
The Abbots of Canterbury

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Canterbury, Kent, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Church_of_England Archbishop
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This space collects details about Dr George Abbot (1562 - 1633) Archbishop of Canterbury and his family.

Maurice Abbot, Cloth Merchant, Father

Dr Robert Abbot, the Bishop of Salisbury

Sir Morris Abbot, the Lord Mayor of London

Sir MORRIS ABBOT (The Youngest son) • MORRIS ABBOT, the youngest son of Mr. Maurice Abbot, of Guildford, and brother to Robert and George • Eminent merchant in the city of London • One of the commissioners/negotiators of a treaty with the Dutch East-India company, (acquired 1/3 of the commerce of the Molucca Islands for England). Concluded at London, 7 July, 1619 • 1624, appointed one of the council, for settling and establishing the colony of Virginia, with very full powers for the government of that colony, as by that commission appears. • On the accession of King Charles I, to the throne, Mr. Abbot was the first person upon whom he conferred the honour of knighthood, and chosen to the first parliament called in that King's reign, viz. in 1625. • In 1627, he was one of the Sheriffs of London, with Henry Garway; Sir Cuthbert Hacket, being then Mayor. • In 1638 he was Lord-Mayor of the city of London Deceased 10 January 1640 He had a son whose name was George, fellow of Merton college in Oxford, and who took the degree of Bachelor of Law in 1630.

Will of George Abbot

  • Brother John Abbot of Guildford during his life : twenty pounds yearly out of the benefit arising by the lease of his houses
  • Nephew, Mr Maurice Abbot of the Inner-Temple - remaining benefit of leases
  • Sir Nathaniel Brent, and his wife my kinswoman, the daughter of my brother Doctor Abbot sometime Bishop of Salisbury, Gilt plate of thirty ounces and one paper or instrument under my hand and seal made for her benefit.
  • Said niece of mine the Lady Martha Brent, the gilt bason and ewer which the Lord Thomas Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer of England (engraven upon them the arms of his lordship).
  • Brother Sir Morris Abbot, Knight my great silver hour-glass with the case wherein.
  • To his son my nephew Master Maurice Abbot, student of the Inner-Temple, bigger chain of gold, and all the profits that may be raised of the lease of the Priory of Dover
  • Brother John Abbot - twenty pounds, and to his wife a piece of gilt plate of twenty ounces.
  • Their daughter Sarah Sàye, I give twenty pounds, and a piece of gilt plate of twenty *Other niece Damaris Bingstey a piece of plate of thirty ounces gilt.
  • To John Abbot their brother I give a ring of forty shillings and no more, because I have otherwise provided for him already,
  • Niece Margaret Marsh one hundred pounds to bestow upon some jewel to be worn in memory of me. And I give, and to the same purpose, to my
  • Niece Mrs Elizabeth Tresham, the like sum
  • Niece Mrs Mary Diggs, the like sum
  • Niece Mrs Martha Abbot, be she married or unmarried
  • Nephew Mr Edward Abbot, Merchant, for his wife, one hundred pounds
  • Executor Brother Sir Morris Abbot, Knight.
  • Executor Nephew Mr. Maurice Abbot of the Inner-Temple, Barrister.

July 25, 1632. G. Cant. Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

George Abbot

Born: 29 Oct 1562, Guildford, Surrey, England
Died: 5 Aug 1633, Croydon, Buried: Guildford, Surrey, England
Seated by King James I, 9 April, 1611; Sworn to the Privy Council, 23 June 1611.[1]

George's expectant Mother dreamt that if she ate either a Jack or a Pike, that her unborn child would be a son and he would "rise to great preferment". As fate would have it, while taking a pail of water from the River Wey, she caught a Jack by accident, which presented the opportunity to fulfill her dream. The story spread and some people of distinction offered sponsorship for the child. The Abbots accepted and they became George's godparents. They help him through School and afterward paid for University.[2]

He studied, and then taught, at Balliol College, Oxford, was chosen master of University College in 1597, and appointed the dean of Winchester in 1600. He was three times vice-chancellor of the university and took a leading part in preparing the authorized version of the New Testament.[3]

"In 1608, died his great patron Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, suddenly at the council table, at whose funeral, Dr Abbot preached a sermon, which was afterwards printed, and generally commended."[4]


  1. Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Oldys, William, 1696-1761, The life of Dr. George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury,;view=fulltext accessed 2 August 2018
  2. Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Oldys, William, 1696-1761, The life of Dr. George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury,;view=fulltext accessed 2 August 2018
  3. George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury (1562 - 1633) at The Tudorplace Website. accessed 2 August 2018.
  4. Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Oldys, William, 1696-1761, The life of Dr George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury,;view=fulltext accessed 2 August 2018

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