Location: Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Letter from Robert Angus of Glasgow, Scotland to John and Margaret Whyte in Norfolk County, Canada West, 1851
The original letter is in the possession of Beate Brookfield and is written on thin delicate blue paper, about 11x7, folded in half on its length and written on all four parts like a card. It was then turned as a single sheet and written in red ink over the blue ink writing. The transcription shown was completed by Beate Brookfield and preserves original spelling and punctuation.[1]
Glasgow 29 July 1851
Dear Brother and Sister[2]
I write you a few lines to let you know that we received your letter of date 18th _____ and we were happy to hear that you are well and liking Canada well you can tell Robert[3] that his wife’s brother called upon us eight days after Margaret’s father left here intending to send some word with him but he said that he would write They are all well their I may inform you that Thomas McMurtrie[4] has got married at last upon 5th June to one Ann Robertson from Tansbowie Distillery and he has his best respects to you and Jane Lang[5] has got married upon the 26th of June upon Daniel Crombrie and there was not a turn out like it at Kilsyth and their many a day their was two first class coaches out of Glasgow and two gigs and their was eleven couples left her father’s house and the hole of the people of Kilsyth was turned out to see it and it was a teetotal wedding plenty of meat and dancing and singing but no drink and there was many a joke passed that night so much dancing and singing without any spirits they have taken up their residence in a new house near the cross of Kilsyth. Jane has her best respects likewise her father and mother and they are all well. I am sorry to say that my brother James has lost his daughter Christina that is the one that was born at the time you left this country. She was buried last week they are all well otherwise and he has his best respects to you likewise. Thomas Dalylish has his best respects to you and he is writing a letter this week to William Provan on Provan has sent home a letter to Mary Meikham stating that he is paying five pound a year to the trustee for the farm and his wife and family is away out to him. I have called upon William Luck about Barrwood twice since I got your letter for he did not call upon me at last term and there is but about 2 pounds six or seven shilling comes to you at this time for their has been a good many repair going on at this time and their was 12 shilling over the 24 shilling paid while William had it and I told Jack to come to Glasgow and give Mr. Morrison what money he had left which he has done and he was to have got a duplicate of the decreed that Kirkwood hold against William but when Jack went to the writers where they had been lying Kirkwood had called and got all the papers away. So I went to Kilsyth upon the 28th _____ and told Jack to get the decreed from Kirkwood and bring it to Mr Morrison for we are of the opinion that the decreed is all paid so Jack will be in Glasgow next week with it and as McLaren the factor Kilsyth estate is dead a new one has been taking over the books and there is eight pound six shilling and four pence halfpenny standing against Barrwood for fue duty but there is two pound standing against a house in Kilsyth that your brother William is lifting the fue duty of but Jack has stopped him from getting more until he pays the fue belonging to the house and it will reduce the burden upon Barrwood till about six pound but I will say no more about it present as Mr Morrison is going to send you a letter along with this when Jack comes in to let you know how things stand. I hope Margaret’s father will have got safe to you for we seed in the newspaper that his ship arrive safe at Montreal and your old ship the Three Bells has arrived safe upon her passage except one. We heard by your aunt’s letter to Uncle James that you had got a daughter and we were glad to hear it from yourself and we wish you much happiness and joy in rising family and may it rise up and be a blessing to you in your adopted country. This leaves us all well and getting on much about the same way that you left us making it no worse getting our meat and cloths which we ought to be thankful for but can’t say we save any money by the time that we get all that we need. But your sister is very keen to come to America and the family is hearing now and then they are going to America to see their Uncle John but we must content ourselves hear a little till once we see how things is going to do with us. You will write soon and let us know how you are getting on and when you write let us know how Margaret’s Father got over. You have all our best respects your brother William is still _____ Glasgow but never long in one place. I cannot say where he is working at present but he was with William Smither writing about eight days since and he is stopping with Miller that was serving with him at Dirnsbuck but his son Peter is still with Thomas Dalylish ______. There is no word of your Uncle Robert directing your Uncle John’s money yet. The meal rose about ten shilling in the land here in about a month but we have the appearance of a good crop at present and it is back three shilling the load again. It is selling at present from thirty one to thirty shilling the load. Excuse the bad writing and spelling in haste and send us your own direction. No more at present but remain your affection Brother in Law Robert Angus
May the god of Blessings Bless you and your is the humble Prayer of your RA
- ↑ Email, Jan. 20, 2018 from Beate Brookfield.
- ↑ Robert was married to John's sister Janet.
- ↑ Robert was John and Janet's brother. He and his wife had also immigrated to Canada and lived nearby in Middleton township.
- ↑ Thomas was listed in 1851 Scotland Census, Parish: Barony; ED: 6B; Page: 3; Line: 1; Roll: CSSCT1851_143; Household schedule number: 11; as a visitor in the Robert Angus household and as Robert's store assistant. No evidence that he was related.
- ↑ John's first cousin.
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