Location: Amherst County, Virginia Colony

Surnames/tags: Revolutionary_War_Amherst_Virginia Witt Lavender
Excerpts From: Sweeny, Lenora Higginbotham. 1998 (reprint from 1951 original). Amherst County, Virginia in the revolution: including extracts from the "Lost Order Book", 1773-1782. Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, Inc.
Focus is on Witt, Oglesby, Lavender, Frazer and other Witt allied families from Amherst County, Virginia (created from Albemarle County in 1761).
Transcription is by Holly Witt-1888; errors are my own. Please contact me at hollywebg@gmail.com for questions or corrections.
- FRAZER, Micajah; Pages 127-178
"FRAZER, MICAJAH, -- Jackson Co., Mo., May 2, 1836: b. Albemarle Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1753; private under Capt. Richard Ballinger, Col. Taylor's Regt., 1 mo. at Albemarle Barracks. Enlisted, 1780, in Capt. Samuel Cabell's Co. for 18 mos.-- Major William Cabell, Col. Pope, marched to Hoods Fort; then marched under Capt. Richard Ballinger, Major Hardeman & Col. Dabney to Little York and engaged in making breastworks against Cornwallis under Gen. La Fayette until Cornwallis surrendered; then put in a detached company commanded by Capt. Green, Major Hardeman & guarded Cornwallis's men to Winchester. Discharge given him by Capt. Taliaferro was destroyed by his home burning in Amherst many years ago. John Witt, Littleberry Witt, John Hardy, Alexander Miller, Benjamin Fry, Benjamin Gerrell and many others, making about twenty, were discharged same time and returned with me to Amherst. Adam Crum, Revolutionary soldier, old and blind, testified he was acquainted with Micajah Frazer during the Revolutionary War & saw him in service at Williamsburg & Little York; saw John & Littleberry Witt at the same places. Henry Peyton testified he was a fellow soldier of Micajah Frazer's at York Town. One year after the Revolution Frazer removed to Wilkes Co., N.C.; after two years went to Amherst, married and moved to Pittsylvania Co.; there two years and moved to Western part of Va. on Sand River; thence to Jackson Mo. Susan (Hamilton) Frazer, Wayne Co., Va., Oct. 13, 1846, testified she was 89 years of age, and was b. in Orange Co., Va. When 12 years of age removed with her parents to Amherst Co. Was married to Micajah Frazer in Staunton, by Rev. Jones, she thinks. He d. in Lawrence Co., Ky., Nov. 9, 1843. John Thompson testified Wayne Co., Va., Oct. 14, 1846, aged 71, that he was acquainted with Micajah Frazer, late of Lawrence Co., Ky., Revolutionary soldier & with Susan Frazer, his widow, and knew their daus. Nancy & Susan Frazer. Deponent further saith that a grandchild of said Micajah & Susan, and son of Nancy, died at Norfolk as a soldier in the War of 1812. Josiah Marcum testified that he was a fellow soldier under Capt. Richard Ballinger, Major Wm. Cabell & Col. Pope at Hoods Fort & was with him at Yorktown. Claim was allowed."
- Elisha Witt; Pp. 184-185
"WITT, ELISHA,--Estill Co., Ky.: b. Sept. 18, 1759, in Albemarle Co., Va. Enlisted in Amherst Co., Va., and served in Va. troops under Capts. Richard Ballenger, John Jacobs, John Biggs & William Harris, & Cols. Hugh Rose, Francis Taylor & John Pope. He was at the Siege of Yorktown & Surrender of Cornwallis. He m. July 17, 1781, Phebe Dodd. He d. Dec. 6, 1835, in Estill Co., Ky. His children were William, Anne, Charles, Abner, Elisha, Nathan, Rachel, David, John & Silas. Placed on Pension Roll Jan. 16, 1833."
- George Witt; p. 49
"Petitions of Amherst County: May 17, 1777 (A883). Charles Hay … George Witt…and John Guttery, ask reimbursement for expenses caused by sickness. They were soldiers in the State and Continental service in June and July, 1776, when taken ill and their expenses were £17, 15s, 2d …"
- Charles and his uncle Abner Witt, p. 49
"Oct. 4, 1784, Abner Witt heir at law to Charles Witt a Continental Soldier who died in the Army. (O.B. 1782-1784, p. 403.)"
- Abner Witt, p. 86.
"November Court, 1779 The following persons were Sworn as a Grand Jury for the Body of this County to-wit: … Abner Witt, Richard Oglesby,…."
- Conny Witt (nee Oglesby), p. 97
"BAILEY, PHILIP, Sr.,--Bedford Co., Va., March 26, 1833: b. Goochland Co., Va., 1749; drafted from Amherst Co., under Samuel Richardson. He hired a substitute, John Oglesby, as he was a poor man and having tobacco growing upon rented land was fearful if he left it at this time he would lost the crop; drafted again and met the rest of the men at Amherst Old Court House, the place of rendezvous, marched up Capt. William Penn, Lt. John Penn, Col. John Pope, to mouth of Rockfish River. Discharged after 2 mos.; vol. next tour under Capt. William Harris. Since the Revolution lived in Amherst 6 years, Bedford 4 years, Campbell 4 years then returned to Bedford Co., Va., where he was lived ever since. Conny Witt testified that during the Revolution she lived neighbor to Philip Bailey. We was in the same service with her father. Claim was allowed."
- John Witt, Jr., p. 91
"November Court, 1781 John Witt, Jr. licensed to keep an Ordinary ; Security, Thomas Evans." [An Ordinary is a tavern per bottom of page 87.]
- John Witt; p. 69, 71
"In: Claims for Property Impressed or Taken for Public Service. Order Book 1773-1782, pages 474-500. At a Court continued and held for Amherst County the 2nd Day of April, 1782…. the court now proceeds to receive the Claims of Sundry inhabitant of the said County against this and the United States which are as follows (amount and date of the certificate is stated in the Order Book following the name of the claimant and the kind of claim): … John Witt …"
- John Witt; p. 88
"Court held May 1, 1780 Members of a Grand Jury : … John Witt …"
- Jesse Oglesby, Celia (Witt) Oglesby, p. 156
"OGLESBY, JESSE,--Madison Co., Ky., Oct. 1, 1832, aged 72 : b. Fluvanna Co., Va.; served 3 mos. tour under Capt. James Barnett, Col. Dabney, as substitute without any reward or fee, for his nephew, Richard Perkins, a man of family. I was drafted in my absence & said Perkins went in my place. Vol. 1781, under Lt. Young Landrum, Col. Pope, and was in battle of Jamestown. Removed to Ky. 15 years since. Robert Dinwiddie, aged 70, Madison Co., Ky., testified he was well acquainted with Jesse Oglesby. He d. March 23, 1852. Celia (Witt) Oglesby, pensioner's widow, applied May 21, 1855. They were m. in Amherst Co., Va., by Rev. B. Berry, Sept. 25, 1794. Claim allowed." ---- [Note that Fluvanna Co. was not formed until 1777, from Albemarle Co., so Jesse would have been born in Albemarle County.]
- Charles Lavender, p. 149
"LAVENDER, CHARLES.--Lucy Lavender, applied Sept. 18, 1845, Jackson Co., Ga., aged 79, widow of Charles Lavender, who d. May 5, 1802, Edgefield Dist., S. C. He served a tour of military duty as a substitute at Albemarle Barracks, Col. Meriwether's Regt., Major Goodall; enlisted under Capt. Samuel Cabell, Contl. Line, and was gone so long that on his return his mother did not know him. They were m. in Amherst Co., Va., by Rev. David Patterson. Claim was allowed.
Charles Lavender, Jr., Jackson Co., Ga., Feb. 22, 1853, applied for a pension for the heirs of Charles & Lucy Lavender. He was Admr. of the estate of his mother, who d. June 14, 1846, leaving three children: Deponent, Simeon Lavender of Lowndes Co., Ala., & Willis Lavender of Choctaw Co., Miss. M.L.B Amherst Co., Va. : "Dec. 21, 1785, Charles Lavender, Jr., bachelor & Lucy Ballew, spinster." Joseph Ballew, McDowell Co., N.C., Aug. 20, 1852, testified he knew Charles Lavender in Amherst. Deponent had a brother, John Ballew, and Charles Lavender had a brother, William Lavender, and all three enlisted in the Continental Army. Charles Lavender moved to S.C. about 1787."
- William Lavender, p. 149-150
"LAVENDER, WILLIAM,--Amherst Co., Va., May 17, 1830, aged 70: entered service as a private 1778 under Capt. Jesse Allen, Col. Francis Taylor's Regt. Family consists of wife, dau. & grandchild. Hardin Woodroof , Buckingham Co., testified he was in same Regt. with Lavender & they served 18 mos. He d. Jan 17, 1835, and his widow, Sarah Lavender applied May 19, 1838, aged 71; they were m. April 4, 1781, by Rev. Holmes. Both pensions were allowed."
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