
Alexandria, New Hampshire

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Alexandria, Grafton County, New Hampshiremap
Surnames/tags: Emerson Gale
Profile manager: Robin Baker private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 90 times.


In the Beginning

Original Charter Information

The owner of each lot was to have cleared and enclosed 3 acres, fitted for mowage and tillage, within the first 3 years of ownership. Within another 3 years, a dwelling house was to be built andfinished fit and comfortable for a family to dwell in. Three years of residency was also required. A meeting house to be built in the 8th year or sooner. If an Indian war occurred in the area, the length of time to be extended comparable to the length of war (time taken away from settlement activities). White pines suitable for masting must be given to his Majesty for the Royal Navy.

First Settlers of Alexandria

First Settlers

Plan of Alexandria 1767

The township was divided into lots 3 times. From left to right, the 1st division with 81 lots, the 2nd division with 74 lots and the 3rd division with 40 lots.

Original Lot Map

Individuals Drawing Lots/Shares

Schedule of Proprieters- pg 1
Schedule of Proprieters- pg 2

1805 Taxes

The first list of tax payers appearing in the Alexandria town records was for 1805. The Gales and the Emersons appear on page 2.

Taxpayers- pg 1
Taxpayers- pg 2
Taxpayers- pg 3


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