
A Comprehensive Name Index for the American Slave

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A Comprehensive Name Index for the American Slave, compiled by Howard E Potts, forward by Charles Joyner, Jon L Waken Advisory Editor; published by Greenwood Press, Westport, CT and London, 1954.

This is an index to the American Slaves, a collection of interviews by the WPA primarily in the 1930s.

The index has several sections:

  • County and State Index
  • Narrator Index
  • Master (Owner) Index
  • Interview Index
  • Narrator by Birth Year Index

According to the author, it addresses the problem that the interviews are collected by the location in which the interviews were conducted, not the location in which the formerly enslaved person was enslaved.

Since much of this research is done by location of enslavement, this provides a valuable resource.


I've started by adding scans of the pages for Kentucky. There may be other states added, and one hopes that eventually a spreadsheet will be made.

Karen Lee


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