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Ancestral Memories: Jean Peckham and Thomas Delano

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Recorded by John Schmeeckle, January 7, 2017.


Jean Peckham will be able to tell her story if John is certain to not share it with anyone who is not authorized by Jean Peckham. Jean was under the impression that her descendant wanted to publish a story of ancestral memories. Jean thinks that this depends on ancestors having memories that they are happy to share with descendants. Jean believes that, if her memories include bad things, this should be acknowledged. However, John is imagining publishing a book that will be read by people who are not descendants. This is something that calls for careful selection. Jean will be willing for some of her memories to be shared by family members, and others to be shared publicly if John manages to get a book published.

Jean's father Stephen Peckham

Jean was the daughter of a man who had a lot of land. He was known for being wealthy, but he didn’t have much money and didn’t have many belongings. All he had was the land, with nobody to live on the land. For this reason, he wasn’t as wealthy as he seemed. Jean’s father wasn’t a bad man. He was Christian and went to church regularly. However, he had the tendency to argue. He was inclined to be dogmatic. He didn’t like to recognize points made by opponents, even if they were obviously true. This led him to be not well-liked. Jean’s father was unable to prosper because he wasn’t able to find men who were willing to farm on his land and give him a part of the crops. He wasn’t able to cooperate with people, so they looked elsewhere. This meant that Jean’s father was constantly short of money. He needed to find a way to pay the tax for the land. He hoped to find people to buy the land, and slowly he found buyers, which helped pay the tax. However, this didn’t leave him with much extra. He simply didn’t have a way to benefit from his inheritance.

Jean's mother Mary Harrich

Jean knew that her mother was from a good family. Her mother was a very religious person. She wasn’t a new religious person. She had been religious all her life. She came from a family where the religious feeling was very strong and very strict. She knew that her faith was the pillar of her life, and she lived her faith without fail. She was kind and generous and believed that her acts were not important for her salvation. She knew that she would be saved, because she had received the grace of God. This was all, and she knew that anything that she did wouldn’t have any effect. She knew that, because some people didn’t accept this way of thinking, that her children would be tempted to not follow this way of thinking. Jean was not able to accept this type of thought when she became an adult. She was simply unable to believe that her faith alone was sufficient. So Jean abandoned this view and became a member of a church that didn’t try to impose this view on others.

Jean wasn’t able to live in harmony with her family. After her marriage, she wasn’t able to have a good relationship with her parents. Jean was sad about this. Her parents wanted her to visit their house, but Jean wanted to be with her children. Jean was afraid that her children wouldn’t be properly respectful, and this would cause her mother to think that Jean wasn’t a good mother. For this reason, Jean avoided going to her parents’ house when she was able to.

(In response to my question): Jean knows that the maiden name of her mother was Harrich. Her mother was from Plymouth Colony, but was not from a well-known family. Her father had trouble finding a wife, and finally found a woman from Plymouth who would marry him. This is all that Jean will say.

Jean and her many grandchildren

However, Jean wanted to have a good connection with her children’s spouses. Jean knew that this was important to ensure that the grandchildren were well received. Jean knew that, because her parents weren’t able to be friendly to her children, they missed out on having a relationship with their grandchildren.

Jean wanted to make sure that she was able to have a relationship with her grandchildren, and was able to do so. Jean remembers having seventeen grandchildren at her home at the same time. This was a record within the family. Jean had been hoping that several others would be able to attend, but their mother was unable to bring them. Jean never had another chance to gather so many grandchildren at one time. Jean knew, because she was loved by her grandchildren, that her children were inclined to visit her house. And so Jean was able to have a very happy old age. Jean eventually was able to form a special relationship with one granddaughter. This granddaughter was the one whom she kept in contact with after she died. Jean knew, after she died, that her granddaughter intended to make sure that her own daughter got to know Jean. Jean’s granddaughter’s daughter was inclined to be respectful but not inclined to be conversational. Jean heard from her great-granddaughter occasionally, but it wasn’t a close relationship.

Jean knew, after her great-granddaughter died, that she wouldn’t have any more relationships with descendants. She knew, because this line of relationship had died out, that she would be alone. She knew, after being alone for many years, that being alone wasn’t necessary. She was able to think of her descendants and watch them. She found, after experimenting, that she could be present when descendants were born. This meant that she was able to experience the coming into the world of her descendants and was able to look at their spirits. Newborn babies have a transparent spirit. It is possible to see what kind of soul is in the body. Jean was able to recognize babies who would have a hard time controlling their desires. And she was able to recognize babies who would be dutiful and obedient.

Jean knew that, after she was able to look at the births of her descendants, she would be able to follow them and discover if her observations were accurate. She found, in half the cases, that the descendant was unable to prevent problems that Jean saw at birth from affecting them. This made Jean unable to think of ways to be with these descendants. When she saw a descendant with a birth problem, she decided to not be with that descendant. This led her to restrict the number of descendants that she followed. Jean thinks that, because of this, Jean didn’t follow the line that led to John, her descendant who is recording what she is writing. Jean suspects that her great-great-great-great-grandson was the one whom she decided not to follow. Jean thinks that, because she made this decision, she has avoided thinking about the descendants of the descendants whom she decided not to follow. Jean thinks, if there is a way for her descendant to let her know who are living descendants, she would like to know more descendants.

Jean is pleased to know that she has one living descendant who is capable of communicating with her. Jean thinks that, if this communication is going to continue, it will have to be shared with the many other ancestors whom this descendant has communicated with. Jean thinks that her descendant will not have any problem with her saying that she won’t be likely to talk to him very much. Jean is constantly watching other descendants, and hopes that this descendant will help her contact others. This is all that Jean will say.


Thomas Delano will now share his story. Thomas was the son of a man who was one of the earliest settlers of Plymouth Colony. Thomas knew that his father wasn’t a rich man. He was hard-working and religious. He knew that it wasn’t important to be rich. He simply accepted what he had and provided well for his children. Thomas Delano’s father was unable to provide much for his children. He was able to give land, but little else. The land was cheap, and everybody had land.

This land was not good farmland. Thomas Delano wanted to be able to provide a good home for his family, but he knew that he would have to work hard to make ends meet. He was always struggling to find enough food for his family. His farmland simply didn’t produce enough. Thomas wasn’t able to give a good inheritance to his children. He was able to give something to each one of them, but he wasn’t able to be generous.

Thomas wasn’t able to have any relationship with his descendants after he died. Thomas wasn’t able to have a relationship with his ancestors when he was alive. He didn’t know that this could be done. Thomas was able to have good relationships with his children while he was alive, and he thanked God for that. This is all that Thomas Delano will say.

(continued on Jan. 21, 2017) Thomas Delano will be pleased to talk to his descendant. Thomas Delano was the son of a man who was the son of an early settler. Thomas knows that his father described his own father as a man who was simple and honest. This is the description that Thomas would use for his own father. Thomas Delano was able to marry a woman from a good family. Thomas knew that his wife was from an aristocratic family. Thomas knew that his wife was proud of her lineage. Thomas knew that his wife wanted her children to remember their heritage. Thomas was unsettled at how his wife instilled in their children a way of thinking that wasn’t the same as his own. Thomas believes that his children grew up thinking that they were better than other children. Thomas believes that this was a problem. Thomas knows that, because his children had the attitude that they were privileged, they tended to look down on people who had common backgrounds. Thomas believes that, because of this issue, Thomas and his wife were uncomfortable with each other. Thomas believes that, because he had a Mayflower ancestor, his wife was able to pretend that Thomas had a good lineage. Thomas knew that his mother’s family, the Warrens, was a family that was respected in Plymouth. Thomas knew that the Warrens were among the more respectable Mayflower families.

Thomas remembers that the Mayflower families settled in Dartmouth, and this is how his father met and married his mother. Thomas knows that, because of his father’s marriage, his father was connected to several families that were also present in Dartmouth. This was very useful for Thomas’s father. Thomas knows, if John is willing to talk to Thomas’s father, that his father will tell John more things. However, Thomas thinks that John is reluctant to talk to distant ancestors for the time being. Thomas wants John to be able to talk to Thomas’s father, so Thomas might be able to communicate with him. This is all that Thomas will say.


I discussed the phenomenon of communicating with ancestors here:

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