Location: Jellicoe Street, North Toowoomba

Surname/tag: McCallum
This is a Space for recording information about the McCallum home in Jellicoe Street, North Toowoomba, Queensland Australia
When after WWII Dad accepted a position in “cold place” Toowoomba, I ended up with Anne and Mum in Jellicoe St, in a house opposite that of two old ladies (apparently we were renting from them), a house without any furniture. My only other memory of that house and near surrounds was of an early Sunday ritual, where Mum dressed us up, got out the stroller, and went eastwards up Jellicoe St for a formal Sunday stroll, with Anne on one side and me on the other. In the stroller was just “baby”, a kind of human zero, someone however who developed a very distinctive personality very soon after dispensing with that conveyance.[1]
This was a rental property and after we moved I recall Anne used to visit a Mrs McGovern possibly on a corner block in Jellicoe St[2].
The Toowoomba City Council Rates Ledger has Mary Jane McGovern as owner of 44 Jellicoe St (Cnr Mary St) but her address for rate notices as Ruthven St until October 1953 when it changed to 47 Jellicoe St[3]. 44 & 47 were opposite each other in Jellicoe St, so it seems likely the McCallum rental house was 44 Jellicoe St.
By late 1947 or early 1948 the family moved to a purchased property at 3 Lamington St East Toowoomba[4].
Other locations
- Address - Jelicoe Street, Toowoomba
- Address - Lamington Street, Toowomba
- Address - Forth Street, Mackay
- Address - Church and Melville Streets, Charters Towers
- Address - 2 Endeavour Street, Gladstone
- Address - 115 Mein Street, Scarborough
- ↑ Memory of Peter McCallum in an email dated 16/8/2014
- ↑ Recollection of Basil McCallum in an email dated 22 Sep 2023 to Bruce McCallum
- ↑ City of Toowoomba Rates Ledger Jellicoe St 1938-1956 accessed at Toowoomba Local History Library
- ↑ City of Toowoomba Rates Ledger Lamington St 1945-56, accessed at Toowoomba Local History Library
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