Location: [unknown]
ADAM LODGE Immigrant Ship's Voyage to New South Wales of 20 March 1837 - 13 July 1837
The first emigrant ship under the new regulations arrived in our harbour last night. It is the Adam Lodge, from Lon-donderry. She has on board 379 emi-grants, composed of 83 males, 81 females. 20 unmarried females, and 195 children. She left on the 20th of March, and the whole of the emigrants have arrived well, under the superintendence of Dr Osborne, R.N.
Passenger Lists etc.
- arrival: Adam Lodge from OZSHIPS database at: http://www.blaxland.com/ozships/events/3/209.htm#13492
- passenger list for the ship "Adam Lodge" that sailed from Londonderry to Sydney Australia in 1837. from the County Tyrone Ireland Genealogy Research database at: http://www.cotyroneireland.com/ships/ships.html
- The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848) of Friday 14 July 1837, Page 3. No title [1]
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