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y-DNA Claims to Anabaptist Souder Families

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Souder Sauter Sowder
Profile manager: Gina Meyers private message [send private message]
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The FTDNA Souder Surname DNA Project [1] identifies a number of different families carrying the Souder surname (or a variant). Of these, two appear to be confirmed as having an association with Anabaptist churches. They are identified in y-DNA studies as Groups 2 and 6.[2]

Group 2

Descendants of Jacob Souder (c.1680-c.1737) - G haplogroup

Group 6

Descendants of Casper Sauder (c.1726-c.1793) - R1b haplogroup

Jacob Sowder (c.1734-1818) of Virginia

Two conflicting claims are made to the family of Jacob Sowder (c.1734-c.1818) of Virginia :

  1. One of these is in Group 2, but is very distantly related to the others (common ancestor estimated to have been born c.1350).[2]
  2. Another (Group 8) is in the R1b haplogroup but unrelated to any other Souder lines.[2]

Jacob of VA has been popularly supposed to be a son of Jacob Souder (c.1680-c.1737) (ancestor of the G haplogroup). However, this is not supported by either of the claims noted above.


  1. FTDNA Souder Surname DNA Project viewed at
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Souder, Mary Fern (2015). "Cousins with the Right Stuff : The Souder Family" viewed at



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