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Amazon, Immigrant Voyage to South Australia 1851-52

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The barque Amazon, 767 tons, Captain Frederick Cootes from London via Plymouth 26th November 1851, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 20th February 1852.

The Sydney Shipping Gazette (SSG) reports . . February 19 -- Amazon, barque, Cook, from Plymouth 26th November. passengers-- Mr. & Mrs Joyner and three children, and Dr. Edward Gregory, Surgeon-Superintendent, with 286 emigrants.

The Amazon arrived on Thursday from Plymouth, which port she left on 26th November last, and we regret to learn there have been the great number of seventeen deaths on board during the voyage, sixteen of them have been children, which have been taken off by the measles and hooping cough [sic] and which we understand is still prevalent on board. —5th ship from England to S.A. with government passengers for 1852; five births & nineteen deaths on the passage; note spelling and name variations and age discrepancies

A copy of the official passenger list is available on the State Records of South Australia website.[1]

See the passengers currently on Wikitree here.

RMS Amazon, 1852
type: barque
size: 797 tons
built: Dundee Scotland
sailed: from Plymouth 26th November, 1851
master: Captain Frederick Cootes (sometimes listed as Coots or Cook)
surgeon superintedent: Dr. Edward Gregory,
arrived: Port Adelaide 19 Feb 1852
passengers: 286 Government immigrants

Passenger Lists


  1. State Records of SA, Passenger Lists

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