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Account ledger from Sutton, Massachusetts

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts Bay Colonymap
Surnames/tags: Putnam Prince
This page has been accessed 47 times.

This account book was discovered in the collections of the Sutton Historical Society. It is believed to be related to the administration of the town, being accounts of moneys paid and owed.

The book damaged in several places, with numerous sections of pages torn out. It has no cover and suffers from bleed through of ink on most pages.

The dates jump around a lot page to page. The year has been italicised below for ease of scanning.

This is a practical transcription and so crossings out have been omitted if they are clearly an error being corrected. Formatting has been standardised to make the transcription more readable. Spelling idiosyncrasies have been preserved, with modern spellings/interpretations in parentheses where appropriate.

Links to profiles are tentative.

Persons mentioned


Sutton May 1753 Credet to Stephen Prince
to half a day mending fence
to own day and half filling dung cart
to half a day by Daniel Harwood delivering co?
to beting four cattel four days - - 0 - 16 - 0
to half a day by John Harwood hoing
to own day work Hoing unto Elisha Putnam
to Eight hundred of hog set hops sixteen shillings per hund
to to two hundred of hogset hoop poles


Sutton March ye 25 1774
There reconed and settled all book accounts
with Archelaus Putnam and found Due to me
Eight pound twelve shillings and nine pence

Sutton April the 16 1775
then Reef?id with 'Archelus Putnam and
found ^ owe to me nine pound seventeen
shillings old te? witness our hands
Edward Putnam Archelaus Putnam


Sutton June the nineteenth 1754 then reckned ? ten?
with Jonathan Wakefild and due to me 5 - 0 - 3

Sutton June the twentyeth 1754 Credit to
Jonathan Wakefield to own day work
Jonathon and Amasa hoing
to two days Jonathon moing
to own day Smiting posts
to own day Jonathen harvisting
to half a day Mr Wakefield and Amase having
to own day Jonathan and two days Amasa choping and brak[ing] ?
to two pigs two pound five shillings
to three days work a bought the well
to half a day Amasa taking up stolks and one day picking brush
to two days work Jonathon picking brush


Sutton June the twenty fivh 1754
Jonothan Wakefield deter
to own hogset -- Sutn -- 1 - 0 - 0
to own day work John four catel holing wood 1 - 0 - 0
to own day work John five catel holing wood 1 - 10 - 0
to own day work John five cttel holling wood 1 - 10 - 0

July the fift 1756 then Reckned with Mr
old Dinner? Jonathan Wakefield and Due to him 0 - 19 - 7


Mr Nathan Putnam Debter 1776
For a day and a half work with three creturs plowing
and found my self -- 0 - 8 - 6
For a days work with three creturs a going after hath stones 0 - 4 - 6
For ten bushels of Indian corn 1 - 16 - 0
For half a days work with a pare of Cattle and plow
plowing -- 0 - 2 - 11
For half a days work with a hors furring -- 0 - 1 - 9
For two days work hoing and with the oxon half a day
Carting in hay -- 0 - 11 - 0
For two thirds of a days work, with three creturs haling logs 0 - 3 - 0
For a days werk with a pare of cattle and a cart carting dung 0 - 6 - 0
For a day and a haf work with one pare of cattle plowing 0 - 5 - 0
For two days work abought taring down your old hous
and diging your seller -- 0 - 4 - 5
For half a days work a laing wall -- 0 - 1 - 2

[upside down at bottom of page]

Sutton March th 17 1784
For value Recd I promis to pay to Mr Edward
or his order


[the next page is smaller and sections have clearly been cut out top and bottom]

Nathaniel Putnam depter
For four sheep eight shillings per head -- 1 - 12 - 0
For three days works with three creturs Braking up 0 - 12 - 0
For seventy five claboards I lent you --


[reverse of img_5084]

Credit to Mr Nathaniel Putnam
to cash twelve shillings delivered at Wartertown 0 : 12
to half a days work miring?
to one days work of moses and Joseph Goold howing
to one Quart of Rum
to one pare of runners for a Dubble I lay three shillings


Credet to Ebenezer Robens
to two Days and one of Joseph titus
mining brush
to Choping wood two days Stephen
to Choping wood five days
to Choping wood three days 'Peter put...
to picking brush two days Peter Putnam
to picking brush two days Jonah Lotel Scolen
to hang five Days of Jonah Caleb Putnam
to four days framing Caleb
to two days ?sting Caleb Putna...
to own day Dressing flax Caleb Putnam

May 28 1773 paid Moses Sibley 8.0.0
Sutton March the 9th 1788 8 8 8 Sutton Sutton Moses Putna
CSor... [illegible]


Ebenezer Robines Deter S Sutton Ma?
to twenty six pound of moten 1.6.0
to own pair shous 2.10.0
to own Cote two Days work
to two bushil of Corn
to two bushel of corn
to two bushil and half of corn

february the twenty six 1763
then Reckened with Ebenezer Robins
and Due to me old tener 0.6.3
March 1763 Ebenezer Robins detter
to own bushil of wheet 2.10.0


[page cut, lower half missing. Several previous pages have evidently been cut out]

november the 12 1760 credit to asaph pue?
to three 300 and 92 pound of Beaf
to own hide 46 poud to taller 27 pound

Sutton June 19 1785 Stephen Prince
Note is valued at 114 pounds lawfull money
atest Peter Putnam
Stephen Putnam


To provision made for the Widow
Wakefield Chield in the year 1773
Nintey fore pounds of pork at two shilings
per pound 9:8:
To a peck of Salt 6:6:
Paid to Samuel harwood for four [crossed out]
Bushel of Corn 9:10:
To John howard for grain 9:10


[loose sheet of blue paper inserted into book]

Mr Putnam Bot Roxbury June 8th 90
of Mayo & Mason
2 Basket 2 - 2
51 Gallon 2/2 10:10
21 [lb] Sugar 10:6
Ballone on Skins 3:8
Receid 10 Bushel Corn 3/6 1:15

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