Location: Bergen, New Jersey

Surname/tag: Kenealy
Ahmed John Kenealy was born in Tipton England in June 1854, 1st son of Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy and Elizabeth Nicklin. He was educated at Kings College London and qualified as a Mate (nautical). He went to the USA in about 1880 and there he married Marie Georgina King. They had Viola and Kathleen, born in New York and later in New Jersey lost another girl in infancy. Ahmed worked as a journalist, reporting on shipping matters and wrote several books on yachts and yachting. I have seen records of his articles up to 1905, and a possible reference to one in 1915, which I unfortunately did not record properly. Where did Ahmed go? I have found no record of his death, or anything later than 1900 of Marie King or Kathleen Kenealy. Viola married John Carlson, but little more has been found about her. Can anybody help?
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