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91st PA - family members serving together

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These known or suspected family members served in the 91st Pennsylvania Infantry.

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relationship names comments
father-son Agner, David (H) - Agnew, Johnson (A)  
brothers Baird, Alexander (E) - Baird, David (E)  
father-son Bancker, Abraham (F&S) - Bancker, Meriners (C)  
brothers Bender, Jacob (G) - Bender, John W (G) uncertain
father-son Black, George (H) - Black, George (H)  
brothers Cartledge, Cyrus (E) - Cartledge, James (E)  
father-son Chambers, Samuel (K) - Chambers, Eugene (I) both died
brothers Derr, Jeremiah (F) - Derr, Aaron (F)  
father-son Dyke, John Q (H) - Dyke, Edwin H (H) and Dyke, William H H (H)  
father-son Eckhart, Augustus (C) - Eckhart, Charles (C) uncertain
brothers Godfrey, Amos - Godfrey, Stephen their sister Phillipine, married William Knapp (B)
father-son Gregory, Edgar (F&S) - Gregory, Francis (A) and Gregory, Justus (B)  
father-son Griffith, Samuel (E) - Griffith, John (E)  
brothers Hawks, John N alias James Clark (D) - Hawks, Samuel (D)  
father-son Hoover/Hooven, William (C) - Hooven/Hoover, William T (C) uncertain
brothers Imler, Adam (B) - Imler, William (B) also their cousin Imler, Martin (B)
cousins Imler, Martin (B) - Imler, Adam (B) and Imler, Wiliam William and Adam were brothers
brothers Keever, George (E) and Keever, John (E)  
father-son Lentz, John (E, F&S) and Lentz, David (E) uncertain
brothers Murphy, Adam (I) and Murphy, George (I) possibly also Murphy, Daniel (F/D)
uncle-nephew Partenheimer, John (B) - Partenheimer, Harold (B)  
brothers Russell, Abraham (D) - Russell, Isaac (D)  
uncle-nephew Sinex, Joseph (F&S) - Sinex, Robert Sr (D) uncertain
brothers Small, Jeremiah (F) - Small, Jerome (F)  
brothers Stiefel, David alias David Sterle (H) - Sterle, Godfried (H)  
brothers Stineman, Thomas (B) - Stineman, John (B)  
brothers Stotsenberg, John (E) - Stotsenberg, Jeremiah (I)  
brothers-in-law Rodearmel, George (D) - Whistler, George (K)  
brothers Weigle, Abraham (G) - Weigle, William (G) and Weigle, Benjamin Franklin (G)  
brothers Yeatts, Amos (F) - Yeatts, Charles (G)m and Yeatts, Howard (G) uncertain
brothers Eyre, George (F&S) - Eyre, Benjamin (A/I) brother Robert was a sutler
brothers McCoy, William (H) - McCoy, John (F/D) uncertain
brothers-in-law Phillips, George S (H) - Amey, Samuel (H)  
father-son Wispert, William (H) - Wispert, Adam (H) and Wispert, James (H)  

Others had relatives who served in other regiments, including:

relationship names comments
brothers Bournonville, Charles E (C) - Bournonville, Augustus (a surgeon)  
brothers Burket, William (B) - Burket, James, and Burket, Melvin James and Melvin both died
father-son Charles Smith (B) - Smith, Leopold (A 4 PA Res)  
brothers Johnson, William H (K) - Johnson, Thomas (72nd PA) and Johnson, Davis (K 72nd PA)  
brothers McCarter, Richard (D) one in 71st PA, and one in 213th PA  

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