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57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Roster of Company G

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57th Ohio Infantry Regiment
Company F ⬅️ Company G ➡️ Company H

This page is a part of the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Project. Stop in and contribute if you're interested in helping.

Company G was primarily made up of men from Hancock County.

Ranks shown are their final rank in that company. If a soldier (for example Americus V. Rice) was promoted from Company A to Field & Staff, his rank shown under Company A will be lower than his rank under Field & Staff. If he was breveted after the war, that higher rank will not be shown here. All data is taken from the Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War on the Rebellion.[1]


Non-Commissioned Officers




Research Notes

All soldiers appearing on the roster have been added to WikiTree. These include:

  • Officers 6/6
  • NCOs 34/34
  • Musicians 1/1
  • Wagoners 1/1
  • Privates 72/72

A man named L. McManus appears in a newspaper article for a reunion of Company G. He does not appear on the roster. I will need to do further research to see if I can find any evidence he served.

Men named Israel Bowers and Eli Thomas appear in a newspaper article for a reunion of Company G. They do not appear on the roster. I will need to do further research to see if I can find any evidence they served.

Private Stephen Jones appears in a list of wounded following the Battle of Shiloh. He does not appear on the roster.[2]

I am counting 18 unconnected soldiers, despite my best efforts to connect them all.


  1. Ohio Roster Commission. Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War on the Rebellion, 1861-1865, Compiled Under the Direction of the Roster Commission. Vol. 5. Akron, OH: Werner Co., 1886-1895. pp 150-153.
  2. "Letter from Col Mungen to Findlay Newspapers Concerning the Battle of Shiloh." The Findlay Jeffersonian. Findlay, OH. 25 Apr 1862.

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