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A History of Preston County, West Virginia

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Location: Preston County, West Virginiamap
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A History of Preston County, West Virginia

  • by Oren Frederic Morton, 1857-1926
  • published by The Journal Publishing Company, Kingwood, West Virginia, 1914

Available online at these locations:

Table of Contents

I - Introductory Observations
II - A General Glance
III - Physical Geography
IV - Political Divisions
V - Indian Period
VI - Discovery and Exploration
VII - Early Pioneer Period
VIII - Later Pioneer Period
IX - Seventy-five Years of America-
X - Formation of Preston
XI - Sub-Pioneer Period
XII - Preston in 1825
XIII - Early Middle Period
XIV - The War of 1861
XV - Preston in War Time
XVI - Transition Period
XVII - Industrial Period
XVIII - Judicial and Political
-XIX - The Church in Preston
XX - The Professions in Preston
XXI - Schools and Newspapers
XXII - Industrial Preston
XXIII - Turnpikes and Railroads
XXIV - The Town of Kingwood
XXV - The Preston People of To-Day
XXVI - The Preston of To-Morrow
XXVII - Preston as Seen in a Discriptive Tour.

I - Oar European Forefathers
II - America and Virginia in 1766
III - The Old Frontier
IV - Immigrants to Preston
V - Our Surnames and Given Names
VI - Our Immigrant Families
VII - A Geneologie Outline
VIII - reston Soldiers

A - Population by Decades
B - Statistical Items
C - A List of Vetogenarians
D - Surveys in 1774
E - Land Patents, 1782-1790
F - Some Early Conveyances of Land
G - Preston Legislators
H - Supplementary Paragraphs
I - Sketch of Samuel T. Wiley
J - Sketch of Oren F. Morton


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WikiTree Syntax

  • ''[[Space: A History of Preston County, West Virginia| A History of Preston County, West Virginia]]'' (The Journal Publishing Co, Kingwood, West Virginia, 1914), Vol. , [ Page ].
  • <ref>[[#Morton|Morton]]</ref>

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