Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

[This is a transcription of the first Descriptive Roll for company F of the 91st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry (1861-1865)]
[A list of everything included in the 91st Pennsylvania's descriptive books, with links to transcriptions, is available here.]
[source: Descriptive book, company F, 91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 94 (Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917)]
[transcribed by Harry A. Ide]
[This is not the original descriptive book. See Walter's description of the loss of the regimental records in November 1862. On 18 August 1863, the adjutant asked company commanders to give him a list of all commissioned officers in their company, with all changes since the company was organized, to enable him to produce a new regimental descriptive book (circular, HQ 91st PA, 18 August 1863).]
- [NO.] 1
- [NAMES] Francis Henry
- [AGE.] 30
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Bk Binder
- [WHEN.] Oct 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philadelphia
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to 1st Lieut Augst 5th 1862 [?]
- [NO.] 2
- [NAMES] Nugent James
- [AGE.] 29 [? could be 27]
- [HEIGHT.] 5 7
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Reduced to the Ranks June 10th 1862 from Sergt
- [NO.] 3
- [NAMES] Michaels William
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Pennsyl
- [OCCUPATION.] Pap. Hang.
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Murphy P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to 1st Sergt Augst 5th - 62
- Promoted to 2d Lt Oct 11 /62
- [NO.] 4
- [NAMES] Hess, Samuel H.
- [AGE.] 33
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] Light [?]
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Machinist
- [WHEN.] Octobr 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Reduced to the Ranks Sept 4 /62 from Sergt
- Transfered to Invalid Corps March 12th [?] 1864
- [NO.] 5
- [NAMES] Etter, James M
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Tailor
- [WHEN.] Sept 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Reduced to Ranks Augst 5th /62
- Discharged Augst 20 /62
- [NO.] 6
- [NAMES] Sweeny James ['James' seems to be written over another name]
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Paisely Scotland
- [OCCUPATION.] Moulder
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Reduced to Ranks January 18th 1861 [sic]
- Deserted March 20 [?] 1862
- [NO.] 7
- [NAMES] Boyd Robert
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [EYES.] Brown
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Albany New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Moulder
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to 4th Sergt Augst 5th /62
- Promoted to 1st Sergt Jany 1st /63
- Reduced to the ranks by sentance [sic] of court marshill [sic] 31 March 1863.
- [NO.] 8
- [NAMES] Smith James
- [AGE.] 28
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Pennsylv
- [OCCUPATION.] Lithograph
- [WHEN.] Oct 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Missing since the Battle of Chancellorville Va May 3 /61
- Discharged ['for disability' is crossed out here] By reason of Expiration of term of service Nov 2d 1864
- [NO.] 9
- [NAMES] Beatty Patrick B.
- [AGE.] 42
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Dark Gray [?]
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Butcher
- [WHEN.] Sept 30 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Discharged for disability March 13th 1864
- [NO.] 10
- [NAMES] OConnell Daniel
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Mould[er]
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years.
- Promoted to 5th Sergt Augst 5th /62
- Deserted April 28th /64
- [NO.] 11
- [NAMES] Zehender John C.
- [AGE.] 33
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Wurtemberg Germany
- [WHEN.] October 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Bell USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Second Enlistment
- Promoted to 2d Sergt June 11 /62
- Sergt John C Zehender Discharged for Disability 14 of January 1863
- [NO.] 12
- [NAMES] Watkins William E.
- [AGE.] 39
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoemaker
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Second Enlistment
- Reduced to Ranks March 4th 1862
- Discharged Aprl 2d 1862
- [NO.] 13
- [NAMES] Brosnahan John G.
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] _ New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Machin[ist]
- [WHEN.] Oct 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Second Enlistment.
- Deserted about the 30th Octob. 1861
- [NO.] [blank]
- [NAMES] Allen John R.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corporal Decbr 23d 1861
- Promoted to 3d [?] Sergt [?] Sept 5 /62 [?]
- Promoted to third Sergt January 1st 1863
- [NO.] 14
- [NAMES] Keller George A.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Barkeep [?]
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 15
- [NAMES] Weaver William
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transferred to Capt. Sinix [sic] co D, on Consolidation of the two Regts.
- [NO.] 16
- [NAMES] Bilherty Joseph F.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Gunsmith [?]
- [WHEN.] Sept 23d /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Transferred to Capt Sinix [sic] Co D on Consolidation of the two Regts.
- [NO.] 17
- [NAMES] Strang Benjamin
- [AGE.] 45
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Teams[ter]
- [WHEN.] Oct. 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Discharged by Surgeons Certificate May 6th 1862
- [NO.] 18
- [NAMES] Alcorn George
- [AGE.] 28
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 3/4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Harrisburg Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Soldier
- [WHEN.] Oct. 2d /1861
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Deserted June 11th 1862 at Alexandria Va
- Discharged Aug 21 /63 for disability by Genl Martindale at Wash D.C.
- [NO.] 19
- [NAMES] Murphy John
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] New York City, New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Newsboy
- [WHEN.] Oct 2d /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- Discharged for disability February 7th [?] 1863
- [NO.] 20
- [NAMES] Foust Henry
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatma[n]
- [WHEN.] Oct 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability April 5th 1862
- [NO.] 21
- [NAMES] Deihl Abel T
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 25th /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Camp near Sharpsburg Oct 8 /62
- [NO.] 22
- [NAMES] Critzer William
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 23
- [NAMES] Bartholomew John
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 24 ['24' is crossed out, and '58' is written above it]
- [NAMES] Cahill Patrick
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 2d [?] /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Kiled [sic] June 18th 1864
- [NO.] 25
- [NAMES] Smith George A.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transferred to Capt Sinix Co D On Consolidation of the two Regts
- [NO.] 26
- [NAMES] Pentland William
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Druggist
- [WHEN.] Sept 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transferred to Capt Sinix Co. D on Consolidation of the two Regts
- [NO.] 27
- [NAMES] Dougherty Cornelius
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 14 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Starr U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged June 18th 1862 on Surgeons Certificate
- [NO.] 28
- [NAMES] ODonnell Morris
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Philada Oct 1861
- [NO.] 29
- [NAMES] Dougherty Patrick
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet 2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 17 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted. now in Capt Frost's Comp. Col. Owens [?] Regt. P.V.
- [NO.] 30
- [NAMES] Gilliland James
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Weaver
- [WHEN.] Sept 14 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Starr U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Drowned Novbr. 20th 1861 at Philadelphia Pa
- [NO.] 31
- [NAMES] Clarke Charles
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philad Penna
- [WHEN.] Sept 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Certificate of Dr. Knight Regtl. Surgeon Jan 16 /62
- [NO.] 32
- [NAMES] Ennis John
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Sept 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Certificate of Dr. Knight Regtl Surgeon Jan 16 /62
- [NO.] 33 ['33' is crossed out, and '56' is written over it]
- [NAMES] McCord Charles
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Sandy
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged Nov 2d By Reason of expiration of term of Service
- [NO.] 34
- [NAMES] Calahan Patrick
- [AGE.] 33
- [EYES.]
- [HAIR.]
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted shortly after enlisted at Philada
- [NO.] 35
- [NAMES] Ford James
- [AGE.] 32
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Plumber
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted March 25th /62 [?] from Christian [?] St [??] Hospital
- [NO.] 36
- [NAMES] McChain Lewis W
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] [blank]
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Lanohill [??] New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Tinsmith
- [WHEN.] Decbr [?] 2d /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transferred from co. K Capt Casner to co F by regtl Order Jan 4 /62
- Died July 28 /62 at Alexandria Va
- [NO.] 37
- [NAMES] Keefe James
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 21 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability Feby 5 /63
- [NO.] 38
- [NAMES] Walsh John
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] New York
- [OCCUPATION.] [blank]
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corporal Jany 1 /63
- Deserted April 28th 1864
- [NO.] 39
- [NAMES] Buckly Curnel
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on writ of Habeas Corpus
- [NO.] 40
- [NAMES] Lee Samuel
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 23 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Writ of Habeas Corpus
- [NO.] 41
- [NAMES] Lake Edward
- [AGE.] 36
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Roxborough Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Teamster
- [WHEN.] Sept 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Smith U.S.A.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Camp Chase Philada Pa March 11th 1862
- [NO.] 42
- [NAMES] Shannon Simon C
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Sept 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by Surgeons Certificate June 12th [??] 1862
- [NO.] 43
- [NAMES] Hall David
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 27 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 44
- [NAMES] Haskins Sylvester
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Sept 30 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted Philada Oct 1861
- [NO.] 45
- [NAMES] Gilliland William
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Weaver
- [WHEN.] Sept 30 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- wounded in action May 3 63 at Chancellorsville Va & ret. June 19 /63 [several illegible words]
- [NO.] 46
- [NAMES] Lamb Samuel
- [AGE.] 37
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 1st /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corpl June 11 /62 [?]
- [NO.] 47
- [NAMES] Harrison Joseph
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 1 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted
- Aprehended [sic] Jan 3d /62 and deserted on the 4th of Jan /62. No accounts.
- [NO.] 48
- [NAMES] Hinkle Henry B
- [AGE.] 41
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet 1 inch
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penn
- [OCCUPATION.] Butcher
- [WHEN.] Oct 1 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Camp Chase Philad Penn
- [NO.] 49
- [NAMES] Hughes James
- [AGE.] 39
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Sandy
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpenter
- [WHEN.] Oct 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability July 14th 1862
- [NO.] 50
- [NAMES] Wyles Kingsley
- [AGE.] 29
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Sandy
- [WHERE BORN.] Otugo [?] New York
- [WHEN.] Oct 3d /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- deserted June 11th 1862 at Alexandria Va
- [NO.] 51
- [NAMES] Farrell Patrick
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- discharged from US Hospital Philada Pa for disability by [illegible]
- [NO.] 52
- [NAMES] Dougherty John
- [AGE.] 37
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Peirce [?] USA [?] ['Peirce' and 'USA' seem to be written over something]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transfered to Invalid Corps Sept 1st 1863 [??] in accordance [with] General Order No 302 War Department
- [NO.] 53
- [NAMES] McCollough Peter
- [AGE.] 32
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 54
- [NAMES] Peal Reuben
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light Gray
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Sailor
- [WHEN.] Oct 11 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Dye USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by Order Surgeons Certificate March 29 /63
- [NO.] 55 ['55' is crossed out, and '55' (sic) is written above it—perhaps it's supposed to be '85'?]
- [NAMES] McCann John
- [AGE.] 24
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Moulder
- [WHEN.] Oct 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for or by Reason of expiration of term of Service Nov [?] 2d 1864
- [NO.] 56
- [NAMES] Van Buren Peter
- [AGE.] 38
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Albany New York
- [WHEN.] Oct 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Parsons PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted June 27 /62
- Returned to duty Augst 18 /62
- Died Nov 14th /63 Washington DC
- [NO.] 57
- [NAMES] Finnley William
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Red
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Lentz PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted July 20 /62 at Alexandria Va
- Returned to duty Augst 18 /62
- Transfered to Invalid Corps Sept 30 /63
- [NO.] 58
- [NAMES] Cox Edward A
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Oct 3 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Pierce USA
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by Order of Court (Writ of Habeas Corpus)
- [NO.] 59
- [NAMES] Green Nicholas
- [AGE.] 42
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Oct 19 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Murphy PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability April 16th /62 by order of Adj General
- [NO.] 60
- [NAMES] Fetzer Aaron C
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Died at Columbia Hospital D.C. Feb 22 /62.
- [NO.] 61
- [NAMES] Koonts Lewis
- [AGE.] 33
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Alexandria Va August 19th 1862
- [NO.] 62
- [NAMES] Hause Edwin
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet 1 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Brown
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Philad
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to a Corporal June 19 /62
- [NO.] 63
- [NAMES] Derr Jeremiah
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 18 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to a Corporal Jany No 1 /63
- Transferred to Invalid Corps [illegible date]
- [NO.] 64
- [NAMES] Gehrig Joseph B.
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet 1 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 21 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Kayser P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for disability Augst 21 /62
- [NO.] 65
- [NAMES] Gebler Joseph T.
- [AGE.] 20
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Brown
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Pottsville Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Salesman
- [WHEN.] Oct 21 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Murphy P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to a Corporal May 22 1862
- Promoted to sergt Jany nr 1 /63
- Killed in action May 3 /63 at Chancellorsville Va
- [NO.] 66
- [NAMES] Gravell John
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoemaker
- [WHEN.] Oct 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Parsons P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for disability July 14th 1862
- [NO.] 67
- [NAMES] Carr Henry
- [AGE.] 31
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - New York
- [OCCUPATION.] Tailor
- [WHEN.] Oct 24 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Kayser P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability on 7th day April 1862 [?] By Regimental Surgeon
- [NO.] 68
- [NAMES] Foust Oscar
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] farmer
- [WHEN.] Oct 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corporal March 4th 1862
- Deserted June 11th 1862 [?] at Alexandria Va
- [NO.] 69
- [NAMES] Goodman Isaac
- [AGE.] 25
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Oct 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Milton
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 70
- [NAMES] Chaptman William
- [AGE.] 31
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet 2 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Sailor
- [WHEN.] Novbr 1 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to a Corporal Jany nr 1 /63
- [NO.] 71
- [NAMES] Rubicam George W
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpenter
- [WHEN.] Novbr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Murphy P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability April 12th 1862
- [NO.] 72
- [NAMES] Rubicam George C
- [AGE.] 27
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpenter
- [WHEN.] Nobr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Murphy P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability April 12th 1862
- [NO.] 73
- [NAMES] Bachtel David
- [AGE.] 38
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Cty Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] Novbr 21 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability Feby 13 /63
- [NO.] 74
- [NAMES] Williams John
- [AGE.] 27
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Wales
- [OCCUPATION.] Bricklayer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 6 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Sinix P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 75
- [NAMES] May Howard
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Northumberland Cy, Penna.
- [WHEN.] Nobr 4 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Writ of Habeas Corpus Decb 14 /61
- [NO.] 76
- [NAMES] Montgomery Ralph B.
- [AGE.] 28
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] North@ Cy., Penna [presumably Northumberland County, Pennsylvania]
- [OCCUPATION.] Storeboy [?]
- [WHEN.] Nobr 6 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada [written over something, perhaps over 'Lieut Parsons']
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Parsons PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corpl Jan 19 /62
- Deserted June 11th 1862 at Alexandria Va + returned to Co Augst 22 /62
- Deserted Sept 2nd 1863 [?]
- [NO.] 77
- [NAMES] Rutter Albert
- [AGE.] 15
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Drumer [sic]
- [WHEN.] Nobr 4 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Parsons PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for disability April 12 /63 [?] Washington D.C.
- [NO.] 78
- [NAMES] Kline William
- [AGE.] 44
- [EYES.]
- [HAIR.]
- [WHEN.] Oct 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Kayser P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted shortly after enlistment.
- [NO.] 79
- [NAMES] Stitzman Adam
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [WHEN.] Nobr 6 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Parsons P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 80
- [NAMES] Fordsman David
- [AGE.] 27
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Milton Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 12 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Gilbert PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged Sept 22d /62 at Harrisburg Pa for disability
- [NO.] 81
- [NAMES] Geiger William H.
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Light
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Catawissa Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] Novbr 12 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Gilbert PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to Corpl June [?] 11/ 62 [?]
- Transferred to Invalid Corps July 8 /63
- [NO.] 82
- [NAMES] Waltman William F.
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Hatzel [sic]
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] North'd [?] Cy. Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Novbr 12 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Gilbert P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability at Alexandria Va
- [NO.] 83
- [NAMES] Ritter J Monroe
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Black
- [WHERE BORN.] North'd Cy Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 14 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt. Gilbert P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by Order of Court
- [NO.] 84
- [NAMES] Earl Richard E.
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Shippen [?] Cameron [?] County, Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Boatman
- [WHEN.] Nobr 15 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Hall P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Died at Camp Stanton, D.C. Febr. 20 /62
- [NO.] 85 ['85' is crossed out and '54' is written above it]
- [NAMES] Stewart James
- [AGE.] 32
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Nobr. 20 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Keyser P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted at Camp Chase
- Returned to Company April 2d 1864 [?]
- [NO.] 86
- [NAMES] McGoveran [?] Thomas
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoemaker
- [WHEN.] Nobr 21 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 87
- [NAMES] Bridells Charles W.
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Book keeper
- [WHEN.] Nobr 22 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged for Disability Jany nr 10 /63
- [NO.] 88
- [NAMES] Campbell Joseph
- [AGE.] 45
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Mexico Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 22 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada ['Philada' is written over another word]
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter PV
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Certificate of Disability March 28 [?] /62
- [NO.] 89
- [NAMES] Reed James
- [AGE.] 42
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Chester Cy. Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Paper dealer
- [WHEN.] Nobr 25 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged from Cliffborn [?] Hospt Nov 27 /62
- [NO.] 90
- [NAMES] Lampas Henry
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [WHEN.] Decbr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transferred from Co K.
- Deserted at Camp Chase. Phil. Decb 1861
- [NO.] 91
- [NAMES] Bourganot Lewis
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] Hatzel
- [HAIR.] Grey
- [WHERE BORN.] Aix La Chappel, France
- [WHEN.] Decbr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged on Certificate of Disability Apr [?] 19 /62 [several illegible words]
- [NO.] 92
- [NAMES] McMichaels William
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Brown
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Brickmoulder
- [WHEN.] Decbr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transfered to Invalid Corps September 30 /63
- [NO.] 93
- [NAMES] McClung William
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] Decbr 2 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Phillips P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 94
- [NAMES] Carrick Thomas
- [AGE.] 19
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 4 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Reed [sic; I assume this should be 'red']
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Weaver
- [WHEN.] Decbr 2d /61
- [WHERE.] Philada Pa
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Phillips P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 95
- [NAMES] Hagerty Patrick
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] - Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Shoemaker
- [WHEN.] Decbr 6 /61
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted from Alexandria Va August 19 /62
- [NO.] 96
- [NAMES] Strang Isaac
- [AGE.] 17
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 5 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpenter
- [WHEN.] Jan 8 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Deserted at Camp Chase Phil Jan 1862
- [NO.] 97
- [NAMES] Stroup George Felix
- [AGE.] 26
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Bootfitter
- [WHEN.] Jan 7 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- missing since the action of Chancellorville May 3 /63
- [NO.] 98
- [NAMES] Van Howden William B.
- [AGE.] 31
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Fisherman
- [WHEN.] Jan 1 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged by Surgeons Certificate June [?] 12th [?] 1862
- [NO.] 99
- [NAMES] Gray Henry Francis
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 6 feet - inches
- [EYES.] Grey
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Bonet Board mak[er]
- [WHEN.] Jan 4 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Capt Fetter P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 Years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 100 ['100' is crossed out, and '53' is written over it]
- [NAMES] Fleming George
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 inches
- [EYES.] Blue ['Blue' is written over another word]
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Glass Blow[er]
- [WHEN.] August 2 /62
- [WHERE.] Alexandria Va
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 101
- [NAMES] Augustus Flicker
- [AGE.] 18
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] New York State
- [OCCUPATION.] Brickmo[ulder]
- [WHEN.] August 2 /62
- [WHERE.] Alex Va
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Weeks P.V.
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged June 8th, 1863 on surgeon's certificate of disability at Hospital in Phila Pa
- [NO.] 102
- [NAMES] John Egan
- [AGE.] 43
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 [?] inches ['9' is written over another number, and is hard to read]
- [EYES.] Dark
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Workma[n]
- [WHEN.] July 30 /62
- [WHERE.] Phila
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory [?]
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Clothing issued Aj Gen Deptmt at Harrisburg
- Transferred to the Invalid Corps July 15 /63
- [NO.] 103
- [NAMES] Robert Carrick
- [AGE.] 44
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Island of Malta
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpente[r]
- [WHEN.] Aug 1 [?] /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory [?]
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- Clothing issued Aj Gen Dept at Harrisburg
- discharged for Disability Feby 13 /63
- [NO.] 104 ['104' is crossed out, and '52' is written above it]
- [NAMES] John H Denning [?]
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [COMPLEXION.] Ligh [sic]
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Brown
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Stove m[aker?]
- [WHEN.] Aug 9 /62
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Closson
- [TERM.] 3 yrs
- [blank]
- [NO.] 105
- [NAMES] William Mooney
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Phila Penna
- [OCCUPATION.] Butch[er]
- [WHEN.] Aug 11 /62
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Lt Closson]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 yrs]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 106 ['106' is crossed out, and '51' is written above it]
- [NAMES] George Carrick
- [AGE.] 23
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 inches
- [EYES.] " [sc. Hazel]
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] " " [sc. Phila Penna]
- [OCCUPATION.] Brick m [the rest is lost in the gutter]
- [WHEN.] " [sc. Aug 11 /62]
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Lt Closson]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 yrs]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 107 ['107' is crossed out, and '56' is written above it]
- [NAMES] Harry H Zane
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 6 inches
- [EYES.] " [sc. Hazel]
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Haddonfield, N.J.
- [OCCUPATION.] Carpent[er]
- [WHEN.] " [sc. Aug 11 /62]
- [WHERE.] " [sc. Philada]
- [BY WHOM.] " [sc. Lt. Closson]
- [TERM.] " [sc. 3 yrs]
- [blank]
- [NO.] 108 ['108' is crossed out, and '49' is written above it]
- [NAMES] David F Mansfield
- [AGE.] 35
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Boston Mass
- [OCCUPATION.] Builder
- [WHEN.] August 28 [?] /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Promoted to 2 Sergt Jany nr 1 /63
- [NO.] 109 ['109' is crossed out, and '48 is written above it]
- [NAMES] Robert Wilkinson
- [AGE.] 22
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 10 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Donegal Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Farmer
- [WHEN.] August 12 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 110
- [NAMES] William Wilkinson
- [AGE.] 21
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 9 inches
- [EYES.] Blue
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Donegal Ireland
- [OCCUPATION.] Laborer
- [WHEN.] August 12 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
- [NO.] 111
- [NAMES] Howell Williams
- [AGE.] 33
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 3 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Hazel
- [HAIR.] Dark
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Pennsylvania
- [OCCUPATION.] Hack [?]
- [WHEN.] Sept 4 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lieut Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Transfered [sic] to Invalid Corps March 16th [year illegible]
- [NO.] 112
- [NAMES] John H Hilsee
- [AGE.] 43
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Gray
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Pennsylvania
- [OCCUPATION.] Taylor [?]
- [WHEN.] Sept 3 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt A [??] Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- Discharged Nov 24 [?] /63 for Disability Camp near Paoli Mills Va Surgeons Certificate
- [NO.] 113 ['114' is written below this number, presumably because John R Allen is added betwen entries 13 and 14]
- [NAMES] Charles Thompson
- [AGE.] 40
- [HEIGHT.] 5 feet 8 inches
- [EYES.] Gray
- [HAIR.] Light
- [WHERE BORN.] Philada Pennsylvania
- [WHEN.] Sept 15 /62
- [WHERE.] Philada
- [BY WHOM.] Lt A [?] Gregory
- [TERM.] 3 years
- [blank]
End of 1st list.
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