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A History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen In The State of Maine

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Other: Maine Sources


A History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen In The State of Maine

...Including The Pemaquid Settlement.

Available online at these locations:

Table of Contents

  • CHAPTER I. General Description of the Place - Minerals - Geology.
  • CHAPTER II. Wild Animals of the Region. The Native Tribes.
  • CHAPTER III. Early Navigators on the coast. - Beginning of the English and French rivalries for exclusive possession - The fisheries - Gosnold's voyage and discovery of Cape Cod - Capt. Pring.
  • CHAPTER IV. Important voyage of Capt. George Weymouth, Pentecost Harbor.
  • CHAPTER V. The river discovered by Weymouth. Is it the Kennebec? The Penobscot? The St. George?
  • CHAPTER VI. Continued efforts to colonize North America — Sailing of the Popham colony under the directions of the Plymouth company — They visit Pemaquid, where they are kindly received; and finally debark at the mouth of the Kennebec — Voyage of Capt. John Smith to this coast (1605-1614).
  • CHAPTER VII. A fierce war among the natives, followed by a destructive pestilence — Several Englishmen, sent out by Sir F. Gorges, spend a winter in the country — Voyage of Capt. Dermer in pursuit of Rocroft, and cruise along the coast from Monhegan to Virginia — Levett's voyage (1615-1623).
  • CHAPTER VII. The Plymouth Patent of June 1st, 1631, in the name of John Peirce. Richard Pearce, son of John Peirce, and his father-in-law, John Brown, become permanent settlers at Pemaquid — Statement of Samuel Welles of Boston — Brown's purchase of two Indian sagamores — Abraham Shurte purchases Monhegan for Aldsworth and Elbridge (1620-35).
  • CHAPTER IX. The two Indian sagamores, Samoset and Unongoit — Pemaquid the centre of business on the coast — Beginnings of other settlements in the vicinity — The first fort at Pemaquid — Traders and pirates on the coast — Dixy Bull — Mills at the Falls.
  • CHAPTER X. Patents granted by the great Council of Plymouth — The Pemaquid patent — Gyles, John and Thomas Eldridge — Nicholas Davison becomes sole owner of the Pemaquid patent — Shem Drowne.
  • CHAPTER XI. The great storm of August, 1635, on the coast of New England — The ship Angel Gabriel, wrecked at Pemaquid — John Cogswell and family passengers by her — Affidavit of Samuel Haines a servant in the Cogswell's family — Encroachment of the French at the east — Immigration from England checked by the political troubles, there — Ferocious strife between the two French rivals, D'Alney and La Tour, in the French colonies at the east, threatening at times to involve Massachusetts and other English settlements on the coast.
  • CHAPTER XII. Civil Government at Pemaquid — Silvanus Davis's statement as to the population of Pemaquid and vicinity — Progress of the settlements west of the Kennebec — The Piscataqua settlement taken under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts — Inquiry as to the northern boundary of the latter — By actual survey it is found to be in lat, 43° 43' 12" — The line extended east to Clapboard Island — Massachusetts extends her jurisdiction east to Saco — Charles II sends Commissioners to investigate the difficulties of the colonies — The territory of Sagadahoc — The Royal Commissioners of Penobscot — Oath of allegiance taken by citizens — County of Cornwall — New Dartmouth — The governments established by the Commissioners soon die out, and the people look to Massachusetts.
  • CHAPTER XIII. Massachusetts, on application, sends commissioners to the eastern settlements — Fierce war between the Mohawks and the New England Indians — Acadia ceded to France; and the latter takes possession of the country as far west as the Penobscot, but asserts a claim to the territory quite to the Kennebec — Massachusetts orders a new survey of her northern boundary line with a view of extending her jurisdiction over the eastern settlements — The people petition to be taken under her protection — Action of the general court — Commissioners appointed by the general court "hold a court" at Pemaquid — Organization of the county of Devon or Devonshire, and civil and military officers appointed — The Indian war, called King Philip's war, begun in Massachusetts, extends to the eastern colonies — The people of Pemaquid still hope to preserve the peace and make commendable efforts for the purpose — John Earthy.
  • CHAPTER XIV. Efforts of the Pemaquid people through their agent, John Earthy to preserve peace with the Indians — A slaver on the coast — Indian conferences — Indian hostilities begun at Casco, and continued on the Kennebec — The people of Sheepscott, and Pemaquid, hearing of the hostilies at the settlements west of them make their escape to the islands — All the settlements destroyed — Indian Treaty negotiated at Boston — The Penobscot sachem Mugg — Fight with the Indians at Pemaquid.
  • CHAPTER XV. Pemaquid Under The Duke of York. Sagadahoc neglected by the duke's government — Gov. Lovelace of New York, sends a communication to the inhabitants of Pemaquid — A sloop sent from New York for the relief of the sufferers by the Indian wars — The jurisdiction of the dukes' government extended over the territory of Sagadahoc, and a fort erected at Pemaquid — Regulations for the trade and business of the settlement — Anthony Brockholls appointed captain of the fort, who was succeeded by Caesar Knapten and Francis Sharpe — Petitions to the inhabitants to the Duke's government.
  • CHAPTER XVI. James Duke of York becomes King of England, as James II, and New York and Sagadahoc, in consequence, become Royal Provinces — The Sagadahoc territory, including Pemaquid, detached from New York and transferred to Massachusetts — Increased burdens of the people under their new rulers — Baron de St. Castine, becomes a resident at Biguyduce and marries a daughter of Madockawando — Gov. Andros makes an excursion to Biguyduce, with a small military force, and pillages the house of Castine — Returns to Pemaquid and proceeds to Boston — His efforts to conciliate the Indians unsuccessful — Disgusted, because they pay no respect to his proclamation, he resolves on a coercive policy, and with a military force marches to the eastward to chastise the disobedient natives — At Pemaquid he hears of the Revolution in England and hastily returns to Boston — Lieut. James Weems, commander of the Pemaquid fort, remains at his post, with a few men, and reports to the authorities at Boston — Capture and destruction of the fort and settlement at Pemaquid by the Indians.
  • TBD...


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Citation Formats

  • <span id='Johnson'></span>Johnson, John. ''[[Space:A History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen In The State of Maine|A History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen In The State of Maine, Including The Pemaquid Settlement]]''. (Joel Munsell, Albany, N.Y., 1873). [ Page ].
  • <ref>[[#Johnson|Johnson, History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen]]: [ Page ].</ref>
  • ([[#Johnson|Johnson, History Of The Towns of Bristol And Bremen]]: [ Page ])

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