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91st Pennsylvania Infantry, company E, non-commissioned officers

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Date: 4 Dec 1861 to 10 Jul 1865
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Harry Ide private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 27 times.

[This is a transcription of the List of Non-Commissioned Officers for company E of the 91st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry (1861-1865)]

[A list of everything included in the 91st Pennsylvania's descriptive books, with links to transcriptions, is available here.]

[source: Descriptive book, company E, 91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 94 (Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917)]

[transcribed by Harry A. Ide]

[This is not the original descriptive book. See Thomas Walter's description of the loss of the regimental records in November 1862. On 18 August 1863, the adjutant asked company commanders to give him a list of all commissioned officers in their company, with all changes since the company was organized, to enable him to produce a new regimental descriptive book (circular, HQ 91st PA, 18 August 1863).]

[This list does not include all promotions. For example, Samuel Conrad was promoted to first sergeant effective 26 May 1865, but is not listed as a first sergeant, and George Hampton was promoted to sergeant on 1 June 1865, but is not listed as a sergeant, and George W Keever was promoted to sergeant on 1 June 1865, but is not listed. Clearly, the list does not include promotions at the end of the company's service. More surprisingly, William Jeffries is not listed as a corporal, although the descriptive roll lists him as promoted to corporal, and then to sergeant.]

[This list is on two pages, and is divided into four groups: first sergeants, sergeants, corporals, and musicians.]

No. Names. Rank. Date of Appointment. Remarks.
1 David B. Baker 1st Sergt Sept 10th /61 Promoted to first Lieut Jan 1st /63, Vice Hall Promoted
2 Louis Brophy " " " Jan 1st /63 Promoted to first sergt Jan first 1st /63 Vice Baker Promoted
3 John L. Graham " " " June 23d /64 Promoted June 23d /64 Vice Brophy Kill [sic] in action Jun
4 John J. Griffith " " " Sept 16th /64 Promoted from Private to first sergt sept 16th /64 Vice Graham Prom
Promoted to 2nd Lieut May 26 /65.
1 Samuel E. Conrad Sergt Sept. 10th /61 Deserted May 1st /62 Returned under Presidents Proclamation [illegible month] 1st /63. Reduced to the Ranks With Loss off [sic] all Pay for time Of absence Reinstated Sergt June 23d /64 for soldierly Conduct
2 Theodore A. Hope " " " Sept. 10th /61 Promoted to 1st Lieut Vice Baker Resighned [sic]
3 Henry Elliott " " " Sept 10 /61 Discharged for Disability November 28th /62
4 Samuel S. Griffith " " " Sept. 10 /61 Discharged By Reason Of Expiration Of Term Of service
5 Louis Brophy " " " Mar /62 Promoted to first sergt Vice Baker Promoted
6 John L. Graham " " " Jan 1st /63 Promoted to first sergt Vice Brophy Killed in action
7 Cyrus Cartledge " " " Jan 1st /63 Discharged By Reason of expiration term of service
8 Francis O. Dell " " " Feb /62 Deserted May 1st /62 Returned under Presidents Proclimation [sic] Reduc[ed] to the Ranks With Loss Of all Pay for time absent Promoted from [illegible word, possibly 'corp']
9 Montgomery Burr " " " Sept. 16th /64 Promoted to sergt from Corporal
10 Philip F. Stotsenburg " Sept. 16th /64 Promoted to sergt from Corporal
11 William H. Jeffries " " " Sept. 16th /64 Promoted from [sic] sergt from Corporal

No. Names. Rank
Date of Appointment. Remarks.
1 Philip F. Stotsenburg " " Sept. 10th /61 Promoted to sergt Vice Graham Promoted for soldierly Conduct
2 Louis Brophy " " " " " Promoted to sergt for [sic] Vice Odel [sic] Deserted for soldierly Conduct

[Francis O. Dell deserted, not Louis Brophy. Also, the company E descriptive roll gives "soldierly appearance" as the reason for Brophy's promotion to sergeant]

3 Michael Snyder " " " " " " Promoted to Corpl [sic] Discharged for Disability
4 Joseph H Smith " " " <a href="cc19.html#10">" " " Joseph Smith Promoted to Corpl [sic] Reduced for Being absent While his Compy Was engaged With the enemy at <a href="cbwil.html">Wilderness Va
5 Cyrus Cartledge " " " " " " Promoted to sergt Vice Elliott Discharged
6 Francis O. Dell " " " " " " Promoted to sergt Vice elliott Reduced [Dell did become sergeant, in February 1862, but Elliott was discharged on 28 November 1862, and Cartledge was promoted to sergeant on 1 January 1863. I'm therefore inclined to trust the previous entry. Checking the muster rolls may help.]
7 John L. Graham " " " " " " Promoted to sergt Vice Brophy [According to his entry in the descriptive book, he was replacing Elliott.]

Promoted to 1s Sergt

8 Montgomery Burr " " " " " " Promoted to sergt Vice Hope Promoted to 1s Lieut
9 Francis D. Harrigan " May 1st /62 Francis D. Harrigan Promoted to Corpl Vice Brophy Promoted
10 Augustine C. Montgomery ["] Feb 25th /62 Promoted to Corpl Vice Odel Promoted to sergt Reduced to the Ranks for Disobediance [sic] Of Orders December /63
11 Samuel Burns " " " Feb 25th /62 Promoted to Corpl Vice Snyder Discharged
12 Jacob W. Afflerback [Bates has Affleback] " June 23d /64 Promoted from the Ranks for soldierly Conduct in Late Battle
13 Frank P. Donahue " June 23d /64 Promoted from the Ranks for soldierly appearances
14 William Burns " " " June 23d /64 Promoted from Ranks for soldierly Conduct in Late Battle
15 George Hampton " Sept 18th /64 Promoted from the Ranks for soldier [sic] Conduct in Late Battle
16 John H. Fenn " " " Oct 22d /64 Promoted from the Ranks for soldierly Conduct in Late Battle
17 William Dougherty " " " Sept 18th /64 Discharged By Reason Of Death in action
Promoted from the Ranks for soldierly Conduct Killd at Hatchier [sic] Creek
18 George Young " " " Oct 22d /64 Promoted from the Ranks for Soldierly Conduct in Late Battle
19 James Clark " " " Dec /63 Promoted from the Ranks for Bravery at the Battle of Fredericks Burg Va
1 Alberto Girard Drummer Sept 10th /61
2 John A Heny [?] Fyfe Sept 10th /61 Discharged By Reason of Death from Diese [sic]

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