
Ahaura Cemetery, West Coast

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Location: Ahaura, West Coastmap
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Ahaura Cemetery West Coast
Location: Ahaura, West Coast - New Zealand topographic map. WGS84 coordinates: -42.35168, 171.55817 ·

Ahaura Cemetery

There are two cemeteries in Ahaura District:

1. Ahaura Cemetery which, in 2023, is still open for burials and is well maintained. Papers Past has records of deaths and funerals from July 1871, but no official burial records were kept until after February 1900.

2. Napoleon Hill Cemetery is closed and difficult to reach.

From Ahaura to Greymouth is about 34 km (22 miles) and 44 km (25 miles) to Reefton. In 1857 Po Arama guided James Mackay from West Whanganui to Māwhera. Chief Tarapuhi canoed Mackay up the Māwhera River and he was told about a pass from the Ahaura River to the Waiau River. The first European settlers set up a pastoral run near the junction of the Māwhera and Ahaura Rivers in 1858. In 1863 sheep were taken along the Ahaura River and across the Amuri Pass to Waipuna. When gold was being mined in the Grey River Valley in 1866, a supply centre was established at the junction of the Ahaura and Māwhera Rivers. At Ahaura goods were transferred from river-skiffs to the backs of horses.

In 1901 Ahaura had six hotels, two butchers, a bakery, a blacksmith, a printing office, a public school, police station, Magistrates Court and a Catholic Church and Presbytery. The railway staion was about a mile from the town and the stationmaster attended to postal and telegraph work as well as business of the Government Life Insurance. [1]

Ahaura Cemetery
The cemetery was established before July 1871 when Jean Felix Murthold was buried there. In July 1876 a 'Grey River Argus' correspondent wrote, ".... it is with unmitigated bitterness (that) reference is made to the condition of the Ahaura Cemetery. The west side of it is bounded by a ravine that receives all the drainage of the extensive flat running from thence to Matthew's accommodation-house and is so fast eating away the ground that the graves will be washed away before long. Besides there is no register kept and a rumour is current that a monument was erected over a grave supposed to be that of a man killed up country that turned out eventually to be that of a woman."

In 1877 a settler visiting Ahaura was disgusted to find that on the east side of the cemetery, floods had scoured away fencing and ground within a few feet of where bodies had recently been buried. The west side had been secured by order of the County Council. He asked if he had the power to remove the remains of those he held dear to the Cobden or Greymouth Cemetery.

In February 1880 tenders for erecting a fence around the cemetery were called for by the Grey County Council, in the Grey River Argus[2] The tender presented by Paul and Co was accepted in March 1880. [3] In May 1881, £5 was spent on clearing the footpaths and grounds of the Ahaura Cemetery. [4] The Council decided in February 1896 to have a lean-to built at the cemetery for storing tools and that a tank be provided for keeping a supply of water. [5] In December 1899 S. Samuels, sexton of the cemetery, was paid £10 for "clearing Ahaura Cemetery".[6] In February 1900, he was asked to keep a record of future burials.[7] When Mr S. Samuels resigned from his position as sexton in December 1905, Mr Richard Darcy was appointed.[8]

Unmarked graves

Burials before 1900
Burials were not recorded by the cemetery sexton until after February 1900. There are many death and funeral notices in Papers Past from 1871 onwards. They indicate the several towns where people lived and who were buried at Ahaura.

"Find A Grave" has 465 Memorials for people interred in the Ahaura Cemetery. "Billion Graves "has 409 records.

Witness at Waitangi 1840

Samuel Coates Headstone

Samuel Henry Coates (67 or 68) was a sawyer at Half-Ounce who was found dead in his bed at Orwell Creek, Ahaura, 4 September 1889. Samuel was born in Surrey, England in 1821 and arrived in New Zealand in 1837. His headstone states that Samuel witnessed the signing of the Te Tirit o Waitangi at Waitangi in 1840. His two year old son and wife are buried in the same grave. [9]
Robert Dudley Born in England, Robert died suddenly 5 January 1873. An inquest was held before C. Whiteford, Esq., Coroner, at Half-Ounce, on Tuesday, on the remains of Robert Dudley, who died suddenly on Monday. The deceased was in his usual health up to a few hours of the time of his death. It was not found practicable to hold a post mortem examination of the body, owing to the absence of a qualified medical man. Death was supposed to be caused by congestion of the lungs. A verdict of " Died from natural causes" was returned. The deceased was an Englishman, about 40 years of age. He was for a long time in the army, and was known about Cobden and other places by the sobriquet of the " Pensioner." The body was interred at the Ahaura cemetery on Tuesday evening. The Rev. T. Flavell performed the funeral service. [10]

Gold Miners

Jean Felix Murthold was born in Havre, France. He was a well known and much respected gold miner. An inquest was held at Ahaura 8 July 1871 with regard to his death at age 34 years. He had been better known as "Little Dan" or "Dan Myrtle" and died at the Empire Hotel, at Half-Ounce, 7 July 1871. A post-mortem revealed that Jean Felix had diseased lungs, liver and heart. The cause of death was heart disease. [11] [12]
George Nelson, age 33 years, born in Norway and Nicholas Panam , age 40 years, a Greek from Spezes, gold miners, were both smothered in a mine at the Greek's claim at Half-Ounce. They were buried in the Ahaura Cemetery 6 Augutst 1871. The inquest returned a verdict of accidental death. [13]
James Ward's Grave (Centre)
James Ward, born in Donegal Ireland, a well known miner of Nelson Creek, James slipped on a muddy slope and fell into his water-race in very wet, windy weather and was accidentally killed, 19 January 1888. He was about 55 years old. He had lived at Nelson Creek for 21 years.
[15] Accidental death was the verdict of an inquest. James was said to have been a good, kind and obliging neighbour and friend.
[16] He was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery.

Business Owners

Benjamin Gough was born in 1833 in Waterford Ireland. After emigrating first to the Californian gold diggings, he went to Australia in 1861. Benjamin next joined the Gabriel's Gully gold rush then formed a party that found gold at the Arrow. He moved to the West Coast in 1866 where he was the proprietor of Gough's Hotel in Clifton Street, Ahaura. He also had a farm of about 70 acres. Benjamin was married and had three sons and two daughters. He died 9 December 1915, his funeral was held in the Catholic Church and he was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery 10 December 1915. [18][19][20]
Mary McLaughlin became a General Storekeeper in Clifton Road, Ahaura after her second husband died. She also had a small farm of about 50 acres. Mary was born in Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland and emigrated to Victoria, Australia in 1853 with her parents. She came to New Zealand in 1867. She died 24 August 1899 and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. FUNERAL NOTICE: "The Friends of the late MARY McLAUGHLIN, of Ahaura, are invited to attend her funeral, which will leave her late residence, Ahaura, on SATURDAY, 28th inst, at 2 p.m. for the Ahaura Cemetery. WM. SAMPSON, Undertaker".[21] [22][23]

Children and Young People

Grave with Angel.
Kate Gough Kate was born in 1866 and died 14 February 1875. "Gough. — At the Ahaura, on Sunday, 14th inst, Kate, aged 9 years, eldest daughter of Benjamin Gough. The Funeral will leave the parents' residence for the place of interment, Ahaura Cemetery, THIS DAY, (Tuesday), at one o'clock. years old.
Mary Madden: "Grey River Argus", 7 April 1880: A correspondent from Nelson Creek wrote: " On Saturday last, one of the largest funerals that ever left this district wended its way towards the Ahaura cemetery with the body of Miss Mary Madden, who died of consumption, at Mr Claughsey's residence, on Thursday last. The deceased, aged about 17, arrived in the Colony about two years aso, and during that period, from her kindly and. affable disposition, made herself hosts of friends, as was testified by the vast number of conveyances, horsemen, and pedestrians following the remains to their last resting place". [26] [27]
Samuel Henry Coates Askenbeck, born 18 December 1891, died 9 September 1893 (1 year 10 months old) Samuel was buried with his father John Askenbeck and mother Sarah J Askenbeck, born in Sweden. He was named after Samuel Henry Coates, first husband of Sarah, who is also buried in the same grave.


Thomas Elward, born about 1815, was a miner and resident of the district for eight years. Before he came to New Zealand he had been a prospector and miner at the Victorian gold fields in Australia. Thomas died at the Miners' Rest Hotel, Hatters Terrace in the morning of 01 May 1876. He was 61 years old. [29] The circumstances were considered to require an official enquiry into the causes of his death. Ten to twelve hours, 30 April 1876, before Thomas died, the owner and licenser of the hotel, Patrick Guidera, had struck him. Patrick's wife had formerly been married to Thomas' nephew. [30]At the Supreme Court in Hokitika, 12 September 1876, Patrick Guidea aka John Kerwin, pleaded not guilty to an indictment of manslaughter of Thomas Elward 30 April 1875. He was found guilty by the jury and sentenced to three years imprisonment and hard labour.
[31] Thomas was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. [32]
Margaret May Smith's Grave


Margaret May Smith born in 1912 was living with her parents in Main Road, Blackball and was at work in a bakery shop owned by Mr Dumpleton when she ate poisoned chocolates and died at age 22 years, 24 September 1934. John Skikelthorpe Page was charged with her murder and was found unfit to plead on the grounds of insanity. He was detained in the Seacliff Mental Hospital, Otago.

Coroner's Verdict: "That Margaret May Smith was murdered at Balckball by some unknown person by means of strychnine which such person had inserted in some chocolates after purchase of same and which were sent by such person by post to Misses Jean Kennedy Clark and Ethel Annie Bragg of Blackball, who, ignorant that they contained poison, offered such chocolates to the deceased, who after taking and eating rwo of them, died from the effects of such poison." [35]

Pioneer Women

Mary (Embury) Newcombe was born in 1825 in Devon England and was the daughter of Susannah and William Embury. Mary married William Newcombe of Lake Guyon, Canterbury in 1854 and they had seven children. The family must have moved to the West Coast where Mary died 6 August 1879 and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery.[36]. FUNERAL NOTICE. The Funeral of the late MRS NEWCOMBE will leave the residence of Mr W. Newcombe, for Ahaura Cemetery, THIS DAY (Friday) at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Friends are invited to attend. [37] "The funeral of the late Mrs Newcombe, which took place yesterday afternoon, was one of the largest ever witnessed in Ahaura. The closing of all places of business, the suspension of work at the bridge, and the attendance of nearly all the residents of the town, attests to the universal respect with which the deceased was regarded, and cannot fail to be grateful to the feelings of her surviving relatives". [38]. William died 11 Feb 1903 (aged 83–84) at Bulls, Rangitikei District, Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand.
Janet (Pettigrew) McLean (also MacKenzie and Hunter) was born in Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom 6 February 1828 and was Christened 17 February 1828. She was the eldest daughter of Jane (Glen) and George Pettigrew. Janet had five siblings. Janet's death certificate states that she had been in New Zealand for 60 years which would make her year of emigration 1858. Janet and Robert McKenzie had married and emigrated to New Zealand before their daughter, Rubina McKenzie, was born in1864. robert's business was liquidated after he died. Janet married a second time to William Hunter who died without leaving a will, 23 May 1871 in Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand leaving Janet with four children and virtually destitute. Janet's third husband was Duncan (Frederick) McLean, born in Belfast Ireland, a carrier from Coal Creek, Greymouth, in 1874 in Ahaura, Westland, West Coast, New Zealand. Frederick McLean had a small holding named 'Riverdale' at Coal Creek and Janet , her four children and Fred went to live there. They moved to Ahaura before they died. Fred died 16 September 1913 at home in Ahaura, leaving Janet widowed for the third time. Janet (Pettigrew) McKenzie, Hunter, McLean (90) died 11 July 1918 [18] and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura-Kopara Road, Ahaura, West Coast , New Zealand with her husband.


William Green

In 1899 Mrs Margaret Green (widow) requested that the remains of her husband be moved from one part of the cemetery to another. The Colonal Secretary consented and issued a warrant for the removal to take place. Mr Green had died on his way to the Totara Flat Station 26 October 1898.

Burials after1899
Simonsen Family

Rubina Simonsen formerly MacKenzie aka McLean, Hunter was born 16 January 1864 in Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand. She ws the daughter of Robert Henry McKenzie and Janet (Pettigrew) McLean. Her siblings were William Hunter [half], Agnes Pettigrew Hunter [half] and Sarah McLaughlin (Hunter) Cressey [half]. When her mother, Janet was left without the means to provide for her four children after her second husband, William Hunter died, 20 May 1871, Rubina and her siblings went with Janet by ship to Nelson and were placed in the Wallis Family Orphanage in Motoeka. When her mother married Frederick McLean from Belfast, Northern Ireland in 21 May 1875, Rubina (12), William (11) and Agnes (8) whet back to Janet in May 1876 after being in the orphanage for 3 years and 11 months. The family lived at 'Riverdale' Coal Creek, Westland, West Coast, New Zealand. gold miner from Moonlight, at 'Riverdale' 19 March 1884. They had six children. Rubina (Hunter) Simonsen died age 40 years, 21 October 1904 and is buried with her son George, who was accidentally killed at age 27 at the Jackson's Sawmill.
Simonsen, George, was born in 1886 in Moonlight, Atarau, Westland, West Coast, New Zealand. He was the son of Carl Anthon Simonsen from Denmark and Rubina (MacKenzie Simonsen, born in Invercargill. George worked as a sawmiller. He was accidentally killed t the jackson's sawmill on the Otira Railway Line 27 January 1913 and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. His mother is buried with him.
Agnes (Simonsen) Smith born 9 May 1899 in Moonlight, she was the daughter of Carl Anthon Simonsen (1847–1933) and Rubina MacKenzie (1864–1904). Agnes married Robert Francis Smith in 1909. They had five children: Margaret, Elsa, Ralph, Robert and Frederick. Agnes and Robert were living in Main Road, Blackball when their daughter, Margaret May Smith, born 1912, age 22 years, died 24 September 1934 after eating poisoned chocolates and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. In March 1944 in Italy, their son, Frederick George (24), on Military Service during WW II, died from battle wounds and was named on the Roll of Honour. Their other son, Bob, was also in Italy with the army at the time. Agnes died July 21, 1981 in Greymouth, Grey, West Coast, aged 92, and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. Her husband, Rober Smith, had died 4 December 1968 and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery with his daughter.


Hon James Marshall , born in 1847, died, age 65 years, at home in Totara Flat 9 October 1912 [40] and was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. Headstone inscription: James Marshall, Member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand. Beloved Husband of Annie Marshall, died Oct 9th 1912, aged 65 years. Also Annie Marshall, died Mar 1935 aged 51 years, Also their beloved daughter, Rubina Jean Marshall (1904 - 1914).

The Hon. J. Marshall, M.L.C., died at his home at Totara Flat, Greymouth, at 6.30 o'clock last night. He had been ailing for some time past. The late Hon. James Marshall was called to the Legislative Council in 1902.
[42] "The funeral of the Hon. James Marshall took place on Saturday. The remains were Interred at Ahaura Cemetery, eight miles front his residence at Totara Flat, Representatives were present from all parts of the Coast, including various local bodies. Over one hundred messages of sympathy were received by the widow from all parts of the Dominion. A Presbyterian service was held at the house and graveside by the Rev. Heard. The cortege was the longest seen on the Coast".


Bush Fatality

Augustus Quinn, (53 or 54) born in 1871[44] of Ikamatua, formerly of Ross, was accidentally killed at Hukarere Mill 27 July 1925. [45][46] He was buried in the Ahaura Cemetery.

Augustus was the tramway foreman at the Hukarere Mill. An inquest into the death of Augustus reached a verdict of accidental death caused because one of five jacks, a new one, being used to hold up logs being lifted onto a tramway truck, collapsed and Augustus Quinn's head was pinned between two logs. [48]His wife, Mary, was also buried in the Ahaura Cemetery. [49]

Ahaura Cemetery.



  1. May, Philip Ross, "The West Coast Gold Rushes," Pegasus, Christchurch, 1967.
  2. 1880 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3589, 25 February 1880, Page 1
    Papers Past Article (accessed 22 December 2023)
  3. 1880 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3596, 4 March 1880, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 22 December 2023)
  4. 1881 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3973, 24 May 1881, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 22 December 2023)
  5. 1896 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 9376, 27 February 1896, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  6. 1899 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10396, 14 December 1899, Page 4
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  7. 1900 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10442, 15 February 1900, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  8. 1905 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, 20 December 1905, Page 3
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  9. Memorial: Find a Grave (has image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #142290790 (accessed 25 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Samuel Henry Coates (1821-4 Sep 1889), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by Claire Ward (contributor 48636138).
  10. Grey River Argus 9 January 1873
  11. NZ BDM Death Reg No 1871/7191 Murthold Jean Felix 34Y
  12. 1871 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XI, Issue 922, 11 July 1871, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  13. 1871 Newspaper:"Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XI, Issue 945, 7 August 1871, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  14. 1871 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XI, Issue 946, 8 August 1871, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  15. 1888 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 6033, 20 January 1888, Page 4
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  16. 1888 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 6035, 23 January 1888, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  17. Memorial: Find a Grave (has image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #249355584 (accessed 25 December 2023)
    Memorial page for James Ward (unknown-19 Jan 1888), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  18. NZ BDM Deaths: 1915/8906 Gough Benjamin 82Y
  19. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #250993289 (accessed 23 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Benjamin Gough (1833-9 Dec 1915), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  20. 1876 Newspaper:"Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXI, Issue 2412, 4 May 1876, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  21. Greymouth Evening Star, 26 August 1909.
  22. NZ BDM Deaths: 1909/5168 McLaughlin Mary 65Y
  23. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #250904085 (accessed 25 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Mary McLaughlin (1844-26 Aug 1909), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  24. Grey River Argus, 16 February 1875.
  25. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #250846177 (accessed 23 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Kate Gough (1866-14 Feb 1875), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  26. NZ BDM Deaths: 1880/819 Madden Mary 17Y
  27. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #250849134 (accessed 23 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Mary Madden (unknown-1 Apr 1880), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  28. Memorial: Find a Grave (has image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #142290733 (accessed 25 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Samuel Henry Coates Askenbeck (19 Dec 1891-9 Sep 1893), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by Claire Ward (contributor 48636138).
  29. NZ BDM Death Reg No: 1876/4631 Elward Thomas
  30. 1876 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume XXI, Issue 2412, 4 May 1876, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 24 December 2023)
  31. Grey River Argus, 13th September 1876
  32. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #250846232 (accessed 26 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Thomas Elward (1815-30 Apr 1876), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  33. Chocolate Murder Trial 'Greymouth Evening Star, 31 July 1935, page 7.
  34. Memorial: "Billion Graves"
    Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura-Kopara Road, Ahaura West Coast 7871, New Zealand
    BillionGraves memorial (accessed 7 January 2024)
    Memorial page for Margaret Smith (d 24 September 1934); Transcribed by Claire, Nov 1, 2014; Photographed by Claire, Nov 1, 2014.
  35. Blackball Murder 'Geymouth Evening Star', 9 September 1935, Page 4.
  36. Memorial: Find a Grave (no image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #247795399 (accessed 26 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Mary Embury Newcombe (1825-6 Aug 1879), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by Cosmo (contributor 49300889).
  37. Grey River Argus, Aug. 8, 1879
  38. Grey River Argus, Aug. 11, 1879
  39. 1899 Newspaper:"Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10335, 17 July 1899, Page 2
    Papers Past Article (accessed 23 December 2023)
  40. NZ BDM Death Reg No 1912/2049 Marshall James 65Y
  41. Memorial: Find a Grave (has image)
    Find A Grave: Memorial #249588535 (accessed 25 December 2023)
    Memorial page for Hon. James Marshall (1847-9 Oct 1912), citing Ahaura Cemetery, Ahaura, Grey District, West Coast, New Zealand; Maintained by handymaam (contributor 49319993).
  44. NZBDM birth registration number: 1871/26841 Quinn Augustus
  45. NZBDM death registration number: 1925/8186 1925 Quinn Augustus 54Y
  46. 1925 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Greymouth Evening Star, 28 July 1925, Page 4
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  47. 1925 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, 28 July 1925, Page 4
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  48. 1925 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Grey River Argus, 29 July 1925, Page 6
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)
  49. 1924 Newspaper: "Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand"
    Greymouth Evening Star, 4 June 1924, Page 4
    Papers Past Article (accessed 25 December 2023)

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