Location: Southport, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Surnames/tags: Rigby Perrin
"Holy Bible" (entries are in back few pages)
James Albert Rigby Born March 12th 1864
Kate Rigby Born January 2nd 1866
Sarah Rigby Born Febuary 21st 1868
Timothy Rigby Born November 12th 1870
Annie Rigby Born May 4th 1879 [inserted: 19 in 1898, 64 in 1943]
Mary Rigby Born November 18th 1839
Tim Rigby Born Dec 14 1904 [in lighter ink]
Timothy Rigby born Dec 1st 1902
William Alfred Black Born Nov 1st 1917
Kate Rigby married Dec. 20th to Jack Cox 1894
Sarah Rigby married Aug 19th 1897 to William Whalley
Timothy Rigby married March 17 1902 to Emma Seddon
Ann Rigby age 37 Married to William Black age 34 on September 9th 1916
at St Paul's Church
Ann Perrin died July 25 (1897) years 82
James Rigby died ? 24 1901 59 years
Mary Rigby died Aug 18 / 1914
Life's race is run Life's task well done Now comes rest
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