Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Surnames/tags: Veazie Urann
linked from Probate Records of Joseph Veazie
transcribed from images 1137, 1138, and 1139 of the film
A 8518 Affidavit of Rachel Urann (4)
Affidavit of Rachel Urann, to be used in an application for the distribution of the personal estate, in the matter of the estate of Joseph Veazie, late of Providence in the State of Rhode Island, deceased.
Rachel Urann, being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
I reside in Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonweath of Massachusetts, and am the widow of Joseph Urann late of said Boston, deaceased. I was born April 22’d 1789, and am seventy five years of age. My mother’s name was Sarah, who was born in Braintree, Mass, April 13, 1749, and was the fourth child of Benjamin and Mary Veazie, formerly of said Braintree. My grandfather, Benjamin Veazie, died in Braintree, March 7, 1802, and my grandmother, Jan’y 25, 1806. I remember both of them distinctly, and often visited them in Braintree. The names and dates of birth of my Uncles and Aunts (my mother’s brothers and sisters) are as follows:
Lemuel Veazie, born July 3, 1743.
Benjamin Veazie, born February 9, 1745.
Henry Veazie, born Oct. 25, 1746.
John Veazie, born Dec. 12, 1750.
Silas Veazie, born Oct., 27, 1752.
Mary Veazie, born Dec. 7, 1754.
Joseph Veazie, born May 17, 1756.
Susan Veazie, born Aug’t 1, 1760.
The dates of their respective births I fix by the town records of said Braintree, where they were all born, but I knew them all personally when living, with the exception of Henry and Mary, both of whom died, as I have always been told, when young, and unmarried. My Aunt Susan also died unmarried, Dec. 25, 1805, aged forty five years. I remember her well, and the fact of her dying unmarried. My Uncles Lemuel, John, Silas, and Joseph, all married, and, as I am credibly informed and believe, having living descendants at the present time. Uncle Benjamin, as my mother always told me, left his home in Braintree when a young man and went to Providence in the State of Rhode Island, where he lived and died. My mother, Sarah Veazie, was married in Braintree to Guius Thayer, of that place, who died there thirty three years ago. Mother died in Boston twenty six years ago. Their children all died without issue, excepting my sister Sarah, born Dec. 14, 1779, and was married to James Bartlett. My brother Gaius , and myself – my sister, Sarah, deceased (Jan’y 15, 1835) twenty nine years ago. She left seven children, as follows: William, John T., George W., Francis M., Eliza, James, and Harriet. Of these all are now living except James and Harriet. James was married, and at his decease left a widow, Cleone M., and three (3) children, viz: Helen A. wife of Hubbard W. Breed, Alice, and Cleone, all of whom are now living and reside in Chelsea, Mass.
Harriet Bartlett married Samuel C. Lawrence, now of Exeter, N.H. and at her desease left two children now living, viz: Kate and Cora Lawrence.
My brother, Gaius Thayer, is deceased, and has living but one descendant, Mary Ann, wife of Simon Kimball, now of Kenebunk, Maine.
I knew Joseph Veazie, late of Providence, R.I. dec’d, whose estate is now in process of settlement, when we were both children, although our acquaintance was not kept up in later years; and I have always understood both from my mother and from other members of our family, that he was the son of my mother’s brother Benjamin, and an own Cousin of mine.
Rachel Urann
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Suffolk, City of Boston } S.S.?
Personally appeared before me this twenty fifth day of July A.D. 1864, Rachel Urann & made solemn oath that the above affidavit by her subscribed is true.
Geo H. Kingsbury, Justice of the Peace
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