
US Civil War: War Between the States POW CAMPS

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1861 to 1865
Location: USAmap
Surname/tag: us_civil_war
This page has been accessed 6,086 times.

Both United States of America (Union) and Confederate States of America (Confederate) POW Camps.


Wiki Tree Civil War Resources

POW Categories:

Prisons Types

The 150 prisons can be grouped into 7 classes. They are as follows:

  • 1.Existing jails and prisons- first to come into use, ranged in size from small city jails to medium sized county jails to large state prisons
  • 2.Coastal fortifications- second to be pressed into use, mostly in the North, were forts along the Atlantic Ocean
  • 3.Old buildings converted into prisons- used mainly in the South
  • 4.Barracks enclosed by high fences- these were groups of wooden buildings on a large plot of land previously used as basic-training camps or rendevous points for recruits. High fences were later built around the camps to enclose/confine the prisoners. Existed mostly in the North
  • 5.Clusters of tents enclosed by high fences- one of the cheapest types
  • 6.Barren stockades- cheapest and worst of the 7 types. Exclusively used in the South
  • 7.Barren ground- nothing more than gathering of prisoners on barren ground surrounded with a guardline[1]


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Point Lookout POW Camp, Point Lookout, Maryland.






  1. Union & Confederate Prisoner of War Camps 1861-1865, for more information click HERE.

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