Location: Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Surname/tag: Hawley, Burr
"Mark Moore Judge"
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Location: Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States

Surname/tag: Hawley, Burr
This page has been accessed 135 times.
Contents |
Source Information
- Full Title: "Abigail Hawley Book"
- Author: Jessup, Harlan R. (Genealogy Club of Newtown), transcriber
- Publishing Information: A family Bible published by Collins and Co., New York, 1816
- INSCRIPTION: Inscribed inside the front cover: "Abigail Hawley Book"
- NOTES: Also found within this Bible was a loose sheet of paper with the following probate order:
- "At a Court of Probate holden at Bridgeport within and for the District of Stratford on the 6th day of December 1833"
- "Upon the application of the Executor on the Estate of Ephraim Hawley late of Monroe deceased order that said Executor sell at public auction or at private Sale at not less than Inventory price the residue of the personal Estate belonging to said Estate & make returns to this court"
- "At a Court of Probate holden at Bridgeport within and for the District of Stratford on the 6th day of December 1833"
Source Citation Examples
- In-line Citation: Recommended
- <ref>"[[Space:Abigail_Hawley_Book|Abigail Hawley Book]]," a family Bible published by Collins and Co, New York, 1816, inscribed inside the front cover: "Abigail Hawley Book;" transcription by Harlan R. Jessup, "Genealogy Club of Newtown, Connecticut," Rootsweb Hosted Site ( : accessed 13 November 2023).</ref>
- Named In-line Citation for Multiple Usage in a Profile: Recommended
- <ref name='Jessup'>"[[Space:Abigail_Hawley_Book|Abigail Hawley Book]]," a family Bible published by Collins and Co, New York, 1816, inscribed inside the front cover: "Abigail Hawley Book;" transcription by Harlan R. Jessup, "Genealogy Club of Newtown, Connecticut," Rootsweb Hosted Site ( : accessed 13 November 2023).<ref>
- Subsequent Use of Named Source Citation:
- <ref name='Jessup' />
Available online at these locations:
- Genealogy Club of Newtown, a Rootsweb Hosted Site (will become "read-only" in early 2024)
The Genealogical Collection of Newtown's Cyrenius H. Booth Library includes Bible records from a number of area families, including: BEARDSLEY, BEERS, BURR, FAIRCHILD, HAWLEY, PECK, OLIVER, TAYLOR, and WINTON. This is a transcription of a family Bible.
column 1 | column 2 | column 3 |
Philo Hawley his birth December 1 AD 1781 | James Burr was born August 11th 1742 | James U. Hawley was born March 12 AD 1808 |
Abigail Hawley hur birth September 25 AD 1781 | Jastina Burr was Born Oct 25th 1749 | Mary Ann Hawley Born August 14th AD 1814 |
Aburrin Burr was born Jan 22th 1772 | Cornelius Denison Hawley Born November 4 Day AD 1835 | |
Henry Burr was born Feb 1th 1774 | Burr Hawley Born September 25th AD 1837 | |
Mary Burr was born Jan. 27th 1775 | Columbus D. Hawley Born June 5th AD 1843 | |
Jerusha Burr was born April 15th 1776 | Martha A. Hawley Born August 7th 1843 | |
Abigail Burr was born September 25th 1781 | Elmor J. Hawley Born Febuary 20th 1866 | |
Anna Burr was born Jan. 10th 1784 | Milon B. Hawley Born Aug 4th 1871 | |
Huldah Burr was born Jan. 14th 1787 | Clayton Burr Hawley Born Dec 24, 1898 | |
James Burr was born Dec 27th 1791 |
column 1 | column 2 |
Philo Hawley was Married July 15 AD 1802 [added in pencil] to Abigail Burr | James Uriah Hawley was Married to Mary Ann Curtiss November 24th AD 1833 |
Burr Hawley Was Married to Martha A. Drew October 17th 1864 | |
Elmore J(ames) [added in pencil] Hawley & Mary Effa Johnson was Married Jan 1st 1893 | |
Milon B(urr) [added in pencil] Hawley & Lillie May Gilbert was Married March 19, 1895 |
column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | |
Cornelius D. Hawley died August 13 AD 1843 Aged 7 years 9 months 9 days | Abijah Hawley Aged 35 Died October 12 AD 1824 | Jerusha Nichols Died Jan 25th 1878 43 | |
James U. Hawley Died November 14 AD 1853 Aged 45 years 8 months 2 days ["55" in heavy pencil over more correct original 45 years] | Ruth Hawley Aged 74 Died February 19th 1830 | James Burr Died March 31th 1819 77 | |
Ephraim Hawley Aged 82 Died September 15 AD 1833 | Aburrin Burr Died June 29th 1822 50 | ||
Abigail Hawley died September 17th AD 1859 Aged 77 years 11 months 22 days | Nancy Nichols Died July 8th, 1846 Aged 55 | Jastina Burr Died Oct. 19th 1824 74 | |
Philo Hawley Died September 24 AD 1864 Aged 82 years 9 months 3 days | Cyrus Hawley Died January 6 AD 1850 Aged 66 | Christopher Beardslee Died April 22th 1819 [ ] | |
James Burr Died March 1th AD 1851 Aged 59 years | Burton J. Nichols died December 23 1855 Aged 66 | Edmund Plumb Died Oct. 7th 1821 35 | |
Columbus D. Hawley Died June 6, 1908 Aged 65 years | Henry Burr Died Dec 31th 1834 61 | ||
Mary Ann Hawley died July 24, 1900 | Mary Manning Died August [ ] AD 1836 62 | ||
Martha Burr Died January 18 AD 1844 65 | |||
Anna Beardsley Died June 1th 1845 60 | |||
Fred[er]ick Nickols died April [ ] [perhaps 1847] 75 [?] | |||
Elias Manning died Februar [smudge] aged 82 |
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