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91st PA at Chancellorsville

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[Official Records series 1 volume 25 part 1 page 156-170, part]


'Organization of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, May 1-6, 1863.'




'First Brigade. Brig. Gen. ERASTUS B. TYLER.'
'91st Pennsylvania: Col. Edgar M. Gregory. Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Sinex.'
'126th Pennsylvania, Lieut. Col. David W. Rowe.'
'129th Pennsylvania, Col. Jacob G. Frick.'
'134th Pennsylvania, Col. Edward O'Brien.'

brigade report

[source: Official Records series 1 volume 25 part 1 pages 550-554]

'Report of Brig. Gen. Erastus B. Tyler, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade.'
'CAMP NEAR FALMOUTH, Va., May 10, 1863.'

'CAPTAIN: I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of casualties of my command in the action of the 3d instant , [footnote:] Embodied in revised statement, p.181.[end of footnote] and also to submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in that engagement.

'About 9 a. m. I received an order from Major-General Meade to put [p.551] my command in motion, and go to the support of General French, Lieutenant-Colonel Webb to indicate the position we were to occupy. That officer in person pointed out the line we were to take possession of, directly in the face of the enemy, and on the right of General French's command, in the woods.'

'The regiments were scarcely in position before the enemy opened fire upon us, which was promptly and effectively returned by our men. I at once saw the enemy outnumbered us, as they were in double line, and extended beyond our right. I immediately asked for re-enforcements, but was informed they could not be furnished. Colonel Webb, who had remained in front for some moments, started back, promising to bring up re-enforcements if he could obtain them, but he returned in a short time without them. The rapid and incessant fire of our men prevented the enemy from advancing, although they made several attempts to do to.'

'After holding our position for nearly or perhaps quite an hour, reports reached me that our ammunition was being exhausted, many of the men supplying themselves from the dead and wounded. About this time, I discovered that the enemy was receiving re-enforcements; another double line was plainly seen advancing and extending farther to our right. I sent for ammunition twice without being able to obtain it, as, I afterward understood, it had not come up from the rear. I reported the fact to General French, with the further information that the enemy were pressing us, and asked for orders. He replied that he could not furnish me with ammunition, and that we should retire in as good order as we could when we had exhausted what we had. The moment our fire slackened the enemy pushed forward with at least twice our number.'

'As near as I can tell, we were in position from an hour to an hour and three-quarters before we were forced to retire. During this time the whole line was before my eye, and I have to say that I never saw officers and men behave with more bravery and coolness than did the entire command. The officers were very active, and I saw many of them aiding the men by preparing their cartridges for the guns. The field officers were passing up and down the lines, encouraging their men with great spirit and coolness.'

'The Ninety-First Pennsylvania Volunteers was on the right, and received the first fire of the enemy. They are entitled to great credit for their conduct during the action. Colonel Gregory received a slight wound early in the engagement, and left the field, yet the men kept well at their work, under Lieutenant-Colonel Sinex.'

'The One hundred and thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel O'Brien, was second in line, and no set of men could have behaved better. The officers, one and all, following the example of their colonel (who was constantly on the alert), were very active, and not a man shirked his duty.'

'The One hundred and twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieut. Col. D. W. Rowe, was third in line, and for earnest, spirited work it could not be excelled. Colonel Rose exhibited the true characteristics of the soldier--brave, cool, and determined--and this spirit was infused into every officer and soldier of his command.'

'The One hundred and twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was on our left, and no man ever saw cooler work on field drill than was done by this regiment. Their firing was grand--by rank, by company, and by wings, in perfect order. Colonel Frick's stentorian voice was heard above the roar of the musketry, and, with the aid of his lieutenant-colonel and major, his regiment was splendidly handled, doing its duty well.'

'[p.552] Too much credit cannot be given the officers and men of this brigade; not a single neglect came under my notice during the engagement. The colors of the different regiments show that they were carried well to the front, and I saw them repeatedly waved in the face of the enemy. The officers of my staff, Captains [Henry C.] Ranney and [William H.] Davidson, and Lieutenants [James B.] Diehl and [Stearns E.] Tyler, rendered me every assistance in their power, under an incessant fire.'

'Among the officers seriously wounded, I have with regret to mention Major Anthony, of the One hundred and twenty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, a true soldier and dutiful officer. Lieutenant-Colonels Rowe and Shaw were slightly wounded, as was also Lieutenant Diehl, aide-de-camp.'

'I am, very respectfully, &c.,'
'E. B. TYLER, Brigadier-General, Commanding Brigade.'
'Capt. CARSWELL McCLELLAN, A. A. G., Third Division.'

'[Indorsement No. 1]'
'Respectfully returned to Brig. Gen. E. B. Tyler, who will correct his statement to accord with the fact that he received the order to support Major-General French from Brigadier-General Humphreys, through his assistant adjutant-general, Captain McClellan, with the information that Lieutenant-Colonel Webb would indicate the position to be occupied. In endeavoring to assign a reason why he was not supplied with additional ammunition while his command was under fire, General Tyler undertakes to assign causes for the action of General Humphreys, which it is not his province to do. He will, therefore, erase that part of his report.'
'By command of Brigadier-General Humphreys:'
'CARSWELL McCLELLAN, Assistant Adjutant-General.'

'[Indorsement No. 2.]'
'Respectfully forwarded, with the remark that the order was received from Major-General Meade in the very language used in this report, and upon that order my command was put in motion. The order was received from Major-General Meade in person, and so far as any allusion to General Humphreys or any other officer connected with the command is concerned, I fail to see it, and know there was no intention to reflect in the least upon any one connected with the ammunition. I merely stated it as a fact, the evidence of which I received from General Humphreys, on application to him for ammunition after reforming alongside of the road.'
'E. B. TYLER, Brigadier-General.'

'[Indorsement No. 3.]'
'Respectfully returned to Brigadier-General Tyler, who will state whether he did or did not received from Brigadier-General Humphreys, [page 553] through his assistant adjutant-general, Captain McClellan, an order to support Major-General French, accompanied by the information that Lieutenant-Colonel Webb would point out to him the position to be occupied.'
'By command of Brigadier-General Humphreys.'
'CARSWELL McCLELLAN, Assistant Adjutant General.'

'[Indorsement No. 4.]'
'Respectfully reforwarded, with the remark that I am informed by one of my staff that while on the march, in the execution of the order received from Major-General Meade, Captain McClellan rode up to me. He may have repeated the order received from Major-General Meade, but I have no recollection of hearing it from him, and I have but a very faint idea of seeing him, the order from General Meade being of such an urgent character that my attention was given entirely to its prompt execution.'
'E. B. TYLER, Brigadier-General.'

'[Indorsement No. 5.]'
'When I reached Brigadier-General Tyler with the order from General Humphreys to move to the support of General French, General Tyler was at or near the right of the regiment nearest the white house. His command had not commenced to move, and did not appear to me to be on the point of doing so. When I delivered the order to him, he asked where he was to take position, and when I informed him again that Lieutenant-Colonel Webb would designate the position to be occupied, he asked where he would find Colonel Webb. I pointed to the colonel, who had already started for the woods, and then returned to General Humphreys. By the time I had returned to the left of the brigade, the movement commenced.'
'CARSWELL McCLELLAN, Assistant Adjutant-General.'

'[Indorsement No. 6.]'
'The facts are simply these: I was beside or close to Major-General Meade when the staff officer of General French asked for support. General Meade turned to me and directed me to send a brigade. Tyler's he knew, was the one available. I immediately gave the order to my adjutant-general, with directions about Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, and including in it the staff officer of General French. My adjutant-general, Captain McClellan, rode directly to General Tyler, and, upon returning, reported that he gave the order. By the time he returned, the brigade was in motion. It had been in line close by the left, not 100 yards distant. General Tyler received the order to support General French from me, and moved his command in obedience to it. Subsequently he [page 554] received instructions how to move it from Lieutenant-Colonel Webb. All this is corroborated by the statement of Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, whose account agrees with that of Captain McClellan.'
'A. A. HUMPHREYS, Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.'

division report

'Report of Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys, U. S. Army, commanding Third Division.'

'COLONEL: I have to submit the following report, in compliance with the circular from headquarters of the Fifth Corps, of the 7th instant, by which division commanders were directed to send in their reports of the part taken by their commands in the recent operations of the army on the south bank of the Rappahannock.'

'On April 27, in obedience to orders, I marched from camp near Falmouth, my division, of two brigades, consisting of 3,481 enlisted men and 203 commissioned officers, exclusive of general and general staff officers. Of these, 1,616 enlisted men and 95 commissioned officers composed the First Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. E. B. Tyler, and 1,865 enlisted men and 108 officers formed the Second Brigade, commanded by Col. P. H. Allabach, One hundred and thirty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.'

'Having received orders on the morning of April 29, at the bivouac near Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, to cross that river with my division in the rear of all commands and trains, and to bring up the trains of the corps and of the pontoons, the supervision of the crossing of that stream by the trains and forces on the north bank was turned over to me by Major-General Meade as soon as the First and Second Divisions of the Fifth Corps had passed over.'

'It was nearly 8 o'clock in the evening before my division was able to cross, and 11.30 before the pontoon train was ready to move. At that hour I set my column in motion for Ely's Ford, on the Rapidan, but the length of the trains of pack-mules, cattle, &c., the bad condition of the [page 546] road and the heavy rain made the march very slow, and at about 3 a. m., just as our guide discovered that he was not on the road he had traversed twice the day before, it became so dark that nothing could be seen, and I was forced to halt until daylight.'

'About sunset, I had received a communication from the major-general commanding the corps, advising me of the importance of having the pontoon train at Ely's Ford at the earliest possible moment, and about 1 a. m., on the march, Captain Comstock, U. S. Engineers, received similar directions from the headquarters of the army. The pontoon train was, therefore, sent forward in advance, under escort of two regiments, as soon as there was light enough to see, and the column resumed its march as soon as the pontoon train reached its head.'

'At 7 a. m. [sc. of 30 April 1863] I received directions to leave the trains under escort of one regiment and bring up the rest of my command as quickly as possible.'

'I reached Ely's Ford between 12 and 1 o'clock, but found my troops so much exhausted, that, after fording the river, I bivouacked on Hunting Creek, 3 miles from Chancellorsville, having marched at least 18 miles.'

'On the morning of May 1 , my division was at Chancellorsville at 7 o'clock, it having been delayed one hour by the tardiness of the First Brigade, a tardiness that General Tyler attributed to the fatigue of the men. Here I received instructions from the major-general commanding the corps to follow Sykes' division to the ridge between Mott's and Colin Runs, and mass, under cover, in rear of and between Sykes on the right and Griffin on the left; to open communication to each, so as to be able to send support to either, and to place Randol's battery on the left bank of Mott's Run, prepared to move to Sykes, Griffin, or myself as occasion might require. These instructions were subsequently so far modified that I was to follow Griffin instead of Sykes.'

'In accordance with these, I marched close in rear of Griffin, on the Mott or River road, about 3-1/2 miles, when I was ordered by Major-General Meade to return to Chancellorsville, which was promptly done, and the division massed in that vicinity.'

'By General Meade's directions, I examined the position commencing at Chandler's house and running along the Mineral Spring road to the Rappahannock, and immediately occupied the left of that position, which commands the approach to the United States Ford by Mott's or the River road and its branches.'

'The next day (May 2), before midday, the position was intrenched, three roads under cover were opened, communication with as many to the United States Ford, and twenty-six pieces of artillery, Randol's, Martin's, and Hazlett's batteries on the left, and Barnes' and Phillips' on the right, were placed in position, rendering it impossible for the enemy to debouch from the woods on the high, open plain, Childs' farm, opposite the heights, occupied by my division. These facts are highly creditable to the zeal and energy of the officers and men of the command.'

'At my request for a regiment of sharpshooters, Col. Louis R. Francine, Seventh New Jersey Volunteers, Mott's brigade, Berry's division, reported to me with his regiment for duty, and was assigned to the rugged ground on the extreme left, extending to the narrow bottom land of the river.'

'The enemy's mounted pickets were visible along the edge of the woods, about 1,000 yards distant, where the River road debouches from the woods.'

'[page 547] Having been directed by the major-general commanding the corps to ascertain whether the enemy was in force in my immediate front, Colonel Francine, by my order, sent out 50 picked men to reconnoiter. This duty was handsomely performed. The enemy's infantry pickets were ascertained to commence on the river 1-1/2 miles below our left, and to extend obliquely from our line toward the Plank road. Colonel Francine returned to his brigade the night of the 2d instant.'

'About daylight on the morning of the 3d , I received orders to march my division to the vicinity of the junction of the Mineral Spring road (running along the front occupied by the Fifth Corps on the 2d instant) with the road from Chancellorsville to Ely's Ford, leaving the artillery in position and a staff officer to point out the details of the position to the troops that were to occupy it; but just as my column was being put in motion, the head of the Eleventh Corps made its appearance, and at the same time I received orders not to move until I was relieved by that corps.'

'As soon as Major-General Schurz had relieved me, about 6.10 a. m., I marched, and about 7 o'clock massed my division in rear of the center of Griffin's position, on the Ely's Ford road, being instructed to support Griffin, Sykes, or French, on the left of Griffin, as circumstances might require.'

'About 8 a. m. Allabach's brigade, the Second, of my division, was placed in line from the left of Griffin (Chandler's house), along the Ely's Ford road to the woods intervening between Chandler's and Chancellor's houses, the ground previously occupied by a part of French's division, engaged with the enemy in the woods on our front.'

'At about 9 a. m. I received orders to send a brigade to the support of General French, and directed General Tyler to support him. Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, assistant inspector-general, Fifth Corps, and a staff officer of General French, conducted General Tyler to the position he was to take. He had scarcely moved into it when the enemy in strong force opened a fire upon him. It was returned with spirit, and a warm engagement ensued, which was continued for about an hour, when the enemy in increasing numbers began to outflank the right.'

'The greater part of the 60 rounds of ammunition of the brigade had by this time been nearly expended, as reported to my by General Tyler, who asked for a new supply. This it would have been impracticable to distribute had it been with the brigade, and it would probably have fallen into the hands of the enemy had it been sent, so closely was the brigade pressed by them. General Tyler was, therefore, directed to withdraw when his ammunition was expended, which he did soon afterward. General Tyler states that the conduct of the officers and men was admirable.'

'The loss incurred in this spirited engagement was 1 officer (Capt. John Brant, One hundred and thirty-fourth Pennsylvania) killed; 7 officers wounded, 20 enlisted men killed, and 158 enlisted men wounded, and 3 officers and 51 men missing, making a total of killed, wounded, and missing in the brigade of 11 officers and 229 enlisted men. Among the officers wounded I regret to mention Col. E. M. Gregory, Ninety-first Pennsylvania, seriously, and Maj. Joseph Anthony, One hundred and twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, severely.'

'Ammunition was supplied to the brigade immediately upon its withdrawal from the woods in which it had been engaged. At about 11 a. m. I received directions to place two regiments of Allabach's brigade at the disposition of Major-General Couch, commanding Second Corps, and one of his staff officers at the same time requested me to place them [page 548] perpendicular to the road leading to Chancellorsville, one regiment on each side, and advance them to the edge of the woods bordering the open ground of Chancellorsville, then held by the enemy. The object was to hold the enemy in check until the two corps of Major-Generals Couch and Sickles were placed in the new positions they were to occupy. This duty fell to the One hundred and thirty-third and One hundred and fifty-fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, who, under the command of Colonel Allabach, advanced their skirmishers, engaging those of the enemy, to the ground they were directed to occupy. Upon their near approach to it, the enemy opened upon them with shell and cannister. The new positions of the two corps having been taken up, the two regiments retired slowly through the wood and rejoined their brigade, having performed the duty in a creditable manner, losing 1 officer and 3 enlisted men killed and 1 officer and 30 enlisted men wounded. Having accompanied Colonel Allabach until his regiments occupied the ground assigned them, I returned to my command, by direction of Major-General Meade, and, as soon as the ammunition supplied to General Tyler's brigade was distributed, massed my division in rear of the center of General Sykes' division, under instructions to support him and General Griffin.'

'Before daylight on Monday, the 4th, I received directions to support Major-General Sickles, on the left, in a certain contingency, and immediately opened a route for my division through the thick underbrush to the ground I should occupy in such a contingency. During the day I likewise received directions to support Major-General Reynolds, commanding the First Corps, on the right, and opened a similar route to the rear of his position.'

'On the morning of Tuesday, the 5th instant, the pioneers of my division, and subsequently two regiments of it, were detailed for fatigue duty with the engineers of the army, in constructing intrenchments and opening roads. These regiments rejoined the division about midnight. In the afternoon, by direction of Major-General Meade, I formed Allabach's brigade in line of battle 150 yards in rear of Sykes' left and Tyler's brigade 100 yards in rear of Allabach's. My instructions were, in the event of the enemy entering the intrenched line, to charge with the bayonet. This position my division occupied until the march to the United States Ford began.'

'At nightfall two regiments were detached to aid the passage of the artillery as far as the United States Ford. One of these regiments rejoined the division on the march, the other at the United States Ford.'

'At about 1 a. m. on the 6th instant , my division commenced the march to the United States Ford, but was halted and massed on the right of the road, after marching 1 mile.'

'At daylight the march was resumed, and a position taken up at the United States Ford, the left resting on the brick house on the Mott or River road, and the right on the outbuildings on the United States For road. In this position it remained until Griffin's division took up a position in its rear, when my division crossed the Rappahannock by the upper bridge simultaneously with Sykes' division on the lower bridge, and marched to our camp, which it now occupies, reaching it before dusk.'

'My thanks are due to the officers of my staff for the zealous and efficient performance of the duties they were incessantly called on to perform. I beg leave to mention them by name: Capt. Carswell McClellan, assistant adjutant-general; Lieuts. Henry C. Christiancy and H. H. [page 549] Humphreys, aides-de-camp; Capt. A. F. Cavada, assistant inspector-general and special aide-de-camp; Capts, E. G. Rehrer and E. C. Rice, engineers; Capt. E. Knowledge, commissary of subsistance, and Surg. Isaac D. Knight , medical director.'

'Hospitals were quickly established in suitable localities at each position that the division assumed.'

'I cannot close this report without expressing my gratification at the fine spirit that animated my division throughout the recent operations.'

'Long marches, rapid movements, long-continued labor in opening roads and throwing up intrenchments, exposure to heavy and continuous rain, loss of rest, all combined, did not destroy their cheerfulness nor dampen their spirits. They exhibited the same courage in meeting the enemy that they had formerly shown, and this under circumstances that are recognized as unfavorable to the exhibition of the best qualities of troops. I refer to the fact that their term of service was about expiring. Indeed, one of the regiments, the One hundred and twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, should, under the usual rule, have been on the march homeward from camp on the 4th instant. It left here on the 8th instant, the day upon which its term of service expired. During the present week three of the regiments of my division leave it to be mustered out of the service, a fourth leaves on the 17th, and a fifth in a few days after, if not at that time, thus reducing my division to two small three years' regiments, the Ninety-first and One hundred and fifty-fifth PennsylvaniaVolunteers.'

'In making this my last report of the operations of my division as at present constituted, I trust I may be excused for recurring to the services it has performed. Hastily organized in September last near Washington, the regiments newly raised, it made a long and painful march of more than 23 miles in a dark night to take part in the expected battle of the next day at Antietam. When in camp the officers and men have been zealous in their efforts to acquire a knowledge of the duties of the soldier. They have cheerfully performed every duty required of them, whether that of the working party or armed service. They have been prompt and obedient, and have fought as well as the best troops at Fredericksburg and Chancerllorsville. The task of instruction has been a heavy one to me, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that my efforts have not been without good results.'

'The reports of Colonel Allabach and Captains Randol and Barnes accompany this.'

'I submit herewith tabular and nominal lists of the killed, wounded, and missing, [footnote:] Embodied in revised statement, p.181. [end of footnote] and tabular statements of property lost.'

'I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,'
'A. A. HUMPHREYS, Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.'
'[to] Lieut. Col. FRED. T. LOCKE, A. A. G., Fifth Army Corps.'

'COLONEL: Understanding that a more detailed statement respecting the crossing of the Rappahannock on the pontoon bridge at Kelly's Ford may be desirable, I have to report that, at the time the supervision of the crossing was turned over to me by the major-general commanding the Fifth Corps, Major-General Stoneman's Cavalry Corps had begun to cross on the bridge, all of which passed over there excepting [page 550] (as I understand) one brigade, that crossed at the deep ford just above. There were two interruptions during this crossing, owing to the partial failure of a part of the bridge. The delay thus caused was from one hour to one hour and a half. As soon as the cavalry passed, two regiments of infantry of the Twelfth Corps and the brigade of infantry of the Eleventh Corps, guarding its baggage, were passed, and during the passage of the cavalry a regiment of the Twelfth Corps was passed over at the earnest solicitation of the colonel, who represented himself to have received orders to leave the train he was with and join his command. As soon as the infantry of the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps was over, the headquarters train of the Twelfth Corps passed, then those of the Eleventh Corps, followed by the supply trains, as I understood them to be, of the Eleventh Corps. Two interruptions occurred during the passage of the latter by the bad management of the wagons, one of which nearly proved fatal to the small bridge across Marsh Run, and the other to a span of the pontoon bridge. These caused a delay of at least half an hour, if not more. The train mentioned consisted of at least 125 wagons and 55 spring wagons and ambulances, belonging chiefly, almost entirely, as reported to me, to the Eleventh Corps.'

'The trains of the Fifth Corps succeeded immediately, and, when everything had passed, my division of infantry crossed. It was dusk when its head reached the bridge. All the cattle were, by my directions, swum across Marsh Run, and taken across the river at the ford.'
'The passage across the river on the bridge was continuous; not an instant was lost. By the aid of my staff, the trains were kept closed, and, by the admirable management of the officer in charge of the bridge, ignorant, careless, and stupid drivers were passed safely and rapidly over the bridge, with the exceptions just noted.'
'The instant my infantry passed, which must have been 8 o'clock, or about that hour, the taking up of the bridge commenced, and at 11.30 p. m. the march for Ely's Ford commenced from the forks of the road, at a house about a half or three-fourths of a mile from the river. The demands made upon me for authority to cross the bridge by various staff officers of the headquarters trains and others out of the order which I had arranged, in consonance with the instructions I received from the major-general commanding the corps, or the order of precedence he had left with me, were incessant and repeated. I need hardly state that I did not yield to them.'
'I believe that I have mentioned every material fact in my report and this appendix to it. '

'A. A. HUMPHREYS, Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.'
'[to] Lieut. Col. FRED. T. LOCKE, A. A. G., Fifth Army Corps.'


some statistics

Company present for duty killed wounded missing total listed below
27 Apr 7 May in action (from 7 May report)
field staff 8 7 0 1 0 1 (13%) 1
A 44 38 0 2 4 6 (14%) 6
B 22 21 2 0 1 3 (14%) 3
C 44 31 1 8 7 16 (36%) 18
D 34 27 2 3 1 6 (18%) 7
E 43 35 2 4 4 10 (23%) 12
F 30 27 1 0 2 3 (10%) 4
G 29 25 1 9 0 10 (34%) 10
H 31 24 0 4 1 5 (16%) 5
I 18 14 1 4 0 5 (28%) 5
K 26 17 0 5 4 9 (35%) 4
total 329 266 10 40 24 74 (22%) 73


[main sources: Bates History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 7 May 63 consolidated morning report, Philadelphia Press (13 May 1863)]
[click on the column heading to sort by that column]

co. Name Bates morning report 7 May Press article 13 May date remarks
hq Gregory, Edgar wounded wounded wounded in leg 3rd
A Agnew, Johnson [nothing] missing missing, supposed a prisoner  ? gained from mia 23 May 63. captured, perhaps 5 May 63, and paroled
A Kintzler, William [nothing] missing missing, supposed a prisoner  ? gained from mia 23 May 63 and 9 Oct 63 [?] captured, perhaps 5 May 63, and paroled
A Maidre, Rudolph killed missing missing, supposed a prisoner 3rd  
A Mills, Joseph [nothing] wounded slightly wounded  ? died 17 June 63 of wounds received in action (Bates)
A Stettler, William wounded wounded slightly wounded 3rd
A Wilson, Samuel killed missing missing, supposed killed 3rd
B Badini, Sebastian killed killed killed 3rd
B Lynn, Jacob killed killed killed 3rd
B Patterson, Thomas killed missing missing 3rd
C Anorson, John captured [nothing] 5th absent on leave 28 May 63; died Andersonville 8 Aug 64
C Banning, John killed missing missing 3rd
C Beale, William [nothing] wounded wounded, supposed a prisoner  ? later missing reported absent wounded; regained 29/30 May 63
C Bisbing, John killed killed killed 3rd
C Brown, Andrew [nothing] mia wounded and missing 3rd later in corps hosp. as paroled prisoner
C Carpenter, William wounded missing wounded in shoulder 3rd
C Chitlick, Henry wounded missing wounded in leg 3rd
C Coats, Charles [nothing] wounded wounded in leg  ?
C Gilbert, Joseph [nothing] wounded slightly wounded  ? see 'Further from General Hooker's army'
C Hoover, William wounded missing missing 3rd later in corps hosp. as paroled prisoner
C Kealy, Alexander [nothing] wounded wounded in arm  ?
C Morgan, Albert [nothing] missing missing 3rd regained 29/30 May 63
C O'Neill, John or Thomas [nothing] wounded wounded in head  ?
C Ott, George [nothing] missing missing 3rd later in corps hosp. as paroled prisoner
C Parsons, Theodore wounded wounded in knee 3rd died 26 June of those wounds
C Simpson, Samuel or William wounded (Sam'l) missing missing (Wm) 3rd Corp Simpson (?). reported at Camp Parole, 21 May
C Smith, Joseph E wounded missing wounded in arm 3rd
C Worl, John [nothing] missing missing 3rd regained 29/30 May 63
D Collins, John wounded [nothing] wounded in thigh 3rd
D Hagerman, William wounded [nothing] 3rd
D Johnson, Joseph killed killed missing 3rd
D Kessler, Joseph killed killed missing 3rd
D Neidem, Charles wounded [nothing] wounded in leg 3rd
D Nelson, James [nothing] [nothing] wounded in leg  ? returned for duty from hospital 11 Dec 63
D Stewart, Robert wounded missing 5th
D Steele [nothing] missing missing  ? Samuel Steel (D) died at Fredericksburg in 1862, according to Bates
E Baird, Robert wounded [nothing] wounded in leg 3rd
E Blake, Martin [nothing] missing missing  ? regained 29 Oct 63, absent with leave
E Bryson, Willliam killed killed killed 3rd while charging enemy
E Garrity, John wounded [nothing] wounded in arm and side, seriously 3rd in hand and arm
E Gilmore, William [nothing] [nothing]  ? regained from mia on 28 May 63
E Jeffries, William [nothing] missing missing  ?
E McCartny, William wounded wounded missing 3rd
E McMakin, Francis killed killed killed 3rd while charging enemy
E Miller, Robert killed missing missing 3rd died on 3rd of wounds received charging enemy
E Peltz, Philip H [nothing] wounded 3rd
E Russell, John J wounded [nothing] wounded in hand 3rd
E Whelan, John [nothing] [nothing]  ? wounded (descriptive roll only)
E Whelan, Thomas wounded [nothing] wounded in hand 3rd
F Dougherty, John [nothing] [nothing] missing  ? transferred to VRC 1/2 Sep 63
F Gebler, Joseph killed killed killed 3rd
F Gilliland, William wounded [nothing] wounded in arm 2nd
F Smith, James [nothing] missing  ?
F Stroup, George [nothing] missing missing  ? reported regained from mia on 23 Oct 63
G Auman, Reuben [nothing] wounded wounded in side  ?
G Barnes, Israel killed killed killed 3rd
G Cox, William [nothing] wounded wounded in arm  ?
G Evans, John wounded wounded wounded in arm 3rd
G Henry, Frederick wounded wounded killed 3rd
G Lehman, Frederick [nothing] wounded wounded in shoulder  ? according to pension file (Bates has wounded Gettysburg)
G Pilkington, George wounded wounded wounded in arm 3rd transferred to VRC 3 Jun 63
G Scott, Alexander [nothing] wounded wounded in hand  ?
G Truman, Amos wounded wounded wounded in shoulder and leg 3rd
G Williamson, Samuel wounded wounded wounded in arm 3rd
H Black, George wounded [nothing] wounded and missing 3rd died 6 May of those wounds
H Crozier, Thomas wounded [nothing] wounded in arm 3rd fractured radius and ulna, left forearm; lost use of hand
H Detterline, George wounded [no date] [nothing] wounded in hand  ? transferred 13 Nov 63 to VRC because of wounds
H Donnelly, Patrick [nothing] [nothing]  ? dropped as paroled prisoner on 18 May
H McLaughlin, Hugh [nothing] [nothing] wounded in head  ? returned from absent sick 25 Aug 63
H Sommers, John [nothing] missing missing  ?  
H Steinmetz, Andrew [nothing] [nothing]  ? dropped as paroled prisoner on 18 May
I Callahan, John [nothing] [nothing] [nothing] 3rd transferred to VRC???
I Cooker, John wounded killed missing, supposed killed 3rd died 25 May of those wounds (Bates); regained from mia 16 May (cons. morn. report)
I Mallack, Alexander [nothing] wounded? wounded in head  ?
I Leaf, George [nothing] wounded? wounded in breast  ?
I Erdman, Henry [nothing] wounded? wounded in shoulder  ?
K Chambers, Eugene killed missing missing 3rd
K Cloud, William [nothing] [nothing] wounded in leg 3rd  
K Connelly, Michael killed missing missing 3rd still listed as mia 24 Jun 64
K Cooper, William [see remarks] missing missing 3rd severely wounded; Bates has 2 May 64; ret'd to reg't in very poor health 23 Apr 64
K Dort, John [nothing] [nothing] wounded in breast  ?  
K Kepplinger, Jacob [nothing] [nothing] wounded in ankle  ?  
K Lammey, Lewis wounded missing missing 3rd died 26 June of those wounds
K Reese, Robert [nothing] [nothing] wounded in hand  ? transferred to VRC 4 Sep 63 because of wounds
K Young, Thomas [nothing] [nothing] wounded in foot  ?  

number of casualties in the 1st brigade, 3rd division, 5th corps

[source: Official records series 1 volume 25 part 1 pages 174-181, part]

(Including skirmishes along the lines, May 4-6.)

First Brigade. Brig. Gen. ERASTUS B. TYLER.

Command. Killed. Wounded. Captured or


Off. Enl. Off. Enl. Off. Enl.
91st Pennsylvania --- 8 4 39 --- 25 76
126th Pennsylvania --- 5 2 55 2 13 77
129th Pennsylvania --- 4 1 31 --- 6 42
134th Pennsylvania 1 3 1 33 --- 7 45
Total First


1 20 8 158 2 51 240

officers killed

[source: Official records series 1 volume 25 part 1 pages 187-188, part]

' [p.187] '
' [p.188] '
'Capt. Theodore H. Parsons , 91st Infantry.'

consolidated morning report

(This is the first report after the Battle of Chancellorsville. Numbers in square brackets are illegible in the manuscript, and inferred.)

CONSOLIDATED MORNING REPORT of Ninety First Regiment of [illegibly light] commanded by Colonel Edgar M. Gregory.

NOTE.--Regimental and Battalion Staff Officers, when belonging to companies, will be reported in such companies as "on detached service," and be accounted for in "Field and Staff." They will, however, be dropped from aggregate of "Present and Absent" in Field and Staff, and be accounted for in the aggregate of their respective companies.

Date May 7th 1863.
Companies Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
For duty Field Officers 2 2
Assistant Surgeon
Regimental Staff Officers 2 2
Battalion Staff Officers
Captains 1 1 1 1 1 [5]
First Lieutenants 1 1 1 [3]
Second Lieutenants 1 1 1 1 1 [5]
Regt'l Non-comm'd Staff 2 [2]
Batt'n Non-Comm'd Staff
Hospital Stewards 1 [1]
First Sergeants 1 1 1 1 [4]
Company Q.M. Sergeants
Sergeants 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 [19]
[Co.C has a crossed-out '1'.]
Corporals 1 3 4 6 3 2 1 2 [22]
[The co.D entry is written over another number]
Field Music 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 [14]
Artificers & Blacksmiths 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 [17]
[some reports, including 25 March's, have 'Artificers & Blacksmiths' crossed out, and 'Pioneers' written in]
Privates 27 14 23 19 22 18 17 15 9 6 [170]
[The co.D and F entries are written over other numbers.]
Special duty Commissioned Officers
Extra and daily duty Non-commissioned Officers 1 [1]
Privates 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 [13]
The co.G entry is written over another number.]
Sick Commissioned Officers 1 1 [2]
Non-commissioned Officers 1 2 [3]
Field Music
Artificers, Blacksmiths, Saddlers &c.
[some morning reports, including 10 March 1863's, have "In Hospital"]
Privates 1 [1]
[co.F has a crossed-out '1'. some morning reports, including 10 March 1863's, add "in quarters"]
In arrest or confinement Commissioned Officers
Non-commissioned Officers
Field Music
Artificers, Blacksmiths, Saddlers and Wagoners
Privates 1 [1]
Horses Serviceable
Total commissioned 5 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 19
Total enlisted 3 39 19 32 30 35 26 27 25 15 17 268
[The co.E entry is written over another number]
Absent Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
On detached service Commissioned Officers 1 1 [2]
Enlisted Men 9 2 13 5 11 2 2 6 3 [53]
With leave Commissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 1 1 [2]
Without leave Commissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 2 1 1 7 1 [12]
[ pwarnm1 Mayberry Warntz (H)]
Sick Commissioned Officers 2 1 1 1 [5]
Enlisted Men 1 8 8 13 13 13 18 17 11 7 15 [124]
[The co.F entry is written over another number.]
In hands of civil authority Commissioned Officers
Enlisted Men
In arrest or confinement Commissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 2 1 1 [4]
[probably Henry Cooker (I)]
Horses Serviceable
Total commissioned 1 2 1 1 1 1 [7]
Total enlisted 1 20 12 27 20 24 20 19 24 9 19 [195]
[the co.F and co.H entries are written over other numbers]
Present & absent Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
Commmissioned officers 6 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 26
Total enlisted 4 59 31 59 50 59 46 46 49 24 36 463
[The co.A and co.F entries are written over other numbers, and the total is hard to read.]
Aggregate 10 61 33 62 52 61 48 49 51 25 37 489
[The co.F entry is written over another number; it looks like '46' not '48'. The total is hard to read]
Aggregate last report 10 65 36 70 55 67 52 50 52 26 41 524
[These numbers come from the 27 April report.]
Total of horses
Alterations since last report
Commis'd officers By Promotion or Appoint
By Transfer 1 1
Enlisted men Recruits from Depots
Enlisted in the Regiment
By Transfer
From Missing In Action
From Desertion 1 1
Commis'd officers Resigned or Disbanded 1 1 2
Transferred 1 1
Missing In Action
Died in action or of wounds received there
Died of Disease &c.
Enlisted men Discharged Expiration of service
Discharged For Disability
Discharged By Sentence G.C.M.
Discharged By Order
Discharged By Civil Authority
Died In action or of wounds received there 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 10
Died Of Disease, &c.
Missing In Action 4 1 7 1 4 2 1 4 24
[The co.D entry is written over another number.]
Memoranda Wounded In Action 1 2 8 3 4 9 4 4 5 40
No. of Recruits required 39 67 39 48 39 52 52 74 [410]
No. of Horses required

Remarks (Alterations since last Report to be accounted for by name.)

[Field staff and band] Col. E. M. Gregory wounded at Battle of Chancellorvi[lle] May 3rd 1863

[co.A] Corpl. [Samuel W] Wilson Privates [Johnson] Agnew, [William] Kintzler, + [Rudolph] Maidle [?] missing. [William] Stettler + [Joseph] Mills wounded in the Battle of Chancellorville May 3rd [?] 1863 [Maidre and Wilson were killed; Mills died 17 June of wounds received in action]

[co.B] Corpls [Jacob] Lynn + [Sebastian] Badini [?] killed in Battle of Chancellorville May 3rd /63 [Thomas] Patterson missing in action of May 3rd /63 [Patterson was killed]

[co.C] Sergt [John] Bisbing [?] cfdths killed at cbcha Battle of Chancellorville May 3rd /63 Corpl [Andrew] Brown + Simpson [According to Bates, Samuel Simpson was wounded at Chancellorsville, but was a private when he mustered out; the only Corporal Simpson (C) Bates lists is William H Simpson.] Privates [John] Banning [William] Hoover [?] [This could be William Hooven, but Bates lists Hoover, and not Hooven, as wounded at Chancellorsville] [Albert] Morgan [?] [George] Ott [John] Worl missing in action of the 3rd inst [Banning was killed] Capt [Theodore] Parsons Sergt [Joseph] Gilbert Pri [William] Beale [Charles] Coats [Henry] Chitlick [?] [William] Carpenter, Oneill [?] [either John O'Neill or Thomas O'Neill], [Joseph E] Smith + [Alexander] Kealy [?] wounded

[co.D] [Robert] Stewart [??] + Steele [This could only be Samuel Steel (D), who died at Fredericksburg in 1862, according to Bates] missing in action Joseph Johnson Joseph Kesler [?] killed

[co.E] Wm Bryson + Francis McMakin killed in battle May 3rd /63 Corpl. [William] Jeffries Privates [Martin] Blake Wm McCartney Robert R. Miller missing

[co.F] Sergt [Joseph] Gebler killed in action Privates [James] Smith + [George] Stroup missing

Capt [John] Weeks discharged on surgeons certificate of [illegible word; presumably intended to be 'disability']

[co.G] Private [Israel] Barnes killed Sergts [Frederick] Henry [Amos] Truman [?] [John] Evans Pri [Reuben] Auman [?] [William] Cox [Frederick] Lehman [George] Pilkington [Alexander] Scott + [Samuel] Williamson wounded

[co.H] Lieut [Morris] Kayser assigned to duty from co. "I" Private [John] Sommers missing
Capt [Charles] Henry discharged for disability

[co.I] Corpl [John] Cooker killed Corpls [Alexander] Mallack [George] Leaf + [Henry] Erdman Pri Calahan [The only Callahan in co.I in Bates is John Callahan, who was transferred to co.E in 1862, according to Bates] [illegible word, probably 'wounded', since the "memoranda" list 4 wounded, and no men from co.I were dropped as missing in action]
Lieut [Morris] Kayser transferred to co. "H"

[co.K] Michael Connelly, Eugene Chambers, Wm R Cooper, Louis Lammy

B. J. Tayman Adjutant.
[blank] Commanding the Regiment

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