Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

[This is a transcription of the second descriptive list of company K of the 91st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry (1861-1865)]
[A list of everything included in the 91st Pennsylvania's descriptive books, with links to transcriptions, is available here.]
[source: Descriptive book, company K, 91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 94 (Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917)]
[transcribed by Harry A. Ide]
- [NO.] 1
- [NAMES] Anthony Rinard S.
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Armstrong Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Aug 23rd 1863
- [WHERE.] 23rd Dis
- [BY WHOM.] 23rd Dis
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Substitute - transfd
- [NO.] 2
- [NAMES] Appel Jacob
- [AGE.] 31
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] " [sc. Grey]
- [HAIR.] " [sc. dark]
- [WHERE BORN.] Germany
- [OCCUPATION.] Blacksm[ith]
- [WHEN.] July 10th " [sc. 1863]
- [WHERE.] drafted
- [BY WHOM.] 23rd Dis.
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- " [sc. transfd]
- Missing in action
- [NO.] 1
- [NAMES] Boyer John M.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] light
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Montgomery Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Machin[ist]
- [WHEN.] Sept 25th /61
- [WHERE.] Philadelphia
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Casner
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Mustered by Capt Dye U.S.
- [NO.] 2
- [NAMES] Baker John
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] " [sc. Grey]
- [HAIR.] dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Virginia
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] July 17th 1863
- [WHERE.] drafted
- [BY WHOM.] 23rd Dis.
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 years]
- trans.
- [NO.] 3
- [NAMES] Bankered [sic] Adolph
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] dark
- [EYES.] dark
- [HAIR.] " [sc. dark]
- [WHERE BORN.] Allegheny Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] G. Blow[er]
- [WHEN.] Jan 28th 1862
- [WHERE.] Pittsburg [sic]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 4
- [NAMES] Baughman David
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 5
- [NAMES] Berger Reuben
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 6
- [NAMES] Blum John
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 7
- [NAMES] Bywater Wilfred
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 8
- [NAMES] Bozier Henry
- [AGE.] [blank]
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [COMPLEXION.] [blank]
- [EYES.] [blank]
- [HAIR.] [blank]
- [WHERE BORN.] [blank]
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] [blank]
- [WHERE.] [blank]
- [BY WHOM.] [blank]
- [TERM.] [blank]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 9
- [NAMES] Blake Edward [?] [stray marks make his personal name hard to read, but it doesn't seem to be 'Edwin']
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] Florid
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] light
- [WHERE BORN.] St. John [no state or country is listed]
- [OCCUPATION.] lab[orer]
- [WHEN.] March 24 /65
- [WHERE.] Norristown
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Yerkes
- [TERM.] 1 year
- Sub for J. K. Knapp 15 S 6 Con. Dis
End of 2d list
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