Location: Ireland
Surnames/tags: Ui_Briuin_Ai Sil_Muiredaig
Location: Ireland

Surnames/tags: Ui_Briuin_Ai Sil_Muiredaig
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created Áed Balb mac Indrechtach (abt.0690-0742)
Contents |
Áed Balb mac Indrechtaig (died 742) was a King of Connacht from the Uí Briúin branch of the Connachta. He was the son of Indrechtach mac Muiredaig Muillethan (died 723), a previous king. He was of the Síl Muiredaig sept of the Uí Briúin. His sobriquet Balb means "Stammerer".[1]
- Maicni Indrachtaigh annso 1073.
- Gilla Crist m. Concalgaigh m. Gilli Calma m. Concalgaig m. Gilli Calma m. Concalgaigh m. Broit Riabaig m. Dubslataigh m. Muircertaig mhantaigh m. Muiredaigh m. Cinaeth m. Uban m. Uadach m. Aedha bailbh.
- Indrechtach Macmuiredach (abt.0670-0723)
- (NOTE: LNAB is 'mac' fathers first name).
Clann Name:
- Ui Briuin Ai, Sil Muiredaig
Surmised SNP:
- R1b-BY18120+
Research Note
- Names and dates (when provided) are from Bart Jaski's Chart #63 [2] and "The Chronology of the Irish Annals" [3]
- Any unsourced DOB and DOD are based on Michael Rowley's Comparative Analysis of the Descendants and DNA of Conn Cétchathach Ceadcatha; are designated by 'SP'; and are purely speculative based on DNA data as of May, 2022.
- SNP data is also purely speculative using the same spreadsheet.
- ↑ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [1]/ref Aed is mentioned as king in both the king-lists and the annals. He ruled from 735 to 742, but nothing is known of his reign. Early genealogy from the Book Of Ballymote: <ref>''Book Of Ballymote: Selected Folios'' RIA, MS 23 P 12 (536) Transcript copyright © 2003 by Luke Stevens. Published by permission of the Royal Irish Academy. []</li> <li id="_note-1">[[#_ref-1|↑]] <i>Early Irish Kingship Succession</i> by Jaski, Bart, Published by Four Courts Press, 2013, ISBN 1846824265 ISBN 9781846824265 []</li> <li id="_note-2">[[#_ref-2|↑]] Daniel P. McCarthy, <i>Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature</i> © 1998 Royal Irish Academy []</li></ol></ref>
- Historical Sources of Ireland
- Medieval Project - Ireland
- Kings of Magh Luirg
- Comparative Analysis of the Descendants and DNA of Conn Cétchathach Ceadcatha
- Descent of Mael Ruanaid Mor
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