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Androscoggin County Soldiers of the Revolution

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Location: Androscoggin, Maine, United Statesmap
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This space to catalog Revolutionary War soldiers who lived and are buried in Androscoggin County Maine.

Androscoggin county was formed on 18 March 1854 from towns originally in Cumberland County, Lincoln County, Kennebec County, and Oxford County

Parent Page Maine In the Revolutionary War

Soldiers buried in Androscoggin County
Name Born Died DAR SAR FG # Cemetery / Note Birthplace Rank
Bird, AaronBird, Aaron 1756 1822 A010297 114918 46721867 Brookvale Dorchester, MA Drummer
Dyer, ElkanahDyer, Elkanah 1759 1820 A035148 152066 39605432 Garcelon Lewiston Private
Fickett, VinsonFickett, Vinson 1757 1839 157816 84712635 Sanborn Cape Elizabeth Soldier
Hatch, SamuelHatch, Samuel 1757 1841 A052865 46452515 Evergreen Rochester, MA Private
Perkins, EnochPerkins, Enoch 1754 1838 A088760 21397015 Briggs Bridgewater, MA Musician
Cowing, CalvinCowing, Calvin 1752 1844 A026875 139802 86570468 Hillside Scituate, MA Private
French, DanielFrench, Daniel 1739 1813 162099 Berkley, MA Private
Rand, LazarusRand, Lazarus 1755 1816 A205965 275303 Scarborough Private
Smith, JasielSmith, Jasiel 1734 1810 A105715 292192 253347403 unknown Taunton, MA Private
Fish, JirahFish, Jirah 1744 1821 A041257 158423 11471710 Fish Sandwich, MA Private
Dill, JohnDill, John 1740 1808 A035337 148210 York Private
Chandler, JonathanChandler, Jonathan 1731 1818 A020634 131167 213158127 unknown Duxbury, MA Private
Redlon, MatthiasRedlon, Matthias 1749 1837 A094043 276511 62826364 Beech Hill Saco Corporal
Johnson, JonathanJohnson, Jonathan 1754 1832 A063426 225315 Harpswell Corporal
Coombs, HezekiahCoombs, Hezekiah 1759 1839 A025602 138381 New Meadows Private
Jumper, EdwardJumper, Edward 1754 1791 A205711 191787639 unknown Manchester, MA Lieutenant
Bradbury, SamuelBradbury, Samuel 1759 1796 A013311 119369 Minot Matross
Lake, ElishaLake, Elisha 1742 1806 232346 North Yarmouth Captain
Merrill, RogerMerrill, Roger 1761 1852 A078009 248250 46682833 Sawyer Newbury, MA Private
Davis, IsaacDavis, Isaac 1758 1846 A030326 144556 53161592 Harmony Grove Scarborough Private
Lamb, JamesLamb, James 1760 1841 A209581 232449 89525887 West Leeds Charlton, MA Private
Knapp, JosephKnapp, Joseph 1740 1811 A066230 231034 53205659 Knapp Taunton, MA Private
Cushman, SilvanusCushman, Silvanus 1764 1839 41182277 Davis Middlesborough, MA  ?
Gerrish, CharlesGerrish, Charles 1717 1805 A044360 165412 107291687 Gerrish House Berwick Major
Thompson, JoelThompson, Joel 1753 1841 A114196 304179 235546236 Davis Brunswick Sergeant
Young, ChristopherYoung, Christopher 1764 1843 A129714 326121 115691035 Mount Auburn Scituate, MA Private

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