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91st PA survivors' association

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91st Pennsylvania Infantry Survivors' Association

Eighty men from the 91st Pennsylvania Infantry attended the funeral of Edgar Gregory on 13 November 1871. After that, the surviving men decided to form a "permanent association of the old comrades". They met on 17 November 1871, in the District Courtroom at Sixth and Chestnut Streets, with Joseph Sinex as chair and Edward Maguigan as secretary. They appointed a committee of five men to write a constitution and bylaws, consisting of Eli G. Sellers, Matthew Hall, George F Stewart, Justus A Gregory, and George Hampton. They were next scheduled to meet on 4 December 1871. [1] [2]

When they met on 4 December 1871, they adopted a constitution and by-laws, and the following officers: [3]

President Joseph H Sinex
Vice President Eli G Sellers
Recording Secretary George Hampton
Corresponding Secretary John G Brass
Treasurer Matthew Hall
Trustees ADW Caldwell, George F Stewart and Walter W Widdifield

On 16 May 1873, a meeting was held in the old Quarter Sessions Court House, chaired by Joseph Sinex. They were expecting a large number of men on Decoration Day, with E D Baker Post 4 of the Grand Army of the Republic. Committees reported about badges and caps. [4]

On 29 December 1874, they met at 2611 Gray's Ferry Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [5]

In 1883, the 91st Pennsylvania Regimental Association dedicated a memorial to the 91st at Gettysburg. Because the scheduled speaker did not arrive, Lieutenant Colonel Sinex gave the dedication speech, which he was unable to complete because he became overwhelmed with emotion, recalling what had happened. [6]

The December 1883 meeting, commemorating the Battle of Fredericksburg, was held at Don Walling's Cafe (Broad and Penn Streets). Seventy members attended, with Eli Sellers presiding. The Assistant Adjutant-General of the Grand Army of the Republic, Thomas J Stewart, was also present. [7]

In September 1884, they decided to hold their annual reunion on 13 December. The committee arranging the reunion was ADW Caldwell, chairman; Joseph H Sinex, Matthew Hall, Edward Wallace, and Henry Sinex. The association had 76 members. [8]

The December 1885 meeting, commemorating the Battle of Fredericksburg, was again held at Don Wallings' restaurant (Broad and South Penn Square). Those present (and apparently giving speeches) included Joseph H Sinex, Eli Sellers, and Peter Keyser. A. D. W. Caldwell was secretary and Matthew Paul (sc. Matthew Hall) was treasurer. [9]

At the December 1886 'anniversary supper', they elected Eli Sellers President, Joseph H Sinex Vice president, A. D. W. Caldwell secretary, and Matthew Hall treasurer. [10]

Howard Shipley's obituary (in 1895) mentions that he was a member.

In December 1896, they met at the hall of Post 2 of the GAR, at Twelfth and Melon Streets, and then had dinner at Kertell's restaurant (on Spring Garden street). The officers elected were: president, Eli Sellers, vice-president, William H. Faust, treasurer, Henry C. Sinex, secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. Many people addressed the group, including Chaplain John W Sayres, General Thomas J Stewart, Charles Rodebaugh, Charles F Kennedy (Adjutant of Post 2, Grand Army of the Republic), and Ellis PUgh (bugler of the City Troop). [11]

In December 1897, they had their thirty-first annual reunion. They had a short business meeting at the hall of Post 2 of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Twelfth Street above Wallace, and then had their annual banquet at Kertell's Cafe, 1206 Spring Garden Street, 'where an elaborate luncheon was served'. The officers from 1896 were reelected. Only about 60 men were left to attend the meetings. [12] [13]

They had a meeting on 14 December 1901. [14]

In 1913, Taylor reported that the 91st's Survivor's association was one of the most active in the city. [15]


  1. 'General Gregory'. Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday, 11 November 1871, p.2, col.4; image copy, GenealogyBank (https://www.genealogybank.com/ : accessed 11 January 2024).
    'A meeting of the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held last evening, in District Court room No. 2, to take action on the death of their old commander, General Edgar M. Gregory.
    'Colonel Joseph H. Sinex was called to the chair, and Mr. W. W. Widdifield was chosen secretary.
    'On motion, a committee consisting of Captain Hall, Colonel Sellers, Captain Brass, Lieutenant Baker and Major Casner was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting.
    'The committee retired, and soon after reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:--
    'Whereas, In the death of our late commander, General Edgar M. Gregory, we have lost one whose sterling worth as an officer and a man was appreciated by all who knew him, and the death of such reminds us that the good and true are not exempt from the hands of the great destroyer; therefore,
    'Resolved, That the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment desire to express, in fitting terms, their admiration of the many noble qualities of mind and heart which so distinguished our late much-esteemed and beloved commander. The deceased in the hour of his country's peril promptly responded to the call of the government for assistance, and, at the head of our regiment, took the field battling for the honor and integrity of the Union.
    'Resolved, That in the death of General Gregory we have lost one whose memory will remain dear to the members of the Ninety-first Regiment, and whose genial countenance will be missed at each recurring anniversary, and as the tear of sorrow is shed when we meet we will look forward with hopeful eyes to that reunion in the land where the clang of swords and the trumpet notes of battles are heard no more.
    'Resolved, That the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers tender to the sorrow-stricken members of the family their sympathy for the severe loss that they have sustained, but feel assured that our loss is his eternal gain.
    'Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased, and the regiment attend the funeral in a body.
    'On motion, a committee of five was appointed to make all necessary arrangements for the funeral of the deceased.'
  2. 'The Reserves'. 'The Ninety-first Pennsylvania Reserves--preliminary organization', Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday, 18 November 1871, p.2, col.4; image copy, GenealogyBank (https://www.genealogybank.com/ : accessed 11 January 2024).
    'In January, 1862, the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Reserves, nine hundred and fifty muskets, under command of Colonel Edgar M. Gregory, repaired to Washington, where they occupied the then responsible position of provost guard of that city. Subsequently, in consequence of the feeling exhibited by the Virginians, illustrated by the murder of Colonel Ellsworth, Colonel Gregory was appointed Military Governor of Alexandria. The regiment still later formed part of the reserve column at the battle of Antietam, under General Humphries, commander of the Third Division, Fifth Army Corps--General Meade's Corps. The Ninety-first fought all through the war, their colonel being brevetted brigadier on the field of Fredericksburg, and major-general at the battle of Five Forks.
    'The regiment were mustered out in July, 1865, at that time being reduced to about 115 men. Last Friday night the members that could be collected together met to take action in reference to their general's death, and at that time resolved to make a permanent organization of the old comrades. Last evening they met again in the District Court room, Sixth and Chestnut streets, Colonel Joseph H. Sinex occupying the chair, and Captain Edward J. Maguigan acting as secretary.
    'The chairman of the Committee of Arrangements reported that eighty men of the old organization turned out at the funeral of their commander, and the whole proceedings passed off smoothly at that time.
    'The treasurer reported a satisfactory financial statement.
    'On motion of Colonel Sellers, a committee of five was appointed to draw a constitution and by-laws for a permanent organization. The committee consists of Eli G. Sellers, Matt. Hall, George F. Stewart, J. A. Gregory and George Hampton.
    'Captain J. A. Gregory, son of General Gregory, on behalf of himself and the family of the deceased, spoke feelingly of the manner in which his old comrades had shown their respect for his father's memory, and desired that the kindness of Captain Ryan and the State Fencibles, in turning out on the occasion of the funeral, be recognized by the members present.
    'Lieutenant D. B. Baker offered a resolution embodying this suggestion of Captain Gregory, and it was unanimously adopted.
    'Colonel Sellers advised that the members leave their names and residences with the secretary.
    'The meeting then adjourned to meet at the call of the committee on the 4th of December, the anniversary of the date of their oganization.'
  3. 'Ninety-first regiment', Philadelphia Inquirer, 5 December 1871, p.3, col.6; image copy, GenealogyBank (https://www.genealogybank.com/doc : accessed 12 January 2024).
    A meeting of the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment P.V. was held last evening in District Court room No. 1, for the purpose of perfecting an organization, the primary objects of which shall be to promote social intercourse among the members and to secure and preserve a burial place for and to erect and maintain a monument to those of its members who may die in the city. A constitution and by-laws similar in purpose to those governing the Scott Legion were adopted.
    An election of officers to serve for the ensuing year was then held, with the following result:--
    President--Colonel Joseph H. Sinex.
    Vice President--Lieutenant-Colonel Eli G. Sellers.
    Recording Secretary--Private George Hampton.
    Corresponding Secretary--Capt. John G. Brass.
    Treasurer--Captain Matthew Hall.
    Trustees--A. D. W. Caldwell, George F. Stewart and Walter W. Widdifield.
    The meeting then adjourned.
  4. 'Ninety-first regiment' (1873)
  5. [December 1874 survivors' association meeting]</span>, Philadelphia Inquirer, 30 November 1874, p.2, col. 5; image copy, GenealogyBank https://www.genealogybank.com : accessed 12 January 2024).
    A meeting of the Ninety-first P.V.V. Association was held yesterday afternoon at No. 2611 Gray's Ferry road.
  6. 'Gettysburg'
  7. 'Fredericksburg'
  8. 'G.A.R.', Survivor's association meeting, regimental reunion, 'The Ninety-First' (1884)
  9. 'War Veterans Banqueting'
  10. survivors' association
  11. 'Veterans celebrate
  12. 'War veterans have a jolly time'
  13. 'News of interest to the veterans'. Philadelphia Inquirer 19 December 1897, p.7, col.7; image copy, GenealogyBank (https://www.genealogybank.com/
    'Celebrations of the Battle of Fredericksburg Held by Many Organizations.
    'Men who fought at Fredericksburg thirty-five years ago sang the old war songs over again and repeated the oft-told but always interesting story of the trenches and the camp-fire on Monday night at the thirty-first annual reunion of the Ninety-First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.
    'Early in the evening a business meeting was held in the hall of Post 2, G.A.R., Twelfth street above Wallace, at which Colonel Eli G. Sellers was re-elected President; William Faust, Vice-President; Henry C. Sinex, Treasurer, and A.D.W. Caldwell, Secretary. Later on the old soldiers adjourned to No. 1206 Spring Garden street, where the annual banquet was served.
    'There were more missing faces since the last festive occasion, showing how the ranks are dwindling year by year. At the battle of Fredericksburg the Ninety-first went in with nearly 800 men, and of these they lost 200. More fell, as they fought in Humphrey's division of the old Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac, at Spottsylvania, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Now there are scarcely more than three score survivors left to greet each other at the association gatherings. Among the guests last night, several of whom made speeches, were General Thomas J. Stewart, Past Department Commander; Chaplain John W. Sayers, ex-Representative-at-Large John F. Lovett, of Trenton; Charles Rodenbaugh, Jacob Everhart, Charles F. Kennedy, Adjutant of Post 2; General Charles L. Leiper, Assistant Adjutant-General of the Department, and N. G. Wilson, of Gettysburg.'
  14. 'Notes of interest to the veterans'. Philadelphia Inquirer, 15 December 1901, 2d section, p.4, col.1; image copy, GenealogyBank (https://www.genealogybank.com/ : accessed 11 January 2024).

    'Thirty-ninth Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Held on Friday


    'Commander Hews, of Meade Post, No. 1, Gives Banquet at Union League, Many Elections Held Veterans throughout the city observed with fitting ceremonies the thirty-ninth anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg, which fell on Friday. Many of the old volunteer regiments held musters and paid a tribute to the comrades who lost their lives in that bloody engagement. Members of the One-hundred-and-nineteenth and the Ninety-first Regiments of Pennsylvania Volunteers met on Friday night. Last night the One-hundred-and-fourteenth Regiment observed the event, in conjunction with the thirty-first anniversary of its organization.'

  15. Taylor, p.331

  • 'Ninety-first regiment', Philadelphia Inquirer 17 May 1873, page 2, GenealogyBank
Ninety-first Regiment.
A meeting of the survivors of the late Ninety-first Veteran Pennsylvania Regiment was held last evening in the old Quarter Sessions Court House for the purpose of perfecting their organization. Colonel Sinex occupied the chair. Reports were received from various committees with regard to badges and caps. It is expected that a large number will turn out on Decoration day, the 30th inst., with E. [?] D. Baker Post No. 4.

  • 'Gettysburg'. Philadelphia Inquirer, 30 August 1883, GenealogyBank
'Monday was devoted to the dedication of tablets erected on the battle-field by regimental associations to mark the battle, and each one was accompanied by appropriate exercises. The first to leave camp was the Ninety first Regiment Association, which, with the Weccacoe Band, proceeded in wagons to Little Round Top, where, on the spot occupied by the command on the second day of the fight, the tablet had been erected. This tablet or shaft is six feet high, cut from granite taken from Devil's Den, and is surmounted by a ball of stone about one foot in diameter, taken from another part of the field, making the whole height seven feet. On one side is a Maltese cross, on which is carved the name and number of the regiment and a tablet containing the inscription, "Position July 2, 3, 4, 1863"
'The exercises were opened by the band playing "America," followed by prayer by Comrade Rev. John W. Sayers, Department Chaplain. The band then played the "Star Spangled Banner," after which Colonel J. H. Sinex, who commanded the regiment during the battle, was introduced as the orator in the absence of General Pearson, of Pittsburg, who had been selected to act in that position, but failed to arrive. Colonel Sinex having been called on at the last moment, was entirely unprepared for any lengthy remarks. After sketching the work of the regiment up to the time of its arrival at Gettysburg and the part it took in that battle he related the incident of the death of General Weed, who commanded the brigade.
'When the regiment had reached the summit of Little Round Top General Weed personally placed it in position to support a battery stationed there, and after giving all necessary instructions turned away with the remark, "Shoot the first rascal that goes to the rear." They were his last works. A shot struck and instantly killed him. Lieutenant Hazlett, commanding the battery, seeing him fall, ran to him, and he, too, fell dead across the body of the general. After speaking a few minutes further Colonel Sinex was overcome with the emotions called up by the recollections connected with the spot and could not go on. The ceremonies were brought to a close by music and benediction.'

  • 'Fredericksburg: Veterans unite and recall the scenes of that memorable day'. Philadelphia Inquirer, 14 December 1883 page 2, GenealogyBank
'FREDERICKSBURG. Veterans Unite and Recall the Scenes of That Memorable Day.
'At Don Walling's cafe, Broad and Penn streets, seventy members of the Ninety-first Regiment Pa Vol. Veteran Association sat down to a well-spread table, with Colonel Eli Sellers presiding. For several hours the veterans, amid the clatter of knives and forks, enjoyed themselves by relating lively reminiscences of the struggle which they had met to commemorate. Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, Assistant Adjutant-General of the G.A.R., was present.'

  • 'G.A.R.', Philadelphia Inquirer 6 September 1884, page 3, GenealogyBank


'At the regular quarterly meeting of the Survivor's Association of the Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., held on Wednesday last, it was decided to hold the annual banquet and reunion on December 13, the twenty-second anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg. The committee of arrangements consists of A. D. W. Caldwell, chairman; Joseph H. Sinex, Matthew Hall, E. E. Wallace and Henry Sinex. The association now numbers seventy-six members..'

  • [survivor's association meeting], Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 20 September 1884, page 5, column 4]
'The Survivors' Association of the 91st Regiment, P. V., at a meeting held Sept. 3, decided to hold the annual banquet and reunion on December 13, the twenty second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. The committee of arrangements consists of A. D. W. Caldwell, chairman; Joseph H. Sinex, Matthew Hall; E. E. Wallace and Henry Sinex. The Association now numbers seventy-six members.'

  • [regimental reunion], Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 6 December 1884, page 5, column 5
'The following regimental reunions will be held during the coming week: ... Ninety-first Regt. P. V., at Don Wallings, corner Merrick street and South Penn Square, on Saturday evening, Dec. 13th, being the twenty-second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. ...'

  • 'The Ninety-First', Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 20 December 1884, page 6 column 2
'The Ninety-first
'The annual meeting and banquet of the association of the survivors of this regiment, was held at the corner of corner of Merrick street and Penn Square, on Saturday evening, December 13th, that date being the twenty-second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows.
President, Colonel Eli G. Sellers (re-elected); Vice-President, Joseph Sinex; Treasurer, Captain Matthew Hall; Secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell.
There was not a large attendance on this occasion as usual, or as had been expected, many being unavoidably absent, but that did not present those who were there from having a very pleasant evening. The many substantials and dainties with which the board was spread after the close of the business meeting, served to pass one enjoyable hour, while the flow of anecdote, reminiscence and song filled up several others, until the near approach of midnight. Among those present were:
Colonel Joseph Sinex, Colonel E. G. Sellers, Captain Nathan Hall [sic; presumably Matthew Hall] H. C Sinex, Stephen Kelly, Slathiel Cox and two sons, Lieutenant John Brass, Lieutenant L. T. Matlack, Martin M. Jones, Thomas R. Fox, Major J. D. Lentz, William H. Chandler, Alexander Malloch, Lieutenant-Colonel E. E. Wallace, H. T. Ashton, George M. D. Haines, William S. Cox, Frederick H. Henry, William H. Faust, Lieutenant H. W. Shipley, Thomas E. Coyle, Thomas Cr[o]zier, William W. Burns, C. E. France, R. T. Earnest, Captain E. J. Maguigan, Samuel Hess, James Delavean, H. H. Dunham, Montgomery Burr, James Luffberry, A. D. W. Caldwell, and last, but not least, Thomas J. Stewart who was in one of his happiest moods, and was the life of the evening.

  • 'War Veterans Banqueting'. Philadelphia Inquirer 15 December 1885 page 8, GenealogyBank
War Veterans Banqueting.
Sunday was the anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg, and last evening a number of veterans who participated in the battles for the Union gathered around the banquet board and revived the stories of those stirring times. Survivor's Association of the Ninety-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers met at Don Wallings' restaurant, Broad and South Penn Square, and enjoyed themselves immensely.
The officers of the association are Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph H Sinex, Colonel Eli G Sellers, Captain Peter D Keyser were among those who made speeches [sic]. Mr. A. D. W. Caldwell is secretary and Matthew Paul [sc. Matthew Hall] treasurer of the association.
The Seventy-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, the Philadelphia Fire Brigade, held their fourth annual banquet at Marnarchor [??] Hall, Franklin street and Fairmount avenue, last evening. Frederick L Mannes is president and William Prior secretary of the association.
The One-hundred-and-fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers held their reunion at the Colonnade Hotel.

'The 91st Pa. Survivors Association held their anniversary supper and annual election of officers recently. The following officers were elected: Pres., Col. E. G. Sellers; V.-P., Col. Joseph H. Sinex; Sec., A. D. W. Caldwell, and Treas., Matthew Hall.'

  • 'Veterans celebrate: The anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg remembered'. Philadelphia Inquirer 13 December 1896, page 4, GenealogyBank
The Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Remembered.
'Regimental Reunions of Those Who Supported the Red, White and Blue in the Battle Famous in History.
'The thirty-fourth anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg was celebrated by the surviving veterans in the city last night in fitting style.
'Those who had fought in the old Ninety-first met at the hall of Post 2, G.A.R., Twelfth and Melon streets, where a reunion was held. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President, Colonel E. G. Sellers; vice-president, William H. Faust; treasurer, Henry C. Sinex; secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. After the business meeting the veterans adjourned to Kertell's restaurant, on Spring Garden street, where they had a dinner.
'Among those in attendance were Col. E. G. Afletts, Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, Chaplain J. W. Sayers, Captain Nathaniel Banes, Captain Nathan Hall, Captain Joseph Whitaker, Captain John N. Weeks, and Dr. C. W. Houghton.'

  • 'War veterans have a jolly time'. The Times (Philadelphia) 14 December 1897, page 8, Newspapers.com
'War Veterans Have a Jolly Time.
'The third-first annual reunion of the survivors of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers was a jolly occasion last evening for those comrades who responded. A short business meeting was held at the hall of Post 2, G.A.R., on Twelfth street, above Wallace, at which the following officers were elected: President, Eli S. Sellers; vice president, William Faust; treasurer, Henry C. Sinex; secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. At the close of this meeting the comrades proceeded in a body to Kertell's Cafe, where an elaborate luncheon was served. Addresses were made by Chaplain John W. Sayres, General Thomas J. Stewart, Charles Rodebaugh, Charles F. Kennedy, Adjutant of Post 2, G.A.R.; Ellis Pugh, bugler of the Citp [sic] Troop, and others.'

  • Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the civil war 1861 1865. Published by the city, 1913. Page 331.
'Among the most active of the veteran associations still existent in this city are those of the 23d, 26th, 28th, 29th, 50th, 68th, 71st, 72d, 73d, 75th, 88th, 90th, 91st, 95th, 106th, 109th, 114th, 118th, 119th and 121st Infantry, the Reserve Corps Association, the Philadelphia Brigade Association, the 3d, 5th, 6th, 15th and 20th Cavalry, the 2d Heavy Artillery.'

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