha, Write to me soon. Direct your letters to Company C Fifth Regiment of Iowa.

Forget me not will you.

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