Surname/tag: campbell
The purpose of the Campbells of Amherst County Virginia is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Amherst County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.
In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Amherst County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Amherst County. This page has the Campbell Probate Records for the years 1772 to 1868.
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Amherst County Probate-Campbell
Year | Surname | Given_Name | Instrument | Book | Page | Comments | Doc_Image |
1772 | Campbell | Henry | Will | 1 | 234 | Wife Charity & Lawrence Campbell, executors. Will presented at court Dec 1772. | Doc Image |
1772 | Campbell | Henry | Inventory | 1 | 240 | Geo. Penn | Doc Image |
1776 | Campbell | Neill | Will | 1 | 329 | Will written Dec 1776; presented to court Mar 1777. | Doc Image |
1777 | Campbell | Neill | Exec bond | 1 | 332 | John & Charles Rose & Charles Irving | Doc Image |
1776 | Campbell | George | Will | 1 | 334 | Wife Margaret. Will written Nov 1776; presented to court May 1777. | Doc Image |
1777 | Campbell | George | Exec bond | 1 | 335 | Wife Margaret, John Henderson | Doc Image |
1777 | Campbell | John | Gdn bond | 1 | 341 | Orphan son of George Campbell; Guardians Thomas Pannell, Chas. Patrick, Thom. Stephenson | Doc Image |
1777 | Campbell | Neill | Inventory | 1 | 342 | No total given. | Doc Image |
1777 | Campbell | George | Inventory | 1 | 362 | Doc Image | |
1786 | Campbell | William | Admin Bond | 3 | 5 | Administrative bond for John Campbell for William Campbell, deceased. March 1786 | Doc Image |
1787 | Campbell | William | Inventory | 3 | 31 | April 1787. William Campbell, dec. 25 lbs, 4 shillings | Doc Image |
1788 | Campbell | Neill | Exer tx | 3 | 113 | Charles Irving, executor | Doc Image |
1791 | Campbell | George | Will | 3 | 169 | Will presented Feb 1791, no date when written. Names daughters Sarah, Mary, Caty, sons Ambrose, Joel, George, John. Calls himself "Sr." | Doc Image |
1791 | Campbell | George | Exec Bond | 3 | 170 | Edward Campbell witness, sons George and John executors | Doc Image |
1791 | Campbell | George | Inventory | 3 | 176 | March 1791. Inventory done by George Gillaspie, John Massey and Benjamin Wright | Doc Image |
1800 | Campbell | George | Inventory | 3 | 575 | April 1800. Inventory done by John Hill, John Campbell and Bartlett Cash | Doc Image |
1802 | Campbell | John (Wag) | Appraisement | 4 | 46 | July 1802. Inventory of estate | Doc Image |
1803 | Campbell | George | Exec hearing | 4 | 141 | Elizabeth Campbell, admin, failed to produce and settle estate of George Campbell dec, who was excutor of George Campbell the elder dec. | Doc Image |
1800 | Campbell | George | Admin Bond | 4 | 319 | Feb 1800. Elizabeth Campbell, admin, promises to handle administration of estate. Also John Masters, John Campbell (Wag), James and George Campbell | Doc Image |
1802 | Campbell | John (Wag) | Admin Bond | 4 | 351 | July 1802. James Montgomery and William Harris admins | Doc Image |
1802 | Campbell | Frances | Gdn bond | 4 | 352 | Child of John Campbell (Wag). John Campbell appointed guardian. George Campbell witness. | Doc Image |
1806 | Campbell | Peggy | Gdn bond | 4 | 424 | July 1806. Child of John Campbell, dec. John Campbell appointed guardian. George Campbell witness. | Doc Image |
1807 | Campbell | Peter | Constable bond | 4 | 462 | Appointed as a constable for Amherst County | Doc Image |
1813 | [[Campbell | Lawrence | Will | 5 | 535 | Wife Henrillaa Campbell, son James, dec., sons Francis, Lawrence, Catlett, daughters Mary Ann Burke, Judith M., Nancy Maloney, Salley Turner, Pamela Waugh. Will written 8 Jan 1813 | Doc Image |
1814 | Campbell | Lawrence | Exec bond | 5 | 536 | Will presented 17 Oct 1814 | Doc Image |
Campbell | Lawrence | Exec app | 6 | 234 | Indexed but not to be found there | ||
1827 | Campbell | Bartholomew | Admin Bond | 7 | 73 | Saml. W. Christian & Lucas P. Thompson | Doc Image |
1828 | Campbell | William, Jr. | Admin Bond | 7 | 161 | Will Campbell and Lawson Campbell | Doc Image |
1832 | Campbell | Joel | Will | 8 | 206 | Sons Wiley,Lewis,Catlet, Cornelius (dec), Joel Jr., daughters Lucy, Milly, Stilly | Doc Image |
1832 | Campbell | Joel | Admin Bond | 8 | 207 | Wiley Campbell admin | Doc Image |
1832 | Campbell | Joel, Sr. | Appraisement | 8 | 224 | Wiley Campbell exr. $5430.25 and $217.00 | Doc Image |
1832 | Campbell | Joel | Division of land | 8 | 237 | Division of land on both sides of Rocky Creek | Doc Image |
1832 | Campbell | George | Estate committed to sheriff | 8 | 286 | George died intestate and no one to settle the estate | Doc Image |
1833 | Campbell | Joel | Admin Bond | 9 | 160 | AA by Wiley Campbell | Doc Image |
1835 | Campbell | Joel | Inventory | 9 | 363 | AA by Wiley Campbell | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Joel | Admins report | 9 | 435 | John Dinwiddie, trustee for Mildred Dinwiddie, daughter of Joel Campbell, Sr. | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Benjamin | Trustee bond | 9 | 431 | To oversee funds for Levisey Campbell and children | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | John | Will | 9 | 379 | Wife Frances (Demasters), written 16 Aug 1837; names children | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | John | Exec bond | 9 | 380 | Sons James and George admins | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | John | Inventory | 9 | 428 | Some property found at home of Thomas Bolling in Nelson County; residue at mansion house in Amherst County | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Joel | refunding bond | 9 | 392 | Wiley Campbell admin; under will clause, mentions children of Joel | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Joel | refunding bond | 9 | 393 | Wiley Campbell admin; under will clause, mentions children of Joel | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Lucinda C. | Guard Bond | 10 | 48 | Jas. Campbell guardian of Lucinda C., James D. and Sophia E. Campbell, orphs of Jesse Campbell, dec. | Doc Image |
1838 | Campbell | Francis Jane | Guard Bond | 10 | 49 | Jas. Campbell guardian of Francis Jane, Martha and Rhoda, orphs of Jesse Campbell, dec. | Doc Image |
Campbell | John | Admin Bond | 10 | 167 | Indexed but not to be found there | ||
1842 | Campbell | Frances, Mrs. | Admin Bond | 11 | 89 | Jas. Campbell and Geo. W. Campbell for JC. Inventory of estate under will of late husband, Jno. Campbell | Doc Image |
1844 | Campbell | Joel | Admin Bond | 11 | 180 | Lewis S. Campbell and Jesse Mundy | Doc Image |
1846 | Campbell | Joel | Appraisement | 11 | 443 | No total; Elizabeth Campbell admrx | Doc Image |
1846 | Campbell | Joel | Admin Bond | 11 | 450 | Elizabeth Campbell admrx. With Henry G. Fulcher. (this could be for Joel, Jr., considering the Fulcher bondsman). | Doc Image |
1842 | Campbell | Jane | Guard Bond | 11 | 19 | Jno. Myers guardian for orphan of Alonzo Campbell | Doc Image |
1843 | Campbell | Eliz. M. | refunding | 11 | 103 | Eliz. M. Campbell and Alex M. Campbell to Lewis S. Campbell, admr. Of Wiley Campbell | Doc Image |
1841 | Campbell | Wiley | Will | 11 | 12 | Written 20 Jul 1841; wife Eliz. M.; names children | Doc Image |
1841 | Campbell | Wiley | Exec bond | 11 | 17 | Administrative bond | Doc Image |
1843 | Campbell | Wiley | Division | 11 | 201 | Slave division; names children | Doc Image |
1842 | Campbell | Wiley | Inventory | 11 | 208 | cannot find | |
1842 | Campbell | Wiley | Inventory | 11 | 22 | $8,761.25 | Doc Image |
1852 | Campbell | Wiley | Exors | 12 | 513 | Settling of receipts to estate by Lewis Campbell, admin | Doc Image |
1853 | Campbell | James | Admin Bond | 13 | 239 | Nancy, Jno. P. and Ro. P. Campbell | Doc Image |
1853 | Campbell | James | Will | 13 | 245 | Calls himself "Sr."; wife Nancy, lists children | Doc Image |
1853 | Campbell | James | Inventory | 13 | 246 | Doc Image | |
1856 | Campbell | Geo. T. Campbell | Admin Bond | 14 | 143 | Eady Campbell, with S.H. Wright and A. J. Wright | Doc Image |
1857 | Campbell | Daniel | Admin Bond | 14 | 437 | Wm. Campbell & Abraham Martin | Doc Image |
1858 | Campbell | Daniel | Inventory | 14 | 584 | $539.00 | Doc Image |
1856 | Campbell | Lawson | Constable bond | 14 | 131 | Elected to Constable, Dist. 4 | Doc Image |
1853 | Campbell | James | Inventory | 16 | 511 | $1,717.00 | Doc Image |
1863 | Campbell | Robt. P. | Admin Bond | 16 | 304 | Jno. P. Campbell, Archibald Beard, Chas. E. Beard | Doc Image |
1863 | Campbell | Robt. P. | Inventory | 16 | 330 | $640.00 | Doc Image |
1863 | Campbell | W. H. | Admin Bond | 16 | 359 | Sophia P. Campbell and Abram Martin | Doc Image |
1864 | Campbell | F. N. | Admin Bond | 16 | 458 | Eliz. Campbell and Robt. L. Coleman | Doc Image |
1866 | Campbell | Elizabeth | Admin Bond | 17 | 193 | Wm. H. Campbell &Thos. Lally for WC | Doc Image |
1868 | Campbell | Elizabeth | Division | 17 | 419 | To Wiley and Wm. H. Campbell | Doc Image |
1866 | Campbell | Abram | Guard Bond | 17 | 88 | Abram Martin as guardian for Abram Campbell; Price and Willis as orphans of Wm Campbell | Doc Image |
1868 | Campbell | Lawson | Inventory | 17 | 450 | No total | Doc Image |
1867 | Campbell | Poindexter | Guard Bond | 17 | 275 | Wm. B. Campbell guardian for Poindexter, orph. Of Jas. Campbell. | Doc Image |
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