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Angel Family Mysteries

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Location: Bollinger County, Missourimap
Surname/tag: Angel
Profile manager: Laura Vonk private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 124 times.

I am looking for any information I can find about my 2 great grand parents, Frederick Michael and Sarah (Baker) Angel.

I know Frederick was born in Prussia, came to America, and ended up settling in Bollinger County, Missouri. He married Sarah Baker on 14 Dec 1874 in Bollinger County, MO as I have found their Marriage Record there. I have a photo of them.

My Grandpa (Ernest Angel) told me one time that his Grandparents had a house fire and died in it. They had 4 children who where separated to live with different people after that happened. I have not been able to verify that there was a fire, or what date they died. I have, however been able to verify their children where separated and raised by other people.

They had 4 kids: Rosa (Angel) Small Joseph William Angel (My Great Grandpa) Molly E. (Angel) Newell Erich August Angel

Sources include: Marriage Record Obituaries of the children

Any information I can get on Frederick Michael and Sarah Angel would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Categories: Family Mysteries