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Abigail, sailed July 1635

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Date: 1635 to 1635
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Abigail, sailed July 1635

The Abigail left London, England April to July 1635 with her master, Robert Hackwell, arriving in Massachusetts Bay.


Alphabetical List

By surname with age and roll number


134.Abdy, Matthew 15From Wantage, Berkshire, bound for Boston.[1] Also listed from Southwark (S Olave) Surrey, bound for Boston.[2]
41.Adams, Richard29bricklayer of Northampton
42.Adams, Susan 26of Northampton
155.Alecock Annis18Log Date: 01 Jul 1635 as Annis Aldcock (Hotten, p. 98).[1]
30.Allen Jo. 30husbandman
31.Allen Ann30wife of John
114.Alley Hugh 27Collins' servant
86.Almond William 34
88.Almond Audrey 32
89.Almy Annis8
94.Almy Chr 3
158.Arnold Jesper 40Jasper, aka Shoreditch, from Stephney, Middlesex.[3]
160.Arnold Ann39


103. Bassett William 9
138. Belcher Edward 8 Freeman servant
36. Borebancke Joseph 24 Hadborne servant
124. Brane Thomas 40 husbandman
19. Browne Lydia 16
20. Bullocke Henry 40From St Lawrence, Essex, bound for Charlestown, MA[4]
21. Bullocke Susan 42 wife of Henry Bullocke
22. Bullocke Henry 8 child of Henry Bullocke
23. Bullocke Mary6 child of Henry Bullocke
24. Bullocke Thomas2 child of Henry Bullocke
117. Burdin, George20
101. Burt Hugh 35From St Clement, Eastcheap, London, bound for Lynn, MA.[5]
102. Burt, Ann 32
151. Burt, Hugh 15
90. Burt, Edward 8
163. Bushell, Ruth 23
01. Buttolph, Thomas 32
02. Buttolph, Ann 24 wife of Thomas Buttolph


129.Carr, Richard 29
108.Collins, Henry29starchmaker; from Stephney, Middlesex; bound for Lynn, MA[6]
109.Collins, Ann 30wife of Henry
110.Collins, Henry5child of Henry
111.Collins, Jo 3child of Henry
112.Collins, Margery2child of Henry
116.Cooke, Jo27Collins servant
137.Cooke, John15Freeman servant
72.Covell, Cesar15


162.Devotion, Margaret 9
157.Deyking, John25
159.Deyking, Alice30
133.Dodd, James16
52.Drewrie, George19"George Drury" from Grinstad, Sussex; bound for Cambridge[7]
140.Drinker, Philip39
141.Drinker, Elizabeth32wife of Philip Drinker
142.Drinker, Edward13child of Philip Drinker
143.Drinker, Jo8child of Philip Drinker
77.Driver, Robert8


66.Ellis, Elizabeth16
147.Emerson, Jo20
173.Epps, Elizabeth13listed with Winthropp family


80.Foster, Christopher 32"Christopher Foster of Lynn"
81.Foster, Francis25wife of Christopher Foster
82.Foster, Rebecca5child of Christopher Foster
83.Foster, Nathaniel2child of Christopher Foster
84.Foster, Jo.1child of Christopher Foster
118.Fountaine, Edward 28
104.Fox, Jo35
105.Fox, Richard15
45.Freeman, John35
58.Freeman, Marie50
59.Freeman, Jo9
60.Freeman, Sycillie4
91.Freeman, Thomas 24
107.Freeman, Edmund 45
135.Freeman, Edward34husbandman
136.Freeman, Elizabeth 35wife of Edward Freeman
149.Freeman, Elizabeth12
150.Freeman, Alice17
152.Freeman, Edmund15
153.Freeman, John8
03.Fuller, William25
14.Fuller, Jo15(John)


46.Gatsell, Walter 34
09.Geere, Dennis 30from Falmer, Sussex; bound for Lynn, MA.[8]
10.Geere, Elizabeth 22 wife of Dennis Geere
11.Geere Elizabeth3child of Dennis Geere
12.Geere, Sara2child of Dennis Geere
122.Gillam, Ann 28
123.Gillam, Benjamin1 child of Ann Gillam
172.Goade, Thomas15listed with Winthropp family
47. Graves, Richard 23
113. Griffith, Joshua 25Collins' servant; from Stephney; bound for Lynn.[9]
32. Hadborne, George 43 glover; George Hepburn; from Southwark (S Savious), Surrey; bound for Charlestown, MA.[10]


33. Hadborne, Anne 46wife of George
34. Hadborne, Rebecca 10child of George
35. Hadborne, Anna4child of George
55. Hallinck, John 38
Harbert Jo. 23shoemaker of Northampton
08. Harding Elizabeth 12
145. Hillman Elliner 33
25. Houghton Jo. 4 John from Eaton Bray, Befordshire to Dedham, MA.[11]


85.Ireson, Edward4
93.Ireson, Elizabeth27


67. Jones, Ellin 36 (4 children)
68. Jones, Isack 8
69. Jones, Hester 6
70. Jones, Thomas 3
71. Jones, Sara 3 mo.
51. Jones, Thomas 40 (alone?)
87. Jones, Mary 30 (alone?)
154. Jones, Jo 15 (alone?)
18. Jones, Charles 21 (alone?)
16. Jordan, Joan16Hadborne servant


06.Kettell, Peter10
130.King, William28
75.Knore, Noll 29
76.Knore, Sara7
54.Knore, Thomas33


125.Launder, Thomas22
174.Lyne, Mary6listed with Winthropp family


53. Marshall, William 40
164. Mason, Ralph 35 joiner
165. Mason, Anne 35wife of Ralph Mason
166. Mason, Richard 5child of Ralph Mason
167. Mason, Samuel 3 child of Ralph Mason
168. Mason, Susan 1child of Ralph Mason
48. Mere, Robert 43
78. Mere, Elizabeth 30
79. Mere, John 3 mo
49. Mere, Samuel 3
50. Monnings, Edmund 40Munnings; from East Donyland, Essex; bound for Cambridge.[12]
62. Monnings, Mary 30
63. Monnings, Mary 9
64. Monnings, Anna 6
65. Monnings, Michelaliel 3


13. Pancrust, Anns 16 listed with Geere family
74. Payne, William 15
106. Payne, Jo:14
126. Potter, William 27 husbandman
127. Potter, Frances 26 wife of William Potter
128. Potter, Joseph 4 mo.
57. Price, Rebecca 14


96. Rainsford, Edward 26
131. Ram, George 25
98. Rookeman, John 45
99. Rookeman, Elizabeth 31
100. Rookeman, John 9
44. Roote, Ralph 50
115. Roote, Mary 15 Collins' servant


97.Sharpe, Robert20
119.Sheppard, Ralph 29
120.Sheppard, Thanks23wife of Ralph
121.Sheppard, Sara2child of Ralph
39.Somner, Henry15of Northampton; "Henry Summers" from Bideford, Devonshire; bound for Woburn, MA.[13]
40.Somner, Elisa18of Northampton
132.Stantley, Jo.34
161.Steevens, Alice 22
07.Steevens, Thomas 12
95.Strowde, John15


146.Terry, Jo32
156.Thomson, Thomas18
16.Tilly, William 28from Barnstable and Boston; came from Little Minories, England
144.Tucker, Margaret23
14.Tusler, Elizabeth55orig Taselie, listed with Geere family
05.Tylly, Nathaniel32


43.Wallis Ralph40
73.Wallis Joan 19
56.Wallis George 15
61.West, Jo11
26.White, Edward 42husbandman
27.White Martha39wife of Edward
28.White Martha10child of Edward
29.White Mary 8child of Edward
17.Whiteman Robert 20
139.Williams Ann10
15.Wood Constant 12listed with Geere family
148.Woodman Richard 9
169.Wynthropp John 27
170.Wynthropp, Elizabeth19
171.Wynthropp, Deane 11


92.Yates, William14

Additional List

~ by Banks Topo[citation needed]

Brackenbury, Richard and WilliamFolke or Holnest, DorsetshireSalem[14]
Gott, CharlesCambridgeSalem[15]
Haight, JohnDorsetshireSalem 1629.[16]
Vane, Sir HenryLondonBoston[17]

By roll number:

04 May 1635

01.Buttolph, Thomas 32
02.Buttolph, Ann 24
03.Fuller, William25
04.Fuller, Jo15
05.Tylly, Nathaniel 32
06.Kettell, Peter10
07.Steevens, Thomas 12
08.Harding, Elizabeth 12

15 Jun 1635: Sworn at Thesselworth

09.Geere, Dennis30
10.Geere, Elizabeth22wife of Dennis
11.Geere Elizabeth3child of Dennis
12.Geere, Sara2child of Dennis
13.Pancrust, Ann16
14. Tusler, Elizabeth 55
15.Wood, Constant12

19 Jun 1635: Sworn at Little Minories

16. Tilly, William 28
17. Whiteman, Robert 20
18. Jones, Charles 21
19. Browne, Lydia 16

20 Jun 1635: Sworn at St Lawrence, Essex

20. Bullocke, Henry 40
21. Bullocke, Susan 42wife of Henry Bullocke
22. Bullocke, Henry 8 child of Henry Bullocke
23. Bullocke, Mary 6 child of Henry Bullocke
24. Bullocke, Thomas 2child of Henry Bullocke

20 Jun 1635: Sworn at Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire

25. Houghton, Jo. 4

22 Jun 1635: Sworn Cranbrook, Kent

26. White, Edward 42husbandman
27. White, Martha 39wife of Edward White
28. White, Martha 10child of Edward White
29. White, Mary 8 child of Edward White
30. Allen, Jo.30husbandman
31. Allen, Ann 30 wife of John Allen

22 Jun 1635: Sworn at Stephney, London

32. Hadborne, George43 glover
33. Hadborne, Anne 46wife of George Hadborne
34. Hadborne, Rebecca 10child of George Hadborne
35. Hadborne, Anna 4child of George Hadborne
36. Borebancke, Joseph 24Hadborne's servant
37. Jordan, Joan 16 Hadborne's servant

26 Jun 1635

38. Harbert Jo. 23shoemaker of Northampton

04 Jul 1635

39. Somner, Henry 15 of Northampton
40. Somner, Elisa 18of Northampton
41. Adams, Richard 29 bricklayer of Northampton
42. Adams, Susan 26of Northampton

17 Jun 1635

43. Wallis, Ralph 40
44. Roote, Ralph 50
45. Freeman, John 35
46. Gatsell, Walter 34
47. Graves, Richard 23
48. Mere, Robert 43
49. Mere, Samuel 3
50. Monnings, Edmund 40
51. Jones, Thomas 40
52. Drewrie, George 19
53. Marshall, William 40
54. Knore, Thomas 33
55. Hallinck, John 38
56. Wallis, George 15
57. Price, Rebecca 14
58. Freeman, Marie 50
59. Freeman, Jo 9
60. Freeman, Sycillie 4
61. West, Jo 11
62. Monnings, Mary 30
63. Monnings, Mary 9
64. Monnings, Anna 6
65. Monnings, Michelaliel 3
66. Ellis, Elizabeth 16
67. Jones, Ellin 36
68. Jones, Isack 8
69. Jones, Hester 6
70. Jones, Thomas 3
71. Jones, Sara 3 mo
72. Covell, Cesara15
73. Wallis, Joan 19
74. Payne, William 15
75. Knore, Noll 29
76. Knore, Sara 7
77. Driver Robert 8
78. Mere, Elizabeth 30
79. Mere, John 3 mo
80. Foster, Christopher 32
81. Foster, Francis 25 wife of Christopher Foster
82. Foster, Rebecca 5child of Christopher Foster
83. Foster, Nathaniel 2child of Christopher Foster
84. Foster, Jo. 1child of Christopher Foster
85. Ireson, Edward 4
86. Almond, William 34
87. Jones, Mary 30
88. Almond, Audrey 32
89. Almy, Annis 8
90. Burt, Edward 8
91. Freeman, Thomas 24
92. Yates, William 14
93. Ireson, Elizabeth 27
94. Almy, Chr3
95. St-rowde, John 15
96. Rainsford, Edward 26
97. Sharpe, Robert 20
98. Rookeman, John 45
99. Rookeman, Elizabeth 31
100. Rookeman, John 9
101. Burt, Hugh 35
102. Burt, Ann 32
103. Bassett, William 9
104. Fox, Jo 35
105. Fox, Richard 15
106. Payne, Jo 14
107. Freeman, Edmund 45

30 Jun 1635: Sworn at Stephney, London

108. Collins, Henry 29starchmaker
109. Collins, Ann 30 wife of Henry Collins
110. Collins, Henry 5 child of Henry Collins
111. Collins, Jo 3 child of Henry Collins
112. Collins, Margery 2 child of Henry Collins
113. Griffith, Joshua 25 Collins' servant
114. Alley, Hugh 27 Collins' servant
115. Roote, Mary 15Collins' servant
116. Cooke, Jo27Collins' servant
117. Burdin, George 20
118. Fountaine, Edward 28
119. Sheppard, Ralph 29
120. Sheppard, Thanks 23wife of Ralph Sheppard
121. Sheppard, Sara 2child of Ralph Sheppard
122. Gillam, Ann 28
123. Gillam, Benjamin 1 child of Ann Gillam
124.Brane, Thomas 40 husbandman
125. Launder, Thomas 22
126. Potter, William 27 husbandman
127. Potter, Frances 26wife of William Potter
128. Potter, Joseph 4mo
129.Carr, Richard29
130. King, William 28
131. Ram, George 25
132. Stantley Jo. 34
133. Dodd, James 16
134.Abdy, Matthew 15
135.Freeman, Edward34husbandman
136.Freeman, Elizabeth35wife of Edward Freeman
137. Cooke, John15Freeman servant
138. Belcher, Edward8Freeman servant
139. Williams, Ann 10
140. Drinker, Philip39
141. Drinker, Elizabeth 32wife of Philip Drinker
142. Drinker, Edward 13child of Philip Drinker
143. Drinker, Jo8child of Philip Drinker
144.Tucker, Margaret 23
145. Hillman Elliner 33
146. Terry, Jo 32
147. Emerson, Jo20
148. Woodman, Richard 9
149. Freeman, Elizabeth 12
150. Freeman, Alice 17
151. Burt, Hugh 15
152. Freeman, Edmund 15
153. Freeman, John 8
154. Jones, Jo15
155. Alecock, Annis 18 "Ann Alcock Foster" (accused Salem witch).
156. Thomson, Thomas 18
157. Deyking, John 25
158. Arnold, Jesper 40
159. Deyking, Alice 30
160.Arnold, Ann 39
161. Steevens, Alice 22
162. Devotion, Margaret 9
163. Bushell, Ruth 23
164. Mason, Ralph 35 joiner
165. Mason, Anne 35wife of Ralph Mason
166. Mason, Richard 5child of Ralph Mason
167. Mason, Samuel 3 child of Ralph Mason
168.Mason, Susan1child of Ralph Mason
169. Wynthropp, John 27
170. Wynthropp, Elizabeth 19
171. Wynthropp, Deane 11
172. Goade, Thomas 15
173. Epps, Elizabeth 13
174. Lyne, Mary 6

Abigail Sources

Hotten, J.C. (1874). The Original Lists Of Persons Of Quality; Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold For A Term Of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; And Others Who Went From Great Britain To The American Plantations, 1600-1700: with their ages and the names of the ships in which they embarked, and other interesting particulars; from mss. preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England (pp. 73, 87- 93, 96-99). London. Google Books.[2] (also see -- Space: The Original Lists Of Persons).
"The Abigail 1635." Tripod.com. Web.[3]
"Passengers of the Abigail: Master Robert Hackwell voyage of 1635," (n.d.). Winthrop Society. Web.[4]
Olive Tree Genealogy. Web.[5]


  1. PCC and Pell p. 275. 36 pg 6.[citation needed]
  2. Banks, Mass. 36 p. 119.[citation needed]
  3. Banks, Mass. 36 pg 113[citation needed]
  4. Pope. 36 pg 52[citation needed]
  5. Aspinwall. 36 pg 99.[citation needed]
  6. 36 pg 112.[citation needed]
  7. JGB Hill Gen p. 81. 36 p. 171.[citation needed]
  8. PCC 51 Pembroke. 36 pg 171[citation needed]
  9. Pope. 36 pg 112[citation needed]
  10. Banks, Mass. 36 pg 168[citation needed]
  11. Pope. 36 pg 1[citation needed]
  12. Banks, Mass. 36 p. 48.[citation needed]
  13. Wyman. 36 p. 19.[citation needed]
  14. Banks, Mass. 36 p. 32.[citation needed]
  15. Banks, Mass. 36 p.12.[citation needed]
  16. Hist Rec of Putman Co., NY pg 452. 36 p. 37.[citation needed]
  17. Winthrop. 36 p.108.[citation needed]


This content was originally created by Bree Ogle

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