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Adventurers of Purse and Person BAGWELL family

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Jamestowne, Virginia Colonymap
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1. HENRY1 BAGWELL, a passenger on the ill-fated Sea Venture, finally reached Virginia in the Deliverance, which landed at Jamestown, May 1610, and settled temporarily at West and Sherley Hundred, Charles City, where he was assigned fifty acres of land, of record in 1626A By 1632 he was established on the Eastern Shore where he became the first Clerk of Courts when the County of Accawmack was formed.B He also served in the House of Burgesses from Accawmack, 1629-30 and 1632.C His land on Old Plantation Creek, mentioned in 1636,D is of record in a patent for 400 acres issued to him, 13 Aug 1639.E

Before 1 January 1636 Henry1 Bagwell had married a widow Alice, already the mother of a son Thomas Stratton and a daughter Mary Chilcott. To them she assigned 200 acres of land which the Accawmack Court confirmed on the aforementioned date.F Henry1 Bagwell left no will but his eldest son fell heir to his land and in 1663 deeded a portion of it to his brother.G Also, Thomas Stratton, in his will, refers to his "brothers [half-brothers] John4 and Thomas Bagwell."H

Henry1 and Alice (Stratton) Bagwell had issue:

2. JOHN2;
4. Rebecca2, who married before 1658 3. Stephen Fisher.

2. JOHN2 BAGWELL (Henry1) patented 600 acres of land in 1672 at the head of the Great Matomkin Creek in AccomackJ. At his death in 1686 he left his plantation together with a water mill to his sons.K John2 Bagwell, by his wife Ann,L, who married (2) Edmund Allen, had issue:

5. HENRY3;

3. THOMAS2 BAGWELLM (1642-1690) (Henry1) on 30 August 1669 conveyed "to my loving brother John Bagwell 50 acres, being the remainder of 200 which my loving brother John Bagwell, by deed of gift bearing date 28 April 1663 conveyed to me, the said 200 acres being the one-half of 400 acres . . . granted to my late deceased father Henry Bagwell, Gent., by patent dated 13 August 1639 . . . land lying on Old Plantation Creek."N Ann, wife of Thomas2 relinquished her dower right in this land. Thomas2 Bagwell's will dated 15 April 1690 and proved in Accomack County, 16 September 1690, names his wife Ann (Stockley)O, children and grandchildren.


7. William3;
8. Francis3, to whom his father bequeathed jointly with his brother William3 land in "teretory of Penselvaina;"
9. John3, to whom his father bequeathed the "plantation where I now live," under age in 1690;
10. Thomas3, under age in 1690;
11. Ann3, who married Griffith SavageP;
12. Valance3, who married Charles Leatherbury;

5. HENRY3 BAGWELL (John2, Henry1) married (1)___ and (2)___, after 1711, Margaret, widow of Edmund AllenQ.

He had by (1) issueR:

15. Henry4; who married Sabra___ , who married (2) John Dix;
16. John4.

6. ALEXANDER3 BAGWELL (John2, Henry1) married Neomy ___ S and had issue:

17. Mary4.

13. ELIZABETH3 BAGWELL (Thomas2, Henry1) married (1) William TilneyT (bapt. 29 November 1661-9 March 1695) and (2) James DavisU.

She had by (1), issue:

18. William4, given p/a, 1720, by two of his sisters and his brother-in-law;
19. Comfort4 married William WarringtonV;
20. Ann4;
21. Patience4.

14. COMFORT3 BAGWELL (Thomas2, Henry1) married Perry LeatherburyW (d. 1709), and had issue:

22. Perry4;
23. Edmund4;
24. Charles4;
25. Thomas4;
26. Patience4 named in her grandfather's will.

A Hotten 268 Accomack-Northampton, Virginia 1632
B Susie Ames, County Court Records of 1640, p. 4
CCVR 56, 58
DCP 43
E" Ibid. 112
FR, Accomack Co. O. Bk. 1632-1640, p. 65
G ES I 117; see also Post
HIbid. 127
J Patent Bk. #6, p. 400 (Va. State Library)
KES II 885
LIbid.; for marriage, Ann and John2 Bagwell see R, Accomack Bk. #8, p. 25
M See deposition, R. Accomack O. Bk.
1676-1678, p. 156 and will, W. & D. Bk. 1676-1690
NR, Northampton Co. D. Bk. 1668-1680
OES I 130; II 867
PIbid. II 1118
Qlbid. 885, 886, 892; The (2) wife of Henry3 was his step-father's widow
SIbid. 887
TES I 840; W(i)XXII 39 (birth); R, Accomack Co. W.&c. 1692-1715, p. 271 (acct. estate)
U Ibid O. 1703-09, pp. 92, 96; Ibid. Ibid. O. 1719-24, Ct. held 3 May 1721
VSee p/a to William4 Tilney, 1720 (R, Accomack Co, D.W. &c. 1715-29, p. 276) .
WWill names four sons (ES II 832)

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