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The will of Richard Bourne

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 9 Feb 1593 to 15 Mar 1594
Location: Canterbury, Kent, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Bourne-6
This page has been accessed 57 times.

An english translation of the will of Richard Bourne, signed on 9 February 1593/4 and proved on 15 March 1594/5 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets].

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:

  • Richard Bourne (the author of the will)
  • Gylberte Bourne (Richard's eldest son and executor)
  • Gylberte late Bishope of Bathe and welles (Richard's brother)
  • Marye (Gylberte the son's eldest daughter)
  • John Bourne (Richard's second son)
  • Roger (another of Richard's sons)
  • Thomas (another of Richard's sons)
  • Richard (another of Richard's sons)
  • William (another of Richard's sons)
  • Jassper (Richard's youngest son)
  • Jane Bourne (not specified, possibly his daughter)
  • Harry (Richard's servant)

In the name of God: amen I Richard Bourne of Welles
in the countye of Somersett gentleman beinge sicke of body but perfecte in mynde (thank
be given to god) doe make this my last will and testamente (revokinge all other willes
and codicells whatsoever heeretofore by me made) in manner and forme followinge vizt, I
doe first bequeathe my sowle into the handes of Allmightie god besechinge him to forgive
me my synnes and to blesse all my children and childrens children, And as for my bodye
I commende yt to the earth from whence yt came to be buryed as nyghe my late wel
beloved wyfe as may be wythin the Cathedrall Church of Welles and in such sorte
let my eldest sonne Gylberte Bourne shall like of whom I make constitute and ordayne
my wholle and onelie executor to whom I give and bequeath all my free lande./ Ite[m]
I give him my lease of the demeanes of Wivelscombe wyth the Custodye of the greate
house there demised to me by my reverende Brother Gylberte late Bishope of
Bathe and welles./ Item I give him the lease of my nowe dwellinge house scytuated
and beinge wythin the libertyes of welles wyth my beste furniture of tapistrye
hanginges belonginge to the greate chamber my best and greate beddsteede and the
best furnyture belonginge to the same beddsteede I give to his eldest daughter Marye
Item I give my sonne Gilberte more the advonson of the Artchedeaconrye of Taunton
Item I give him my greate quishion of clothe of goulde my turkey carpettes and
three of my best tapistray quishons./ Item I give him my best gowne faced wyth
mantrns./ Item I give to my seconde sonne John Bourne, the scarlette gowne
and three of my best tapistrye quishions./ Item I give my sonne william my
second best gowne faced wyth martyns and also I give him that Featherbedd
and Boulster which he did of late borrowe of me./ Item I give my sonne Roger
my gowne faced wyth sattyn./ Item I give my sonne Thomas if yt please god that
he retourne wythin three yeares after my deathe home [?] to his natyve cuntry
or that yt be certeynelye known that he ys detayned prisoner wythin any farrayne
lande or terrytorie to be payd him at the end of three yeares one hundreth
poundes by the handes of my executor, and in the meane while till three
yeres be expired sixe poundes thirteane Shillinges eighte pence a year towarde
his mayntenaunce./ Item I give to my sonne Richard one hundred markes of currant
Inglishe moneye to be payd him at the end of three years after my decease
and in the meane while to have fyve pounds a yere towardes his maynten[a]nce
And yf it hapen that my sonne Thomas retourne not home wythin three
yeares have anye certeyne knowledge of his death or ymprisonmente, then my
Sonne Richardes por[i]on of one hundred markes to be made one hundred pounde[s]
to be payd him at the ende of three yeares as I have before willed./ And
the rest of my bequeste to Thomas my will is it to be bestowed in this mony
followinge viz fourtye shillinges to the com[m]onaltye of the towne of welles
fortye Shillinges towards the repayeringe of highe wayes nighe the Cittye
of Bristoe, fortye Shillinges towards the repayeringe of the highe wayes nyghe Bridgewater
twentye poundes to my sonne William and twentye poundes to my youngest sonne Jassper
and a peece of plate to the chamber of worceter of such price as yt shall please my
executor to bestowe whom my will is to have the use of the sayd hundred poundes for
three years payenge nothinge for the use thereof and then to dischardge the legacyes
and bequestes aforesayed, Provided allso if my sonne Richarde die before the expira[i]on
of three yeares my will is that my executor bestowe his porc[i]on amonge my childrens
Children accordinge to his Discrec[i]on./. Item I give my sonne Jasspar a featherbedd
and boulster./ Item I give him my needle worke quishions that are in the waynscott
cheste under the wyndowe in my greate Chamber./ Item I give to Jane Bourne my
best brasse pott./ Item I give Harrye my servaunte fowertye Shillinges and of my
apparrell such and soe much as my executor shall thynke meete./. Item my will is that
my Sonne Gylberte make Choyse of my best garmishe of pewter and the rest to
devide among his Brotheren accordinge to his discrec[i]on and theire necessytie
The rest of all goodes my funeralls and Debtes Dischardgyed I give to my
executor to be distributed accordinge to his discrec[i]on requiringe him as he will
answeare before god to performe the same accordinge to my will before specyfyed
which I have caused to be made this nynth day of Februarye one thouesand fyve
hundred nyntye and three et in anno of our Soveraygne Lady the queene that
nowe ys the six and thirtyth./


  1. Will of Richard Bourne, Gentleman of Wells, Somerset. Reference: PROB 11/83/245 Description: Will of Richard Bourne, Gentleman of Wells, Somerset Date: 15 March 1594. Held by: The National Archives, Kew. (https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D929957) Accessed 21 July 2022.

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