
53rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, United States Civil War

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Battle of Gettysburg, Union Order of Battle

Virtual 53rd Pennsylvania Infantry Cemetery: https://www.findagrave.com/virtual-cemetery/1818593

53rd Pennsylvania Tablet on the Gettysburg Pennsylvania Monument: https://stevemac.us/images/I53.jpg

Travis W. Busey and John W Busey, Union Casualties at Gettysburg: A Comprehensive Record, Vol 2, 1st ed., (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers, 2011), 816-820.

Ronald D. Kirkwood, "Tell Mother Not to Worry": Soldier Stories From Gettysburg's George Spangler Farm (El Dorado Hills, CA: Savis Beatie, 2024).

Irvin G. Myers, We Might as Well Die Here: The 53rd Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Books, 2004).

53rd Pennsylvania Roster from the University of Michigan: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/pageviewer-idx?c=moa&cc=moa&sid=778308149b189f58bf191421757c33c6&q1=Fifty-Third+Regiment&idno=ABY3439.0002.001&view=image&seq=00000136

Fold3 53rd Pennsylvania: https://www.fold3.com/search?docQuery=(filters:!((type:general.title.id,values:!((label:Civil+War+Stories,value:%271087%27)))),keywords:%2753rd+Pa%27)

53rd PVI Photo Gallery: https://www.53rdpvi.org/gallery/

History of the 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry: https://www.53rdpvi.org/53rd-pvi-history-2/

"*" = Present at Gettysburg (Listed on PA Monument Tablet)


II Corps, First Division, 4th Brigade

Commanding: Col John Rutter Brooke* (1838-1926) (w) Gettysburg

53rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Field and Staff
Commanding: Colonel William M. Mintzer* (1837-1916)
Commanding: Ltc. Richards McMichael (1816-1894)
Commanding: Ltc. George C. Anderson (1836-1919)
S. Octavius Bull (1834-1904)
Thomas Yeager (1825-1862) Killed at Fair Oaks, VA, 1 Jun 1862
Charles P. Hatch 1833-1900)
Samuel H. Rutter* (1842-1875), Cousin of John Rutter Brooke.
Jacob Rice
Theophlis T. Davis
John Fromberger
M.J. McKinnon
George W. Jackson
Charles W. Spayd
Asst. Surgeons
William W. Wynne
J.P. Burchfield
Jacob C. Gatchell
Daniel Barber
J.R. Taylor Gray
Non-Commissioned Staff
Samuel H. Rutter* (1842-1875), Cousin of John Rutter Brooke.
Thomas Reifsnyder
G.W. Butterworth
Levi J. Fritz
M.M. Bannock
Albert H. Hess
Hospital Steward

Company A
Captain William M. Mintzer* (1837-1916)

Company B
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
First Sergeants
Pvt. Joseph S. Wicklein (1842-1892) Wrote account of Lt. Col. McMichaels at Spotsylvania.

Company C
First Lieutenants
1st Lt. Andrew J. Merritts (1841-1903)
Second Lieutenants
2nd Lt. Henry J. Smith* (1840-1892)
Sgt. Davis G Enyeart* (1837-1905) Name is on the PA Monument but records show him discharged on 21 Feb 1863.
Sgt. Dewalt Shontz Fouse* (1840-1912)
1st Sgt. Matthew G. Isett* (1838-1863) Killed at Gettysburg 2 Jul 1863
Sgt. John McLaughlin*
Sgt. Luther T. Sangree (1840-1863) Died on Jan 19, 1863 from wounds received at the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Cpl. David N Garner* (1840-1920)
Cpl. Anthony J Beaver* (1832-1899)
Cpl. Luden B. Norris (1844-1920)
Cpl. William D. Shontz* (1840-1864) Killed at Po River, 10 May 1864.
Cpl. David B. Rothrock* (1839-1916)
Cpl. William Estep* (1834-1898)
Cpl. Henry Barrick Geisinger* (1838-1910)
Pvt. Amos Abbott* (1819-1880)
Pvt. John C. Biss*
Pvt. James Bollinger* (1835-1905) Bollinger's name is spelled "Ballinger" on the PA monument at Gettysburg.
Pvt. Benjamin Coble* (1835-1914) Benjamin's wife Elizabeth had two brothers in the 53rd PA, Daniel and Andrew Fleck both listed here as privates.
Pvt. James McCoy* (1814-1886) Not on muster-out roll.
Pvt. James Strong* (1842-1904)
Pvt. Sanford F. Tippery* (1841-1883) Name on Gettysburg PA monument is spelled "Sippery"

Company D
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
First Sergeants
Pvt. Jacob Berge* (1826-1905)
Pvt. Michael Laffin* (1840-1924)
Pvt. Levi Laird* (1834-1917)

Company E
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
First Sergeants
Cpl Jacob Bingaman* (1806-1881)

Company F
Cpt. Theodore Hatfield* (1837-1910)
First Lieutenants
1st Lt. John Jefferson Whitney* (1836-1864) Killed at Spotsylvania, 18 May 1864.
Second Lieutenants
2nd Lt. James Patton* (1837-1899)
First Sergeants
Sgt. Oliver L. Fisher* (1844-1927) Severely wounded in the leg at Gettysburg, 2 Jul 1863.
Sgt. Daniel Harrington* (1836-1863) Killed at Gettysburg, 2 Jul 1863.
Sgt. Isaac Allen Howell* (1839-1920)
Pvt. Lyman Flick* (1839-1895)
Pvt. Henry Hoover* (1842-1868)
Pvt. Ira Gordon Lyon* (1845-1910)
Pvt. James Monroe Norris* (1839-1867)
Pvt. Benson J. Wardan* (1836-1912)

Company G
Cpt Archibald "Arch" F. Jones* (1825-1879)
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
2nd Lt. Arthur B. Mann* (1843-1936)
First Sergeants
1st Sgt. Jason Watrous Stevens* (1839-1893)
Sgt. Almond M. Chesbro* (1842-1863) Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.
Sgt. George William Musto* (1843-1910)
Sgt. John A. Wyckoff* (1836-1929)
Pvt. Joseph Khyle* (1838-1863) Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, Died of wounds July 5, 1863.
Pvt. John D. Earl* (1843-1911)
Pvt. George D. Freeman* (1846-1927) Wounded slightly in the hip at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; Captured at Petersburg, 16 Jun 1864; Released 27 Feb 1865; Believed to have taken his life due to his "inability to mingle with his comrades, gathered for the GAR encampment."
Pvt. Homer H. McKerg* (?-1872)
Pvt. Samuel N. Stone (1844-1864) Mustered in 4 Mar 1864; Killed at Spotsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864.
Pvt. William Franklin Stone* (1840-1864) Died at Andersonville Prison, 12 Jul 1864.
Pvt. Asa Tombs* (1841-1868)

Company H
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
First Sergeants
1st Sergeant Charles Allen* (1833-1865) Severely wounded in both legs at Gettysburg 2 July 1863, Died of unknown causes at Annapolis, MD, 28 Mar 1865.
Sgt James D. Marsh* (1838-1905) Discharged as a Captain, 27 Dec 1863 due to wounds received.
Cpl. Lionel Stanley* (1841-1904) Captured and wounded at Bristoe Station 14 Oct 1863 and held at Libby and Andersonville Prisons.
Cpl. Robert Patterson Strine* (1843-1864) Wounded at Spotsylvania, 12 May 1864; Died from wounds 13 May 1864.
Cpl. David P. Waltman* (1846-1925) Promoted to Corporal, May 25, 1865 - mustered out with company, June 30, 1865-Vet.
Pvt. Joseph F. Albright* (1843-1880) Promoted to Corporal to Sergeant on January 24, 1865 - mustered out with company on June 30, 1865.
Pvt. William C. Deetz*
Pvt. Timothy P. Galutia, Jr. (1840-1913)
Pvt. Harvey S. Geiger* (1841-1912))
Pvt. George Hall* (1837-1916) Maybe twin brother of Henry Hall.
Pvt. Henry Hall* Maybe twin brother of George Hall.
Pvt. George Hause*
Pvt. George Hall* (1837-1916)
Pvt. George Nevel Vandling* (1834-1908) Mustered out, Nov. 8, 1864 -expiration of term.

Company I
Cpt. Henry S. Dimm* (1836-1906) Commissioned Major, May 17, 1964 - not mustered - discharged Sept 14, 1864, for wounds received in action.
Cpt. William W. Van Ormer* (1841-1923) Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 17, 1864 - to 1st Lt., Nov. 2. 1864 - to Capt., Dec. 14,'64 - mustered out with company, June 30,'65 - Vet.
First Lieutenants
1st Lt. Henry Spiece* (1838-1906) Promoted to Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 28, 1864 -to 2d Lt., Nov. 2,'64 - to 1st Lt., Dec. 15,'64 - mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 - Vet.
Second Lieutenants
2nd Lt. Samuel Coldren* (1837-1909) Promoted to Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Nov 2, 1864; to 2d Lt., Dec 15,1864; mustered out with company, Jun 30, 1865; Vet.
First Sergeants
1st Sgt. Frederick Benjamin Stroup* (1844-1927) Promoted to Sgt. then to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, June 30, 1865-Vet.
Corporal Isaac Coldren (1820-1896) Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 16, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865. Younger brother Samuel served in 53rd as a 2nd Lt.
Private Hibbard D. Entriken* (1842-1914)
Private Jacob H. Kleckner* (1838-1910)
Private William T. Long* (1840-1863) Killed at Gettysburg.
Private Jacob Rhone (1840-1907)

Company K
First Lieutenants
Second Lieutenants
First Sergeants

PRESENT AT GETTYSBURG (In the Wheatfield) (Last Name Alphabetical Order) *

Co. C, Private Amos Abbott (1819-1880)
Co. H. Pvt. Joseph F. Albright (1843-1880) Promoted to Corporal to Sergeant on January 24, 1865 - mustered out with company on 30 June 1865.
Co. H, 1st Sergeant Charles Allen (1833-1865) Severely wounded in both legs at Gettysburg 2 July 1863, Died of unknown causes at Annapolis, MD, 28 Mar 1865.
Co. C, Cpl. Anthony J Beaver (1832-1899)
Co. D, Pvt. Jacob Berge (1826-1905)
Co. E, Cpl. Jacob Bingaman (1806-1881)
Co. C, Pvt. John C. Biss
Co. C, Pvt. James Bollinger (1835-1905)
Col John Rutter Brooke (1838-1926) (w) Gettysburg, 2 Jul 1863.
Co. G, Sgt. Almond M. Chesbro (1842-1863) Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863.
Co. C, Pvt. Benjamin Coble (1835-1914) Benjamin's wife Elizabeth had two brothers in the 53rd PA, Daniel and Andrew Fleck both listed here as privates.
Co. I, 2nd Lt. Samuel Coldren (1837-1909) Promoted to Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Nov 2, 1864; to 2d Lt., Dec 15,1864; mustered out with company, Jun 30, 1865; Vet.
Co. H, Pvt. William C. Deetz
Co. I, Cpt. Henry S. Dimm (1836-1906) Commissioned Major, May 17, 1964 - not mustered - discharged Sept 14, 1864, for wounds received in action.
Co. G, Pvt. John D. Earl (1843-1911)
Co. I, Private Hibbard D. Entriken (1842-1914)
Co. C, Sgt. Davis G Enyeart (1837-1905) Name is on the PA Monument but records show him discharged on 21 Feb 1863.
Co. C, Cpl. William Estep (1834-1898)
Co. F, Sgt. Oliver L. Fisher (1844-1927) Severely wounded in the leg at Gettysburg, 2 Jul 1863.
Co. F, Pvt. Lyman Flick (1839-1895)
Co. C, Sgt. Dewalt Shontz Fouse (1840-1912)
Co. G, Pvt. George D. Freeman (1846-1927) Wounded slightly in the hip at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; Captured at Petersburg, 16 Jun 1864; Released 27 Feb 1865; Believed to have taken his life due to his "inability to mingle with his comrades, gathered for the GAR encampment."
Co. C, Cpl. David N Garner (1840-1920)
Co. H, Pvt. Harvey S. Geiger (1841-1912))
Co. C, Cpl. Henry Barrick Geisinger (1838-1910)
Co. H, Pvt. George Hall (1837-1916)
Co. H, Pvt. Henry Hall
Co. H, Pvt. George Hause
Co. F, Sergeant Daniel Harrington (1836-1863) Killed at Gettysburg, 2 Jul 1863.
Co. F, Cpt. Theodore Hatfield (1837-1910)
Co. F, Pvt. Henry Hoover (1842-1868)
Co. F, Sgt. Isaac Allen Howell (1839-1920)
Co. C, 1st Sgt. Matthew G. Isett (1838-1863) Killed at Gettysburg 2 Jul 1863.
Co. G, Cpt Archibald "Arch" F. Jones (1825-1879)
Co. G, Pvt. Joseph Khyle (1838-1863) Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863, Died of wounds 5 July 1863.
Co. I, Private Jacob H. Kleckner (1838-1910)
Co. D, Pvt. Michael Laffin (1840-1924)
Co. D, Pvt. Levi Laird (1834-1917)
Co. I, Pvt. William T. Long (1840-1863) Killed at Gettysburg.
Co. F, Pvt. Ira Gordon Lyon (1845-1910)
Co. G, 2nd Lt. Arthur B. Mann (1843-1936)
Co. H, Sgt James D. Marsh (1838-1905) Discharged as a Captain, 27 Dec 1863 due to wounds received.
Co. C, Pvt. James McCoy (1814-1886) Not on muster-out roll.
Co. G, Pvt. Homer H. McKerg (?-1872)
Co. C, Sgt. John McLaughlin
Co. G, Sgt. George William Musto (1843-1910)
Co. F, Pvt. James Monroe Norris (1839-1867)
Co. F, 2nd Lt. James Patton (1837-1899)
Co. C, Cpl. David B. Rothrock (1839-1916)
Co. C, Cpl. William D. Shontz (1840-1864) Killed at Po River, 10 May 1864.
Co. C, 2nd Lt. Henry J. Smith (1840-1892)
Co. I, 1st Lt. Henry Spiece (1838-1906) Promoted to Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 28, 1864 -to 2d Lt., Nov. 2,'64 - to 1st Lt., Dec. 15,'64 - mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 - Vet.
Co. H, Cpl. Lionel Stanley (1841-1904) Captured and wounded at Bristoe Station 14 Oct 1863 and held at Libby and Andersonville Prisons.
Co. G, 1st Sgt. Jason Watrous Stevens (1839-1893)
Co. G, Pvt. William Franklin Stone (1840-1864) Died at Andersonville Prison, 12 Jul 1864.
Co. H, Cpl. Robert Patterson Strine (1843-1864) Wounded at Spotsylvania, 12 May 1864; Died from wounds 13 May 1864.
Co. C, Pvt. James Strong (1842-1904)
Co. I, 1st Sgt. Frederick Benjamin Stroup (1844-1927) Promoted to Sgt. then to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, June 30, 1865-Vet.
Co. C, Pvt. Sanford F. Tippery (1841-1883) Name on Gettysburg PA monument is spelled "Sippery"
Co. G, Pvt. Asa Tombs (1841-1868)
Co. I, Cpt. William W. Van Ormer (1841-1923) Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 17, 1864 - to 1st Lt., Nov. 2. 1864 - to Capt., Dec. 14,'64 - mustered out with company, June 30,'65 - Vet.
Co. H, Pvt. George Nevel Vandling (1834-1908) Mustered out, Nov. 8, 1864 -expiration of term.
Co. H, Cpl. David P. Waltman (1846-1925) Promoted to Corporal, May 25, 1865 - mustered out with company, June 30, 1865-Vet.
Co. F, Pvt. Benson J. Wardan (1836-1912)
Co. F, 1st Lt. John Jefferson Whitney (1836-1864) Killed at Spotsylvania, 18 May 1864.
Co. G, Sgt. John A. Wyckoff (1836-1929)

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I have a few ancestors who served in Co E, 53rd PA inf: Jacob Bingaman, drummer (listed as a Corporal on wiki tree, but this is wrong. I have his military and pension records.), also Jacob’s brother Daniel who was taken prisoner and died in Richmond, Daniel’s son Daniel who was 1st Sgt for a time, but was court martialed and dishonorably discharged ( I also have court transcripts). Jacob’s son James who was a POW and died after being exchanged. Jacob’s son Samuel who was also a drummer.

Jacob also had son George in the 49th PA. Book available in paperback or Kindle on Amazon about Jacob. I also have Jacob’s wooden leg, wartime letters photo in uniform with drum, etc

posted by Richard Zellers