Location: Boyle, Kentucky, United States
Confirmations and edits of the African American Genealogies of Boyle County, KY. As I am working extensively here, and using this document as a guide, √ I am confirming √ or √ [correcting] or [adding] information. O didn't look it up X couldn't find it
Notes from the African American Genealogies of Boyle County, KY by Mike Denis [1] Please do not delete or edit these notes, as I am editing them for the author.
Contents |
- √ Harrison Andrews (abt.1845-) ANDREWS, [Harrison] Harry, born 1845; √mar 20 Jan 1868 (√ Boyle Marriages Book 2C p169) √Rufine or (√Bufina) WHITE, √ born 1849; √ [Harrison not Henry] WHITE was his bondsman. In 1880, they lived with her mother, √ Sallie (_____) WHITE, q.v., and next door to O Margaret (_____) ANDREWS, q.v. Children, born KY:
- √ 1—ANDREWS, Mary, born 1869.
- √ 2—ANDREWS, William, born 1871.
- √ 3—ANDREWS, Robert, born 1873.
- √ 4—ANDREWS, Isophina, born 1875.
- √ 5—ANDREWS, Virgie, born 1879; √ prob mar Junction City 22 Oct 1895 Clarence CRAWFORD by Rev Shod Carpenter ,witnesses Daniel Mackerroy, Tailer Hughes (Boyle Marriages Book 8C p163).
- √ 1880C, Boyle Co, District 3, p 376B;
- √ Boyle Marriages Book 2C p169
- ANDREWS, Mary, born 1869 (1880C, 1910C), born 1868 (1900C, 1920C),
1880 (1930C); married Johnson Walker, son of Horace Walker and Moriah White Walker, born 1 Jun 1867, Mercer Co., died 6 Sep 1951, Parksville, KY; q.v [See WALKER, Johnson 1867]
- F-1 COWAN, Thomas C, born May 1865 (1900C), 1867 (1910C) or 1865 (1920C) or 1878 (DC), died So 4th St 3 Aug 1925, bur Wilsonville Cem; mar 1887 Susie _____, born 1868 (1910C) or 1863 (1920C), 7 children 6 living, Junction City Road. Records say he also mar Lisa _____, born Aug 1867. 6 ch 6 living 1900C. Are Susie and Lisa the same person? Also living here in 1920C were boarder Ellan COWAN, born 1893, and niece, Iona WALKER, born 1913 and nephew William J WALKER, born 1915. [possibly son of Dera /Deira and John C Walker, who died in 1914] Grandchildren living here 1930 include Odelia CARPENTER, born 1912; Jerome LEWIS, born 1916; Andrew LEWIS, born 1917; Edward LEWIS, born 1920; Katherine LEWIS, born 1921; W H LEE (grandson), born 1917; and Roy LEE, born 1918. Owned res worth $350 on Wilsonville Rd 1930C. One Thomas COWAN operated a lemonade stand once a week and on Court Day on Main St near Second; the Advocate said he always makes it “extra strong” for the white folks’ trade on Monday. (A-M, Sunday, 17 Jul 2016, pC6) Children (by Susie or Lisa?):
- 1—COWAN, William, born Parksville 4 Mar 1886, died Apr 1971, of whom further.
- 2—COWAN, Florell, son, born Jan 1888.
- 3—Deira (Cowan) Walker (1890-1963) COWAN, Dora (1900C), Dera or Derea, [Deira] dau, born Oct 1889 (1900C); widow in 1920, husband [John C] WALKER died [1914] before 1920C. [1930C][Of whom further]
- 4—COWAN, Sophrona, born May 1892 (1900C).
- 5—COWAN, Viola, born May 1894 (1900C).
- 6—COWAN, Geroman or Roman C, son, born Mar 1895 (1900C), of whom further.
- √ 1900C, Boyle Co, MD2, p35B;
- √ 1910C, Boyle Co, ED19, MD2, Pct05, p5A;
- √ 1920C, Boyle Co, ED34, MD5, Pct05, p02A, Junction City Road
- √ 1930C, Boyle Co, MD-3, ED-11-07, p4A;
- √ Boyle Death Cert Thomas C COWAN 1933;
- O Death Cert William CO
- 3—COWAN, Dora (1900C), Dera or Derea, [Deira] dau, born Oct 1889 (1900C); [m1, married John C Walker m1, 29 Mar 1911 (Boyle MC) born 1889, son of Johnson Walker and Mary Andrews, died 8 Jan 1914 (Boyle DC)]; widow in 1920, [living with her father, niece and nephew are her children] husband [John C] WALKER [MC] died [1914] before 1920C. [In 1930 (1930C) widow, living in Louisville, head of household with 4 children, the youngest is Arizona Cochran born 1929, also living here is Claude Cochran, single, boarder. In 1940 and 1950 married to Claude Cochran, born 1895, died 1952. Deira Cowan Cochran died 15 Feb 1963 and was buried in Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky]
- Iona Walker b. 1914 (1920C) (1930C)
- William J Walker b 1915 (1920C) (1930C)
- Arizona Cochrane (1930C) (1940C) (1950C) Arizona Cochran (abt.1929-)
- √ 1900C, Boyle Co, MD2, p35B;
- √ 1910C, Boyle Co, ED19, MD2, Pct05, p5A;
- √ 1920C, Boyle Co, ED34, MD5, Pct05, p02A, Junction City Road
- √ [1930C, Louisville Co, ED 56-154, MD5, p16A, Ward 10, Block 1894 ]
- √ [1940C
- √ [1950C
- √ [Boyle MC
- √ [Boyle DC John C Walker 29 Mar 1911
- √ [Find-A-Grave Memorial #3297331]
- RIFFE, Henry, born KY 1835 (1870C) or 1840 (1880C); declared marriage 7 Sep 1867 (Lincoln Co Marriage Declarations Bk 12 p57) Emaline _____ [Pattner], born 1842 (1870C) or 1850 (1880C). Children:
- 1—RIFFE, Henry G, born 1865, not in 1880C.
- 2—RIFFE, Mary or Mollie, born 1866 (1870) or 1867 (1880C).
- 3—RIFFE, James M, born 1869 (1880C).
- 4—RIFFE, Lena T, born 1874.
- 5—RIFFE, Theopulus, born 1877; married
- 6—RIFFE, Veranna, son of Henry Riffe and Emmy Pattner, born 1879, married Lucy WHILELY, widow, born 1878, d/o Thomas Young and Bettie Williams, on 19 Dec 1901, Hamilton, Ohio
- STEVENSON , Issac, born 1840, Woodford, KY; parents born KY, married Sarah Walker Sarah Walker (abt.1850-), born 1850 (Tracing the Walkers), 1852 (1880C) 1847 (MC), Woodford Co, KY, parents born KY, on Catholic Church in Scott, KY. In 1880 they lived in Wyandotte, Kansas.
- Celia Stevenson, b. 1870, KY (1880C)
- Suse Stevenson, b. 1875 (1880C)
- Katie Stevenson, b. 1878 (1880C)
- Celia Stevenson, b. 1870, KY (1880C)
- Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954" citing Marriage, Versailles, Woodford, KY
- 1880C Wyandotte Township, ED 194, Wyandotte, KS US, Sheet 374
In 1870 - He may have had an earlier marriage, 1870 C, living in Midway, Woodford, CO, KY as Isac Stevenson (27) and Sally Stevenson (22) and daughter Susan Stevenson (4)
- H-2-7 WALKER, Johnson, born 1 Jun 1867 (1870C, 1900C), 1867 (1910C); married Mary Andrews, d/o Harrison's Andrews and Bufina White Andrews, born 1869 in Boyle, KY, died 11 Feb 1952.
- John C Walker, born 1889 (1900C) (1910C), married 29 March 1911, Diera Cowan, born 1890; died 8 Jan 1914, Boyle, KY. (He may have had one or two children with Deira, Further research needed.)
- Lillie Walker, born 1891 (1900C) (1910C)
- Lucian "General" Walker, born 1893 (1900C), 1894 (1910C)
- Dee Hubert Walker, born 1896 (1900C) (1910C)
- H WALKER, Thomas, Thomas Walker Sr. (abt.1811-) born 1811 [enslaved]; mar Lucinda _____.Luncinda (Unknown) Walker (abt.1811-) Resided Woodford Co. [Before 1853, he may have been sold "down the river." In 1870 a Thomas Walker, born Kentucky, is found in Travis County, TX; marriage (2) Mary ________, around 1853.] Children by mar (1):
- 1—WALKER, Thomas, born 1836.
- 2—WALKER, Horace, born 1838, of whom further.
- 3—WALKER, Willis,Willis Walker (abt.1840-1912) [of whom further]
- 4—WALKER, Emaline, Emaline Walker (abt.1842-) born 1842, [or 1840 (1880C)]. Married Joseph Chambers 1877, in Harrison Co, daughter Lena, born 1869 (1880C)
- 5—WALKER, Smully, Smully Walker (abt.1844-) born 1844. [See notes on his profile for research notes. There are possibilities neither completely satisfying.]
- 6—WALKER, Ali, born 1848. Ali Walker (abt.1848-)
- 7—WALKER, Sarah, Sarah Walker (abt.1850-) born 1850. (Tracing the Walkers), [1852 (1880C) 1847 (MC), Woodford Co, KY; married Isaac Stevenson, born 1840 (MC) 1851 (1880C) in Woodford Co, Parents not listed on 20 August 1868 in the Catholic Church in Scott Co, KY, Parents born KY (1880C); b.c. (See STEVENSON, Issac)]
- 8—WALKER, Delilah, born 1852.Delilah Walker (abt.1852-)
Children of mar (2) born in Texas:
- Oscar Walker b. 1853
- Betty Walker b. 1860
- Jack Walker b. 1867
- Looking Back: Family's ancestry goes back to 1811, Brenda
- DC Willis Walker, 10 Nov 192, Newport, Campbell, KY
- Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954" citing Marriage, Versailles, Woodford, Kentucky
- 1870C Paint Lick, Garrard, KY MD 4
- 1870C Austin, Travis, TX, page 90.
- 1880C Wyandotte Township, ED 194, Wyandotte, KS US, Sheet 374
- H-3 WALKER, Willis Willis Walker (abt.1840-1912), born 4 Jul 1847, Woodford Co, KY; enlisted 12th USCT Heavy Artillery He enlisted at Camp Nelson, Kentucky on 9 August 1864. He was discharged 24 April 1866 at Louisville, Kentucky, His reported owner was Isaac Davenport, of Woodford County, KY.; mar Lucy HOWARD Lucy (Howard) Walker (abt.1840-bef.1912) born 1851 (1880C), 1855 (1900C) on 27 Mar 1876 in Campbell Co, KY; died a widow, 10 Nov 1912, Newport, KY, father Thomas Walker of KY, Mother unknown, buried Evergreen Cemetery (later renamed to Newport Cemetery.) Informant Adeline Cornehead. Living with them 1880, Delia Bradford, widow, born 1850, KY, and Henry Stevenson, single, born 1853, VA. IN 1900 Lucy Walker had 8 children, 6 living.
- Ine WALKER born 1874 (1880C)
- Mamie WALKER born 1877 (1880C)
- Estella WALKER born 1877 (1900C)
- Charles WALKER born 1879 (1880C)
- Madeline WALKER born 1882 (1900C) 1884 (DC) married ______ Driver; died 9 Jul 1954 Neport KY.
- Grace WALKER born 1884 (1900C)
- Willis WALKER born 1887 (1900C)
- Myrtle WALKER born 1889 (1900C) 1894 (MC); married Robert Cain son of Charles and ?Sust? Cain on 29 Nov 1916, KY.
- Pierce Calestine WALKER born 1896 (1900C); died 10 Feb 1949 Union Co (DC)
- Tracing the Walkers, The Advocate-Messenger (Danville, Kentucky) Sun, Dec 28, 2003, page 26
- 1880 Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War
- Campbell County Marriages, Willis Walker 27 Mar 1876
- 1880C Newport, Campbell Co, KY ED9, page 56
- 1900C Campbell Co, KY, ED27, 6th Ward, p. 3A
- DC Willis Walker, Newport, Campbell KY 10 Nov 1912
- Find-A-Grave Memorial ID 214211477
- DC Madeline Driver, Newport, Campbell, KY 9 July 1954
- Vital Records KY marriage Myrtle Walker 29 Nov 1916
- DC Pierre Calestine Walker 10 Feb 1949 Union Co, KY
- WHITE, _____, may have died before 1880C; mar √ Sallie _____, born 1829, parents born KY. Children, born KY:
- √ 1- WHITE, Bufina (1880C) or Rufine (Mar Cert), born 1849; mar 20 Jan 1868 (Boyle Marriages Book 2C p169) √ Harry ANDREWS, q.v.
- √ 2—WHITE, William, born 1857; he may be the William who √ mar 1883 Rebecca TUCKER, q.v.
- √ 3—WHITE, James, born 1865. One Jas F WHITE √ mar at Clerk’s Office 17 Mar 1887 (Boyle Marriages Book 6C p171) √ Eliza GARN [or GARR], witnesses W T Caldwell, N Wingate, M Crow, by Geo F LEE, P J B C C.
- √ 4—WHITE, John, born 1872.
- √ 1880C, Boyle Co, District 3, p 376B;
- √ Boyle Marriages Book 2C p169;
- √ Boyle Marriages Book 6C p171
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