Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

[This is a transcription of the first descriptive list of company K of the 91st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry (1861-1865)]
[A list of everything included in the 91st Pennsylvania's descriptive books, with links to transcriptions, is available here.]
[source: Descriptive book, company K, 91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 94 (Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917)]
[transcribed by Harry A. Ide]
- [NO.] 1
- [NAMES] Boyer John M
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Montgom [?] Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Mac[hinist??]
- [WHEN.] Septr [?] 25th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered into the U.S. Service by Capt Dye U.S
- [NO.] 2
- [NAMES] Brooks John F
- [AGE.] 43
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Burlinton New Jersey [?]
- [OCCUPATION.] brick [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] Octbr 15th
- [WHERE.] Phila
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Matlack
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered into the U.S. Service by] " [sc. Capt] Gilbert P.V.
- [NO.] 3
- [NAMES] Burman Thomas
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] butch[er]
- [WHEN.] Nov 8th 1861
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered into the U.S. Service by] Lieut Geo Murphy
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Bywater Wilfred
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] [illegible]
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Philada] England [sic]
- [OCCUPATION.] Cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] Dec [?] 1st 1861 [the date is written over something else]
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [Mustered into the US Service by] Lieut Jas B. Diehl
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Henry Bozher [?] [the last four letters of the surname are written over something else]
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 1 1/8 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Burlington New Jersey
- [OCCUPATION.] Labo[rer]
- [WHEN.] [F]eby 25 /64
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Stretch
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered into the U.S. Service by] Capt Stretch
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Adolph Bankett
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Alleghany Pennsylvania
- [OCCUPATION.] G [the rest is lost in the binding, but appears to be a separate word]
- [WHEN.] June 28th /62</a
- [WHERE.] Pittsburg [sic]
- [BY WHOM.] Lt G. A. Werk [?]
- [TERM.] 3 years [written over something]
- Mustered in by Capt Dodge
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] John Baker
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Virginia
- [OCCUPATION.] Labo[rer]
- [WHEN.] July 17th 63
- [WHERE.] 23rd dist
- [BY WHOM.] drafted
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] John Blumm
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Germany
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] [J]uly 10th
- [WHERE.] Allegheny ['Harrisburg' is crossed out]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Drafted
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Reuben Chafee
- [AGE.] 28
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] Florid
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Pennsylvania
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] July 16th
- [WHERE.] Butler County ['Allegheny' is crossed out]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Drafted
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Phillip Demmel
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Germany
- [OCCUPATION.] Glas[sblower?] ['Glas' may be crossed out, and a word may be started above it]
- [WHEN.] Dec 27th 1863
- [WHERE.] Licken [?] Run Va
- [BY WHOM.] Lt S [?] M Adams
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in by Capt Barnard
- transfered from 62nd P.V.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] John Doring
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Pittsburg Pennsylvania
- [OCCUPATION.] Glas[sblower?]
- [WHEN.] March 10th
- [WHERE.] Pittsburg
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Jefries
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in by Capt Jefries
- transfered from 62nd P.V.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] William Norton
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Black
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] July 14th /63
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- Substitute
- Transfered from 62nd Pennsylvania July 22d /64
- [NO.] 1
- [NAMES] Cook William J
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Pennsyl
- [OCCUPATION.] Cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] [S]ept 24th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in the service of the U.S. by Capt Smith U.S.
- [NO.] 2
- [NAMES] Casner John F
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Pain[ter]
- [WHEN.] [S]ept 24th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S. by Capt Smith U.S.]
- [NO.] 3
- [NAMES] Cloud William
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] berks Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoe[maker]
- [WHEN.] Sept 25th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Cap Casner
- [TERM.] " " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S. by Capt] Dye " [sc. U.S]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Coster George J
- [AGE.] 44 [?] [written over another number]
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Prin[ter]
- [WHEN.] " [sc. Sept] 27th
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] [blank?]
- " " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S. by Capt] Dye " [sc. U.S]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Chism Robert
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philadelphia Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S by] Lieut Geo Murphy
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Crouse George J [?]
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Smi [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] Octr [?] 15
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S by] Capt Bell U.S
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Clifford Henry
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] grey
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Philad] Ireland [sic]
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoe[maker]
- [WHEN.] " [sc. Octr (?)] 14
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S by Capt] Gilbert P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Conners Patrick
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Phila] Ireland [sic]
- [OCCUPATION.] Labo[rer]
- [WHEN.] Nov 4th 1861
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [Mustered in the service of the U.S by] " [sc. Capt] Peter D. Keyser P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Costillo John
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown [?]
- [WHERE BORN.] Pottsville Penn
- [OCCUPATION.] " [sc. Laborer]
- [WHEN.] Nov 30th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " " [sc. 3 yrs]
- marked with small pox
- " [sc. Mustered in the service of the U.S by] Lieut L. T. Matlack P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Chambers Samuel
- [AGE.] 34
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] brown
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Sad[dler?]
- [WHEN.] Nov 26th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service by Lieut [illegible initial] H Senty [?] P.V
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Cooper Wm R
- [AGE.] 32
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penn
- [OCCUPATION.] Tail[or]
- [WHEN.] Decr 21st
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] [blank] [between this and the previous line is written: 'L [?] T [?] Mattack]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Connelly Michael
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Galway Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Decr [?] 23d
- [WHERE.] Phila
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] " L. T. Matlock [?]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Casner William G.
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] ble [sic; presumably blue]
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] Oct 8th 1861
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Lieut Pierce U.S.
- [NO.] 26
- [NAMES] Chambers Eugene R
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] Brown [??]
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [illegible]
- [WHEN.] Feby 21st
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. Muster in to service by Lieut] J. A. Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Dorit John
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] huck[ster] [??]
- [WHEN.] Octr [?] 29th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in to Service by Lieut Hall P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Dougherty John
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Philad] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Nov 8th
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philad]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 yrs]
- [blank]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Dearagh Henry
- [AGE.] 38
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] brown [?]
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Philad] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Nov 11
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philad]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Mustered in to Service] " [sc. by] Capt P D Keyser
- [NO.] 30
- [NAMES] Flood Thomas
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Lorel [?] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] [illegible; perhaps beginning 'coat']
- [WHEN.] Jany 8th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in to service of U.S. by Capt. J. F. Casner P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Gash George H
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Carlisle England
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpen[ter]
- [WHEN.] Sept 27th 1861
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered by Capt Dye US
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Green Dennison
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Sail[or]
- [WHEN.] Nov 9th " [sc. 1861]
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered by] " [sc. Capt Dye?]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Griffin William
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] " [sc. hazel]
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Labo[rer]
- [WHEN.] Octr 28th " [sc. 1861]
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered by] Capt P. D. Keyser P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Girvin Henry [I have not identified him]
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Groff John
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Germany
- [OCCUPATION.] huck[ster]
- [WHEN.] Nov [?] 1st
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- [mustered by] Lieut T. H. Parsons
- [NO.] 36
- [NAMES] Gentel Henry
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] brown
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Carp[enter]
- [WHEN.] Jany [?] 17th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Mustered by Lieut] William R. Milligan
- [This name is crossed out: ] Herdinbaugh Thomas
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Harrington George
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Cumberland England
- [OCCUPATION.] Wea[ver]
- [WHEN.] Nov 4th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service by Lieut F. H. Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Hardenbaugh Peter
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Lewistown Delaware
- [OCCUPATION.] Far[mer]
- [WHEN.] Nov 4th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " " " [sc. Muster in to service by Lieut F. H. Gregory]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Haviland Amos
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] Nov 11th
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- " " " " [sc. Muster in to service by Lieut] Morris Kayser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Hurld Robert
- [AGE.] 45
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] England
- [OCCUPATION.] Weav[er] [?]
- [WHEN.] Nov 26
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philad]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] David Rederty [??]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Harnison [?] John
- [AGE.] 31
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] black
- [HAIR.] Black
- [WHERE BORN.] New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Cler[k]
- [WHEN.] Nov 6th
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philad]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Mustered in to service by] T H Parsons
- [NO.] 42
- [NAMES] Johnson William H
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philadelphia Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Mor[occo] Fini[sher]
- [WHEN.] Octbr 1st
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service by Capt Dye US
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Knowles Thomas B
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hazel [?]
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Bucks Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Coa [?] [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 5th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service by Lieut F. H. Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Kane John
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Dery Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Ba [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 13th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Mustered in to service by Lieut] Morris H Kayser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Kelly William
- [AGE.] 38
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Dery Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] La [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 2nd
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] L T Matlack [?]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. Muster in to service by Lieut] L T Matlack
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Kirkpatrick William
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Cl[erk?]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 9th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. L T Matlack (?)]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " " [sc. Muster in to service by L T Matlack]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Kane Michael
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Waterford Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Ga [?] [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 9th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " " [sc. Muster in to service by L T Matlack]
- [NO.] 48
- [NAMES] Kepplinger Jacob B
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] brown
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Car [?] [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] Octr 10th 1862
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by Lieut] J. A. Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Leech Eli
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet = inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] black
- [WHERE BORN.] - England
- [OCCUPATION.] Butch[er]
- [WHEN.] [Se]ptr 25th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- Muster in Service by Capt Dye U.S
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Laird Alexander
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] auburn
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] paper [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 13th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in Service by] Lieut Morris Kayser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Latier [?] John [perhaps 'Latuer']
- [AGE.] 42
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] ship [carpenter?]
- [WHEN.] Octbr 22
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Muster in Serivce by Lieut] Geo Murphy
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Lammey Lewis
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Prin[ter]
- [WHEN.] Nov 13th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Consent of Parents " " [sc. Muster in Service by Lieut] Morris Kayser
- [NO.] 53
- [NAMES] Leidheiser Daniel G
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] red
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [illegible; seems to begin 'Yale']
- [WHEN.] Octr 10th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in Service by] J A Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McCarty John
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Cork Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Sept [?] 27th [?]
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in Service by [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McWilliams Neil
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 11 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] do [sc. light]
- [WHERE BORN.] Dery Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] [N]ov 4th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. Muster in service by] " [sc. Capt] P D Keyser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McFetridge Matthew
- [AGE.] 17
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet [blank] inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] brick [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [Oc]tr 10th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Consent of parents
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McCormick John
- [AGE.] 37
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Dery Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] [N]ov [?] 6th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Lieut Geo Murphy P.V.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McElvaney Matthew
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 1/4 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Antrim Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] weav[er]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 5th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " " [sc. 3 years]
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] " " " [sc. Lieut Geo Murphy P.V.]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McDermott Robert
- [AGE.] 34
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Antrim] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] host[ler] [?]
- [WHEN.] [No]v 18th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Mackin Owen W.
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Louth Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpe[nter]
- [WHEN.] [Sep]tr [?] 24th [?]
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Capt Dye
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Martin Hugh
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Dery Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] weav[er]
- [WHEN.] [No]v [?] 13th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Lieut Morris Kayser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Melville William
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] [No]v [?] 8th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- rather grey hair
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Capt P D Keyser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Malone John
- [AGE.] 30
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Tyrone Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] soap [?] [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] Octr 29th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Lt F H Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Marple Thomas
- [AGE.] 29
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Montgomery Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [illegible; may begin 'bras']
- [WHEN.] [O]ctr 3rd
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] " [sc. Lt] Pierce US
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] McNutt George
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hasel [sic]
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Comp [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [D]ecr 18th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Milligan
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by order of court
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Myers William
- [AGE.] 41
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brow [sic]
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Ba [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [N]ov 1st
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Capt P D Keyser
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Messinger Enoch
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 11 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [N]ov 15th
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- [blank?]
- [NO.] 68
- [NAMES] McCarty James
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Tipperary Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Augt 19th
- [WHERE.] Alexandria
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. muster in service by] Capt Wood, US
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Patrick O Malley
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Bal Carle [??] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] Jany [?] 26 /64
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Shipley
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered in to the U.S. Service by Lt Brook
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Reese Robert
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Easton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] Octr 1st
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Consent of Parents
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Ruhl Chas Frederick
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hasel
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Baltimore Maryland
- [OCCUPATION.] huc[kster?]
- [WHEN.] Octr 22d
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] " " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Consent of Parents]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Ruths Frederick
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Brown
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] lock[smith?] [?]
- [WHEN.] Decr 18th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Milligan
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Smith Adolphus
- [AGE.] 38
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] wea[ver]
- [WHEN.] Octr 12th 1861
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to Service [by] Lieut Geo Murphy
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Snyder H William
- [AGE.] 36
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] bric [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 8th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Milligan
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to Service by] Capt P [illegible; perhaps 'D Keyser']
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Snyder Theodore
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Berks Co Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Eng[ineer?]
- [WHEN.] [O]ctr [?] 14th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to Service by] [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Stewart Robert
- [AGE.] 34
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Oyste[r dealer?] [??]
- [WHEN.] Nov 14th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] [blank]
- " " [sc. Muster in to Service by] [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Scott B Thomas
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] cle[rk]
- [WHEN.] [Oc?]tr 31st
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [muster in to service by] [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Stackhouse William C
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] grey
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Bucks Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Cl[erk?]
- [WHEN.] [Se]pt 27th [?]
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Capt Dye U.S.
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Steelman Albert W.
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hasel
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Sai[lor??]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 7th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Scowel John B.
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] " [sc. Philad] Germany [sic]
- [OCCUPATION.] Labo[rer]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 12th
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] [illegible]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Stauze Christian
- [AGE.] 29
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] Hasel
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] _ Germany
- [OCCUPATION.] Bu [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] Feby 3d /64
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Shipley
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to Service by Lt Brooks
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Toland John
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Cou[nt]y Penn
- [OCCUPATION.] Labor[er]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 21st
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in Service by Lieut E. J. Phillips
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Vince [sic] William
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Dongal [sic] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Farm[er]
- [WHEN.] Decr 4th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service [by] Capt J. F. Casner
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Van horn Bernard
- [AGE.] 36
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Bucks Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Wat [the rest is lost in the binding]
- [WHEN.] [illegible] 29 /64
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Shipley
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Lt Brooks
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Welch Michael
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Octr 28th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- Muster in to service by Lieut F. H. Gregory
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Waterson Alexander
- [AGE.] 26
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hasel
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Derry Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] black[smith?]
- [WHEN.] Nov 22 1861
- [WHERE.] Phila
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Geo Murphy
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Whistler George
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] brickl[ayer?]
- [WHEN.] [N]ov 30th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Mattack [?]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Lt Mattack [?]
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Weygood Thomas
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Langford England
- [OCCUPATION.] Tailor
- [WHEN.] Decr 10
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] " " [sc. 3 years]
- " " [sc. Muster in to service by] Capt J. F. Casner
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Wells William
- [AGE.] 39
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 11 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] fair
- [EYES.] hasel
- [HAIR.] grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Oneida, New York
- [WHEN.] [D]ecr 26th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- Musterd in to the Service by Capt Casner
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] Weichselbaum Jacob
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] hazel
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad, Penna
- [WHEN.] [Jan]y 17th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Capt Casner]
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- " " [sc. Musterd in to the Service by] Lt Wm. R [?] Milligan
- [The following name is crossed out, and nothing else is written on the line:] Wiley Thomas
- [NO.]
- [NAMES] [illegible, probably Wiley] William [probably William Wiley]
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 3[?]/4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farm[er] [?]
- [WHEN.] Aug 21st 1861
- [WHERE.] Phila
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Lentz
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- Mustered in to the Service by Col. Reiff U.S.
- [NO.] 92
- [NAMES] Wieland Charles A.
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Black
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [illegible; seems to begin 'Oma']
- [WHEN.] Octr 10th 1862
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- " " [sc. Mustered in the service by] Lt J. A. Gregory
- [NO.] 93
- [NAMES] Young Thomas
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] hasel
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] Easton Penna
- [WHEN.] Oct 29th
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Muster in to service by [illegible]
End of 1st list
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