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Amonet, Andre Will 1763 Chesterfield, Virginia

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In the name of God, amen, I, Andrew Amonet, of Chesterfield County, being in sound and perfect health and Memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, have thought fit to settle my worldly affairs in manner and form following, viz:

I give my soul to God, who gave it, me, hoping for pardon for all my sins through the Merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour, and my Body to the Earth to be buryed in decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors which shall hereafter mentioned in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection of the same through the Powers of God and for my worldye Goods which it please God to bless me with after my Just Debts and Funeral charges shall be paid I dispose of in manner and form following:

ITEM: I leave to the use of my beloved wife, Jane Amonet, the plantation whereon I now live, with the land thereunto belonging, during her natural life to have and enjoy without Molestation or disturbance and after her decease, I give the said land and plantation to my son, Charles Amonet, to him and his heirs forever. I likewise give to my well beloved wife, Jane Amonet, all my Moveable Estate, except sixty pounds, cash, to be raised out of it, for my four daughters to be paid by my wife to them when they come to Lawful age, or Marry.

Item: I give to my son John Amonet, ninety seven acres of land Binding on the lines of George Sowell and Joshua Trabue, to him and to his heirs forever.

ITEM: I give to my son, William Amonet, One hundred acres of land on the South side of Falling Creek binding on the lines of Mr. John Royle and the lines of Mr. Robert Wooldridge's line, and from thence to turn a Northward course to the Creek, so as to include his Compliment down the Meanaders of the said Falling Creek, to him and to his heirs forever.

ITEM: I give to my son, Jacob Amonet , one Hundred acres of land Binding on the lines of Robt. Wooldridge and Edward Wooldridge Beginning at the before mentioned black oak, corner to Robert Wooldridge's line to him and to his heirs forever.

ITEM: I give to my son, Andrew Amonet, One hundred acres of Land Binding the lines of William Wooldridge and John Martin, to include his Compliment, to him and his heirs forever.

ITEM: My sons is to have no share of my moveable Estate, neither household Goods, or stock of any kind,

ITEM: I give to my daughter, Judith Amonet , fifteen pounds, current money, which is to be raised out of my moveables and paid by her Mother, as before mentioned to her and her heirs forever.

ITEM: I give to my daughter, Jane Amonet , fifteen pounds, current money, to be raised and paid by her mother in like manner to her and to her heirs forever.

ITEM: I give to my daughter, Elizabeth Amonet, fifteen pounds, current money, to be raised and paid by her mother in like manner to her and to her heirs forever.

ITEM: Igive to my daughter, Magdalene (Amonet, fifteen pounds, current money, to be paid in like manner by her Mother to her and her heirs forever.

ITEM: In case either of my youngest sons, Jacob Amonet or Andrew Amonet, shall die under age, or without heir of their Body lawfully begotten, my will is that the surviving shall have the deceased's land.

ITEM: In case any of my four daughters die under age or without heir of their Body lawfully begotten, then the surviving sisters equally to divide such part, or parts.

ITEM: I constitute and ordain my well beloved wife, Jane Amonet, and my son William Amonet, Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament Revoking and disannulling, and making void all other Wills, or Testaments, before made by me, either Verbil or Written, and do by these presents ratify and confirm this to be my last Will and Testament.

IN WITNESS whereof, I hereunto set my hand, and fixed my seal, this second day of September. one thousand seven hundred and sixty one.

Andrew Amonet (LS)

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of

George Sowell, Thomas Vawter and William Martin.

At a Court held for Chesterfield County, October 20, 1763, in the third year of the Reign of Geo. 3rd.


Richard Eppes, Arch' Cary, Abram Sallee John Markham, Thomas Worshaw and Gent Just.

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