A history and genealogy of the descendants of William Hammond of London, England and his wife Elizabeth Penn
Location: Sandwich, Massachusetts

Surname/tag: hammond
through their son Benjamin of Sandwich and Rochester, Mass., 1600-1894
WikiTree Profiles that use this source
Note: This English origin for Benjamin Hammond has been disproved; see English origins of Benjamin Hammond of Sandwich.
Author: Hammond, Roland
Publisher: Boston: D. Clapp & Son, printers, 1894
* <span id='Hammond1894'></span>Hammond, Roland. ''[[Space:A_history_and_genealogy_of_the_descendants_of_William_Hammond_of_London%2C_England_and_his_wife_Elizabeth_Penn|A history and genealogy of the descendants of William Hammond of London, England and his wife Elizabeth Penn: through their son Benjamin of Sandwich and Rochester, Mass., 1600-1894]].'' Boston: D. Clapp & Son, printers, 1894.
<ref>[[#Hammond1894|Hammond1894]]: p. 42</ref>
Online availability
- Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/14890/
- Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/historygenealogy00hamm
- Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=H41PAAAAMAAJ
- WorldCat: http://www.worldcat.org/title/history-and-genealogy-of-the-descendants-of-william-hammond-of-london-england-and-his-wofe-elizabeth-penn-through-their-son-benjamin-of-sandwich-and-rochester-mass-1600-1894/oclc/500480166
See also: A_History_and_Genealogy_of_the_Descendants_of_William_Hammond...
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