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Acadian Burials at St. Gluvias, Penryn

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Date: 23 Jul 1756 to 12 Nov 1757
Location: St. Gluvias, Penryn, Cornwall, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Grange, Trahan, Vincent, Theriot, Blanc, Thibodeau Daigre, Acadian
This page has been accessed 199 times.

Acadian Burials at St. Gluvias, Penryn, England 23 Jul 1756 to 12 Nov 1757

"In 1756 the Acadians originally deported to Virginia were not allowed to remain by that government. Acadians were once again deported this time to Bristol, Falmouth, Liverpool and Penryn in England. Burials records have been found for some of the Acadians who were buried at St. Gluvius, Penryn. Some baptisms and marriages were discovered in the parish of St. Mary in Liverpool as well as St. Mary in Wootten also in Liverpool. All of these Acadians were held as prisoners in warehouses along the docks until they were repatriated to France in 1763. Many died from smallpox while in England." [1]

Original burial records can be found "England, Cornwall Parish Registers, 1538-2010," database with images, FamilySearch Images 89-90, 91-92. A prepared citation is available at the bottom of each page in FamilySearch by clicking the button Copy Citation.

Source citation for the following list of burials and their transcriptions:
<ref>Régis Sygefroy Brun, "Le séjour des Acadiens en Angleterre et leurs traces dans les archives britaniques", Les Cahiers de la Société historique acadienne, vol. IV, no 2 (Juil-Sep 1971), p. 65-67 https://societehistoriqueacadienne.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/32cahier_total.pdf <blockquote>verbiage here </blockquote></ref> Be sure to replace verbiage with the name and date from list below


  1. July 23 Frances Grangé (a French Neutral) was buried
  2. Aug. 21 Jean Terrian (a French Neutral) was buried
  3. Aug. 29 Nastise Trahan, a neutral
  4. Aug. 30 Joseph Trahan, neutral
  5. Aug. 31 Yellen(?) Grangé, neutral
  6. Sept 1 Mary Trahan, neutral (perhaps Marie Blanchard)
  7. Sept 1 Margaret Tesciau, neutra
  8. Sept 3 Joseph Trahan, neutral
  9. Sept 11 Yestiss Grangé, neutral
  10. Sept 11 Narrey Trahan, neutral
  11. Sept 13 Alexander Trahan, neutral
  12. Sept 16 Margaret Blanc, neutral
  13. Sept 16 Rene Grangé, neutral
  14. Sept 18 Nanette Grangé, neutral
  15. Sept 20 Mary Grangé, neutral
  16. Sept 28 Joseph Grangé, neutral
  17. Oct. 6 Marine Grangé, neutral
  18. Oct. 12 Charles Grangé, neutral
  19. Oct. 20 Simon Grangé, neutral
  20. Oct. 22 Margaret Grangé, neutral
  21. Oct. 23 Charles Teriau, neutral
  22. Oct. 23 Jean Baptiste Grangé, neutral
  23. Oct. 27 Matturin Tibodau, neutral
  24. Oct. 28 Mary Blanc, neutral
  25. Oct. 29 Joseph Grangé, neutral
  26. Nov. 2 Jermain Tibedau, neutral
  27. Nov. 3 Francois Grangé, neutral
  28. Nov. 5 Jean Baptiste Teriau, neutral
  29. Nov. 5 Mary LeBlanc Tibodau, neutral
  30. Nov. 6 Mary Teriau, neutral
  31. Nov. 6 Francis Grangé, neutral
  32. Nov. 8 Pierre Teriau, neutral
  33. Nov. 9 Jean Grangé, neutral
  34. Nov. 9 Judith Tebodau, neutral
  35. Nov. 11 Nannett Richard, neutral
  36. Nov. 11 Ozed Tebodau, neutral
  37. Nov. 12 Jean Baptiste Teriau, neutral
  38. Nov. 12 Mary Grangé, neutral
  39. Nov. 13 Joseph Trahan, neutral
  40. Nov. 13 Margaret Trahan, neutral
  41. Nov. 14 Charles Vincent, neutral
  42. Nov. 14 Pierre Blanc, neutral
  43. Nov. 15 Isabel Teriau, neutral
  44. Nov. 15 Michel Blanc, neutral
  45. Nov. 15 Jean Trahan, neutral
  46. Nov. 16 Touzin Vincent, neutral
  47. Nov. 20 Joseph Dagre, neutral
  48. Nov. 21 Isabel Dagre, neutral -- also Mary Trahan, neutral (perhaps Marie Blanchard)
  49. Nov. 23 Ozed Dagre, neutral
  50. Nov. 24 Mary Joseph Teriau, neutral
  51. Nov. 24 Jean Richard, neutral
  52. Nov. 27 Joseph Teriau, neutral
  53. Nov. 27 Anne Teriau, neutral
  54. Nov. 28 Claude Grangé, neutral
  55. Nov. 29 Anselm Grangé, neutral
  56. Nov. 30 Paul Richard, neutral
  57. Nov. 30 Feriniore (?) Trahan, neutral
  58. Dec. 5 Simon Terriau, neutral
  59. Dec. 5 Mary Terriau, neutral
  60. Dec. 6 Mary Terriau, neutral and Rassei Terriau, neutral
  61. Dec. 6 Mary Degre, neutral
  62. Dec. 8 Scipro Teriau, neutral
  63. Dec. 9 Oliver Dagre, neutral
  64. Dec. 9 Pierre Blerg (?), neutral


  1. Jan. 2 Joseph Grangé, neutral
  2. Oct. 3 Blanch Grangé, neutral
  3. Nov. 12 Jean Baptiste Degre, neutral

On the back of the last page: French Men buried 1759

  1. Sept. 26 A Neutral


  1. Lucie LeBlanc Consentino, "Acadian Burials, Baptisms & Marriages During Exile in England," Acadian & French Canadian Ancestral Home, http://www.acadian-home.org/St-Gluvias-Penryn.html
  • Transcriptions of the records are available at Cornwall Online Parish Clerks Website and found using their database search box Note: "The transcriptions are only to be used for personal research, and are not to be copied in any way without prior written consent (see full copyright notice here for the principles). The term Online Parish Clerks (Genealogy) and the logo are registered trade marks."



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